NCAA Football

Shoot, we lost in overtime...ack

I really wish Longshore hadn't gotten hurt, although I'm not blaming the three losses on Ayoob, I just had a really good feeling about Longshore and who knows what would have happened.

Now that there are only three undefeated teams (lmao, UCLA got blown out by Arizona! actually Ariz had promise, and I'm very impressed with their coach, Mummie I think?), its gonna be interesting how the year plays out. USC has three ranked teams on their schedule (even though Cal might not be ranked going in), and Alabama has two ranked, while Texas has...Kansas and Texas A&M left lol. I don't think anyone will dispute Texas winning out, but what of the other two? The scenarios are as follows:

a)One team loses (even Texas possibly), leaving the other two as the championship contenders

b)Both SC and Alabama lose one game...which of the two, or another one loss team, gets into the Rose Bowl vs Texas?

c)all three undefeateds lose. what then? I'd think USC vs Texas still, or at least USC vs someone, but who knows?

d)Both USC and 'Bama win out, leaving three undefeated teams, which leaves the biggest dilema

Supposedly ESPN is bias towards USC and Texas, but even if they are not, is it not true that a burning question in college football is who would win between those teams? But in that case, a VERY deserving Alabama team will be left out, which is exactly like last year, so why would the BCS have a problem with that?

USC will have beaten 6 then or currently ranked teams, which is very impressive. They have the edge in this whole thing for several reasons. First, they beat the upstart Fighting Irish. Second, they had to go TO ND, Cal, and Oregon at Autzen. Third, they are the defending champions and everyone expected (and maybe even expects) them to win it again this year.

Texas beat 3 then or once/currently ranked teams. problemo is, they barely one the away game of those three, and won the two home games, against teams who have since been exposed as then overranked/overestimated. Also, they seem to have the most 'gimme' games, or the most games which they were predicted to win with little argument.

'Bama beat 4 then or once/currently ranked teams, including two to end the season. Those two last victories should ring in voters ears and stick in their memory much more than Texas' last two games. Especially if Bama can beat LSU easily at home and win well AT Auburn, they should put up a good contest for the championship slot.

Okay, this post has gotten long enough. If anyone got thru the whole thing, kudos to you :).
Okay, this post has gotten long enough. If anyone got thru the whole thing, kudos to you :).

Alright! Kudos to me!

Well now there's an interesting twist in that a one loss Miami could bypass Alabama even if the Tide goes undefeated.

Lets analyze the schedules:

To play: @Cal, #22 Fresno State, #15 UCLA
Currently Ranked Teams beaten: @#10 Oregon, @#11 Notre Dame

I don't see USC having many difficulties with the exception of UCLA. Since it is a rivalery game, anything can always happen with that much passion. Anyone to point out that Cal may have a chance, I'd like to introduce you to one stat: 0-3. That's their record against teams at or above .500. You think they can beat the #1 team in the nation... pipe dream.

To Play: Kansas, @Texas A&M, Big 12 Title #18 Colorado
Currently Ranked Teams beaten: @#8 Ohio State, #18 Colorado, #12 Texas Tech

Texas has been the most dominant team this year in college football. Every single win has been impressive, with two blow-outs against ranked teams. Their main difficulty is going to be themselves. Each year Mack Brown seems to lose the "Big Game," or any game with national title implications. The Longhorns have dodged a bullet with Oklahoma being down this year and now seemingly having Colorado as that "Big Game" in the Big 12 Title match. The stars are aligning for Texas to make it to their first BCS title appearance.

But not so fast my friends. Remember this headline?
"Fast-finishing Colorado downs Texas for Big 12 title" That happened in 2001, under a similar situation, where it seemed that Texas had an easy romp into... The Rose Bowl.

To Play: #7 LSU, @#15 Auburn, SEC Title Game: Georgia or Florida
Currently Ranked Teams beaten: #13 Florida

Alabama still has a lot of work to even make it to the SEC Title game, let alone the Rose Bowl. Alabama must ideally, win out to make it to the SEC title game only to go against another SEC powerhouse, most likely Georgia. Alabama's second favorite team this week just happens to be Georgia. If Georgia beats Auburn, then their only must win game is this weekend against LSU. Mind you, this is just to reach the SEC Title game.

Whoever thinks that Alabama will run the table is insane. Their next two, possibly three games have to bee the toughest in the nation. They still have to contend with the Iron Bowl, another rivalery toss-up game. But, I think this weekend, the dream ends and LSU will end their title hopes and sneak in through the back door to win the SEC West. Alabama's pride has been their defense, however they haven't played any offensive teams. Now they have two good offenses back to back.

To Play: @Wake Forest, #23 Georgia Tech, Virginia, #19 FSU ACC Title game
Current Ranked Teams beat: #18 Colorado, @#6 VA Tech

Miami could be the biggest surprise if Texas or USC falters. That doesn't take away the fact that they still have a very difficult schedule ahead. Wake Forest shouldn't be a problem, but still can't be entirely overlooked. But it's Virginia, GA Tech to look out for. Virginia is good for an upset (see FSU) and GA Tech is inconsistant (also good for the upset, see Auburn) and Reggie Ball can be extremely explosive. The question is can Miami replace Tyronne Moss and have the will to play three solid teams before going to the ACC title game for another tough match-up.

Penn State
To Play: @Michigan State
Currently Ranked Teams Beaten: #24 Minnesota, #8 Ohio State, #16 Wisconsin

Beat Michigan State and let everyone else pummel each other. If it were just that easy. Michigan State is the epitome of an inconsistant team. Which team will show up? The one that beat Notre Dame or the one that got blown out by Northwestern?
I think that Penn State will handle it's business, considering they have the bye week and Joe Pa has given his boys confidence once again. It's a far shot, but it could be Penn State vs. USC or Texas if one should lose.

