The Warriors are a pansy team, so they try to compensate with Green's antics. If refs are going to let him fall on a guy shooting a 3 and then tussle on the ground and push the shooter, then the games are going to eventually get out of control.. Who are the enforcers on the Celtics? Nearly all of them.
All of the hooking and tangling of arms and legs is just old school street ball. The refs need to control the games better. In my opinion Green should have been tossed because he already had one T.
Borderline dirty team is a loaded phrase. The NBA finals are played at a different intensity level with different officiating than the regular season. Anyone that has been a gym rat knows where the lines are that are not to be crossed. If the Warriors think they are going to out physical the Celtics they are making a big mistake. If Green keeps getting away with his BS, he is going to catch one from somebody, as in an elbow or hip.