Another hard L.
So most of us (9 of 13) mispredicted this to be a W and scored next to nothing...
The 4 who knew better still didn't come very close to the final result -
Kings 98 - Nugs 114...
The relative winners of the night scored 49 (@
New Era), 48 (@
eMBarkat10n), 47 (@
SLAB) and 44 (@
Capt. Factorial).
Actually, "the flatliner" (a fixed 97-106 loss prediction suggested by @
R2D2 to test a theory...) beat everybody else tonight...
(Don't worry. It doesn't count in our race, but it IS embarrassing, in a way...

The rest will follow later/tomorrow.
Meanwhile, you can start predicting the must-win game against the hated Fakers in 2 days...
Daily Winners
# KingsFan ........................ Daily Wins
1. @
New Era ........................ 4
2. @
Ron ................................. 3
3. @
Russell Pimphustler .. 2
--- @
chief bromden ............. 2
--- @
206Fan ........................... 2
--- @
LoungeLizard .............. 2
--- @
Capt. Factorial ............. 2
8. @
Telemachus ................. 1
--- @
SLAB .............................. 1
--- @
km23 .............................. 1
--- @
alonshin ........................ 1
--- @
eMBarkat10n ............... 1
No changes in the top 3, but the leader @
New Era seriously extended the gap from @
Russell Pimphustler in 2nd.
(BTW - "The flatliner" is exactly tied with @
New Era, with 657 points each).
Capt. Factorial passed @
LoungeLizard to take 4th.
SLAB passed @
alonshin to take 11th.
eMBarkat10n passed @
El Paljasso and @
km23 to take 13th.
The full board:
Averages Per Prediction
KingsFan..................... Games….... Average
..................................... predicted.. per pred.
New Era ........................ 16….....……. 41.06
alonshin .......................... 6…..…...…. 38.83
Russell Pimphustler ... 16…..…..…. 37.25
chief bromden ............... 4…..…….... 36.00
eMBarkat10n .................. 6…..…..…. 34.50
Ron .................................. 17…..……. 34.18
Capt. Factorial .............. 17…..……. 32.88
km23 ................................. 5…..……. 32.00
206Fan ............................ 12…..……. 31.83
LoungeLizard ............... 17…..……. 31.71
lwc ..................................... 3…..……. 31.00
SLAB ................................. 8…..……. 29.25
Tomcat ............................ 10…..……. 28.40
Spike .................................. 2…..……. 27.50
Telemachus ................... 17…..……. 25.71
Tetsujin .......................... 12…..……. 24.58
King Baller ...................... 4…..……. 21.00
CVKingsfan ................... 17…..……. 20.65
KingsFanSince85 ........... 4…..……. 15.75
bubulina .......................... 5…..……. 12.40
El Paljasso ..................... 16…..……. 12.19
origkds ........................... 13…..……. 11.46
VF21 .................................. 7…..……. 7.86
*The Flatliner .................. 17…..……. 38.65