My final view:
I'm sorry but there's USC and Texas and then there are the others. This would be the best match-up in a high power offensive explosion. USC will win out and be the first three-peat team (if you choose to go with their AP victory two years ago).

To win a national title, you need a knowledgable QB, an elite defense, a dominate rush attack and a little bit of luck. Both teams have all those pieces in place. However, USC is more battle tested. They have been to the brink and have that certain mystique that all championship teams have. Texas has steam-rolled through their schedule and has faced no adversity. When faced with adversity will Texas bow-up or fizzle out? History points to the latter, whereas USC has shown in the past what they do (they beat ND on a QB sneak with no time left - that's one of the gutsiest calls I have ever seen).

If Texas does happen to lose before the Rose Bowl, then look for Penn State to take over. Alabama will not run the table and Miami still has one more loss on their plate as well.

And if you made it through this, Kudos to you too!
Notre Dame getting ripped in the most flawed system in the world. How are they ranked 7 in both polls but the BCS has them at 11?

They have a fairly easy remaining schedule hopefully a loss by Oregon and Ohio State will push them in the top 8


Super Moderator Emeritus
"You ain't seen nuthin' like the mighty Quinn!"

And Notre Dame just keeps on rollin' on.


I sure wish I could see the Hurricanes game...

thesanityannex said:
the lsu/alabama game was definitely worth all the hype, what an amazing game.
Yeah. I was there. Wasn't the outcome I had hoped for but I'm not that upset about it and definitely glad I went. Most of the national media made it sound like we didn't have a chance of staying within 20 points. Almost had 'em. Nobody thought we'd be 9 and 0 this season either - me included. Will be tough to get ready for Auburn next week after this.
Abe Frohman said:
Yeah. I was there. Wasn't the outcome I had hoped for but I'm not that upset about it and definitely glad I went. Most of the national media made it sound like we didn't have a chance of staying within 20 points. Almost had 'em. Nobody thought we'd be 9 and 0 this season either - me included. Will be tough to get ready for Auburn next week after this.
It was the outcome I wanted, but I ALWAYS hate overtime. Makes me sad for whichever side loses. (The girl in me can't stop it!) PLUS, I like Bama and generally root for them when they are not playing us. Don't worry, y'all will beat Auburn! - NO DOUBT about it!

As for the Auburn/UGA game today:( , Sorry Loopy. I was screaming for your Dawgs to pull it out. They will beat Kentucky next week and clinch!
I can't believe there's no talk about the Ohio State/Michigan game. Which it's obvious who will win that one.

*Cough* Ohio State.

No, I'm playing. It's going to be a great game. Two evenly matched team in my point of view. So, I expect a great game, with the winner a possible BCS Title contender.
ForlornKing said:
I can't believe there's no talk about the Ohio State/Michigan game. Which it's obvious who will win that one.

*Cough* Ohio State.

No, I'm playing. It's going to be a great game. Two evenly matched team in my point of view. So, I expect a great game, with the winner a possible BCS Title contender.

I don't think it's that obvious who will win. Yeah Ohio State will be favored but, Michigan has silently put together a decent season since they were 3-3 at one point. Plus with the game at the Big House, with the heated rivalery, it's going to be a great smash-mouth football game.

I think Michigan will win it out though....

Also, this game has no BCS Title implications at all and not much BCS bowl implications either, which is why there is not as much hype. If Michigan wins, Penn State will go to the BCS game. If Ohio State wins, they still have to watch Penn State and hope they lose in order to go to a BCS game.

Mark my words, two Big 10 teams will not be in the BCS.


that s.c. game was great. although i usually go with s.c., i had to root for fresno state for two reasons. first, my cousin plays for them, second the spread was 23.5 (easy money) so, all in all, it worked out. s.c. won, and i won money.:)
ND in the BCS 8 and now are in a spot which will most likely have them in the Fiesta Bowl. Very nice job by Weis and I cannot wait until the championships start to roll in.

They are talking about ND already having one of the top recruiting classes for next season. Funny how only a year ago everyone was saying ND could not contend and recruit anymore because of their academic requirements. What a difference a good coach makes.
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Now THAT'S how you bounce back from a loss!

Go Jackets!

Yea we know about that too;)
Congrats to the Dawgs for winning the East when everyone had us ranked 3rd or 4th. Chelle-you ready? Bring on those Tigers, we're ready! Saturday the Georgia Dome will be the place to be for our second of hopefully 3 trips to Atlanta in a row! Thanks to your Gamecocks though, that trouncing of the Gators was sweet!
loopymitch said:

Yea we know about that too;)
Congrats to the Dawgs for winning the East when everyone had us ranked 3rd or 4th. Chelle-you ready? Bring on those Tigers, we're ready! Saturday the Georgia Dome will be the place to be for our second of hopefully 3 trips to Atlanta in a row! Thanks to your Gamecocks though, that trouncing of the Gators was sweet!
Obviously we were NOT ready!!! My best friend lives in ATL and has already called MANY times to to remind me of that fact! I am happy for you (but not really):(

No. The Dawgs played well. We did not! Y'all deserved it!
Nice job chelle, they looked great tonite! Awesome win and this time I was rooting for them. After all LSU have been through this year, they really deserved it. Of course the fact they beat the Hurricanes made it sweeter:D
Let me rephrase that, they killed the Hurricanes!
Nice win for UCLA also. Sorry hoopsy;)
They are coming back strong, Loopy! My bestfriend is at the game tonight. I know she is feeling better now than at the beginning.

Go Dawgs!

BTW - My Tigers looked great. Thanks for cheering them on Friday!


Anyone watching the FSU vs. Penn St. game???

Poor kicker for Penn...............he's starting to remind me of Nate Kaeding.