I do agree with you that the NBA has been a tough watch the last couple of seasons with the offensive players having way too much power in terms of getting the benefit of the whistle while flailing their arms in the air, flopping off a screen, receiving shooting fouls when it's on the floor, a 95% use of illegal screens, etc.
That said, Silver is making progress in the right direction with the Harden rule. Within time, he may consider speeding the game up, especially towards the end and he has done so by eliminating the amount of timeouts teams have.
You mentioned teams like the Sixers, Magic & Suns. It's not as if they have been having any success, they've all been in the lottery time and time again with the current lottery odds and while the Sixers have been the most fortunate of the bunch in terms of moving up the draft, they haven't done a single thing. It's a nice team to look at on paper.
I don't see anything wrong in proposing a new strategy in terms of lottery odds because you and I have no clue whether the rich will get richer. It's not as if those teams that have all the talent in the lottery have done a masterful job of surrounding their players. Either that or they've been hit with unfortunate injuries to their star players. I'd say let's give these new proposals a shot before we crucify the decision.