NCAA Football


Super Moderator Emeritus
BigWaxer said:
Reggie Bush was awesome
And to think ... if the 49ers continue on their present path, Reggie just might end up in red and gold next year.

Wouldn't that send you right over the edge?



Super Moderator Emeritus
hoopsfan said:

I don't think I breathed in the last 5 minutes.
Would it really be TOO MUCH to ask to let my team win just one of these stupid games between us?

I kept having WCF flashbacks...

VF21 said:
And to think ... if the 49ers continue on their present path, Reggie just might end up in red and gold next year.

Wouldn't that send you right over the edge?

I think my Vikes just might give the Niners a run for him. ;)


Super Moderator Emeritus
Well, I have to admit the Vikings are trying harder...if their objective is to end up with the first pick, that is.

Love the positive spin they tried to put on the party boat fiasco.

VF21 said:
And to think ... if the 49ers continue on their present path, Reggie just might end up in red and gold next year.

Wouldn't that send you right over the edge?

Thats okay then maybe we can rekindle the Dallas / SF rivalry.

OH and remember we have the ND RB ;)
VF21 said:
Well, I have to admit the Vikings are trying harder...if their objective is to end up with the first pick, that is.

Love the positive spin they tried to put on the party boat fiasco.


What happened? I've heard several references to it but missed the whole story.
great try by ND, they almost did it! USC just too damn good.
VF21 said:
Well, I have to admit the Vikings are trying harder...if their objective is to end up with the first pick, that is.

Love the positive spin they tried to put on the party boat fiasco.


Now, to add to this wonderful day..UCLA is losing by 14. :D
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Best game I've ever seen... by far! I thought Cal-UCLA was a good game... yikes!

I was so happy. Thought USC was going to lose and then that 4th down pass... shouldve let him run it in. Wouldve given the Irish time with the ball. Good Game ND! Tough loss.
UCLA now leading 44-41 in OT. Nice comeback! FSU losing 10-26 halfway through the third. Come on Virginia!
My Dawgs did their thing. It was not pretty but I'll take a 34-17 win.:D 6-0 works for me.
Congrats chelle, nice win by the Tigers.
yeah I have this FSU/UVA game on...this is like the first year that I've had at least a half clue whats going on in the world of College football...I really do hope that UVA wins cuz one of my best friends goes to FSU and everytime they win we have to hear about it...
Yea UVA won!! I'm excited that they beat FSU. Now if only Texas and VT lose I'll be really happy. Great day of college football yesterday, that USC/ND game is already being called one of the greatest ever in a poll on ESPN. Of course one of the other games were before my time so I didn't vote. Maybe VF remembers 1971.;)
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I remember the '88 Miami/ND game and I voted for that because ND won. Very similar game/hype and last play situation. Yesterdays game would have been the best ever if ND won haha so I say it was #2. I was still in the oven in '71 so I didn't see that game.

Imagine how I felt when the Cowboys hired Jimmy Johnson.
I'm going to Athens tomorrow for the game and I'm so excited, I haven't been since I went to school there, more than a couple of years ago.;) You guys look for me on tv, I'm sitting in the corner of the end zone and I'll be wearing red and black (like 90,000 other people). Kick off is 12.30. GO DAWGS!


VF21-I'm finally rooting with you this time. Down with BYU.

p.s.-did you see the quarterback for byu run in his touchdown and fall on his arse after???


Reggie Bushs Punt Return. Just Goes To Show U That The Niners Need To Draft Him If They Have The First Pick
Come on LSU, I can't stand Auburn. I hope Tenn. won I just got home and haven't had time to check yet. I had great time although our QB got hurt and we were lucky to still win. Bad part is he's probably going to be out for the Gators and we really need him. Our backup sucks.:(
I'm assuming Texas also won, boo! They were leading last I heard.
Wow...Texas pounded Texas Tech, USC pounded Washington, Mich St lost to Northwestern, and badly, and UCLA's Drew Olson already has 6 TD throws and only 7 incompletions in the fourth quarter.

Obviously not as good a week as last, but still pretty impressive on the parts of NW, USC, and UT.

Go Cal. Don't lose to lowly Washington State.
We won, Loopy! It was an awesome game! The crowd was INSANE!!! I did feel really bad for Auburn's kicker. (Not bad enough to wish that he made that final field goal!) I always feel sorry for the kicker at the end of games. Anyway, I'm glad for your Dawgs' win. Hopefully Shockley will be back for the gator game.
Yea chelle that's great! Congratulations. Go Tigers unless they play us!;) In OT also, very impressive! I see your Gamecocks won also, great day for you.
Nice win by UCLA, glad to see good things from the Bruins!
A big SEC game this weekend Georgia vs. Florida. This wil almost certianly decide whose going to the SEC championship. I wasn't worried till Shockley went out, he won't be playing this week. A defensive game and although UGA does have the better defense, there's something about those Gators that gets us. I'm convinced it's psychological. Even when we have the better team they seem to beat us. I still remember 2002 when we were undefeated and they ruined our bid to the ntl.championship. I hope Joe T has the game of his life, he's going to need it.
loopymitch said:
A big SEC game this weekend Georgia vs. Florida. This wil almost certianly decide whose going to the SEC championship. I wasn't worried till Shockley went out, he won't be playing this week. A defensive game and although UGA does have the better defense, there's something about those Gators that gets us. I'm convinced it's psychological. Even when we have the better team they seem to beat us. I still remember 2002 when we were undefeated and they ruined our bid to the ntl.championship. I hope Joe T has the game of his life, he's going to need it.
You said it, UGA has a mental lapse whenever it comes to playing the Gators. There is no rhyme nor reason, it's just that the Gators own Georgia.

I always compare it to FSU vs. GA Tech. Pure dominance.