Monarchs Will Sign Walker

DeWalkFan, you can rest easy. From today's Sacramento Bee:

Monarchs will match offer to Walker

By Debbie Arrington
Published 2:15 am PST Thursday, February 17, 2005

The Monarchs won't let DeMya Walker walk away from Sacramento.

General manager and coach John Whisenant will exercise his option by today's deadline and match the Phoenix Mercury's offer for Walker, a restricted free agent. Walker signed an offer sheet from Phoenix last week. Contract details were not disclosed.

"I wasn't about to let DeMya leave," Whisenant said.

Here's the link to the full story:
So what does that mean for Tangela? :confused: . I can not imagine that Whisnant is going to go into the season with this same old, lack of imagination scoring team that ended the season last year. I am very confused here.
Double Whew

I can sleep now...

And I am totally with DWalk on this one. We have the cap space to get Tangie and we should. The issue was never with the post.

Yeah he lacked imagination, But hey we have Fei Fei now.

Let's just hope we have an offense that can beat a Box and one or the Triangle and 2 zone. Cause we are gonna see a bunch of it this year.
I'm not sure if its a lack of imagination on his part or on the part of other teams he may have been trying to deal with. We need more wing scoring, I'll live with the returning post players we have if we get that.

Count me among the folks who want to see Mendiola get a chance for more minutes.
Monty'sBiggestFan said:
I'm not sure if its a lack of imagination on his part or on the part of other teams he may have been trying to deal with. We need more wing scoring, I'll live with the returning post players we have if we get that.

Count me among the folks who want to see Mendiola get a chance for more minutes.

Kings and Monarchs need to swap players!:p
Monty'sBiggestFan said:
I'm not sure if its a lack of imagination on his part or on the part of other teams he may have been trying to deal with. We need more wing scoring, I'll live with the returning post players we have if we get that.

Count me among the folks who want to see Mendiola get a chance for more minutes.
You and I have been on the same page on this one for a while. Until the Monarchs come up with a true small forward that can score, slash and open up the offense and can guard somebody, I don't care who they keep, nothing is going to change.

I'm in the "We Need More Scoring From the 2 Position" camp. Our top three scorers last year were the 3, 4 and 5 positions. FeiFei is a 3 and would give Whiz more options, but whether it's Mendiola, the other Chinese player who is a 2, or someone we don't know from the draft or a trade, I see this as our most gaping problem.
There's a rumor from a few different inside sources on another board that a big trade involving the Monarchs and an Eastern Conference team is forthcoming. I don't know much more than a few of the guesses given by those not in the know that the trade might involve Nicole Powell or Ticha. This is not an even trade, IMO, so I don't think that's it (or it is only part of it).



Homer Fan Since 1985
HoopMatron said:
There's a rumor from a few different inside sources on another board that a big trade involving the Monarchs and an Eastern Conference team is forthcoming. I don't know much more than a few of the guesses given by those not in the know that the trade might involve Nicole Powell or Ticha. This is not an even trade, IMO, so I don't think that's it (or it is only part of it).

Well, then I will be anxiously awaiting any news you can send our way, HoopMatron.

BTW - I am coming to Sacramento next Thurs and staying til Monday. It will be a busy trip....meeting with Vet rep....testing for State position...meeting with members to watch the Kings game at Players.
HoopMatron said:
There's a rumor from a few different inside sources on another board that a big trade involving the Monarchs and an Eastern Conference team is forthcoming. I don't know much more than a few of the guesses given by those not in the know that the trade might involve Nicole Powell or Ticha. This is not an even trade, IMO, so I don't think that's it (or it is only part of it).HoopMatron
Why is Nicole for Ticha not an even trade? Just curious.
To me its not even because the salaries don't match, a 2nd year player for an 8 year player straight up? Nope, Charlotte would have to sweeten that a little. No, make that a lot.

Even in the rumored deal between Sac and NY which purportedly involved Yolanda Griffith was multi-player coming back our way, Ticha shouldn't be that much different although Ticha has 2 less gold medals, and one less MVP trophy, and less All League designations. Ticha is younger and still the best defensive PG in the league. Charlotte would have to throw in another player plus a high second round pick. Ticha for Powell and the #1 overall would work for me. Ticha for Powell, Perkins and a high second rounder would work for me. Ticha for Feaster and Powell I'd do. Ticha for Meek straight up would work for me.

But, I'd still do that NY deal with Yo, for Johnson, Christon and a pick.
This has become interesting

As far as New York Goes...
Most of their fans have been screaming to get a true point guard so Becky can move back to the 2 guard. And New York just parted with and Older Post player. Granted it, It wasn't Someone the caliber of Yolanda. But it makes me wonder why they would part with one 34+ post player to get another.
Second... I doubt Yo will play more that one or 2 more years. Actually I believe this will be her last year. I have nothing to base this on, it is just my gut. So why not have her stay.

Third... There are a lot of good young guards out there. I think Trading Ticha for one player and 2 draft choices boads better long term for the Monarchs. If it is Charlotte... Powell is a desirable pick, and/or Mazzante with a high 2nd rounder for 2006 and 2007. They have the draft material to work with. If it is New York Same deal. A player and 2 draft picks. That way if it is necessary we have collateral to work with other than trading players.

The question I have is What happens to Hamchetou Maiga And/or Chantelle Anderson. I don't believe both can stay based on the fact that Fei Fei was signed. One or Both of them are leaving. Those are the moves I am interested to see how they are handled.
I have no use for Mazzante....even if she was packaged with Powell.

Maiga is more valuable right now than Anderson, I think you could play Maiga down at the 2guard spot for a few minutes per game, so I don't think her time is limited. Whiz plays a lot of different combinations so I'm not sure true positions matter all that much. My thing right now is that we've only signed the two Chinese players, there is no guarantee they'll make the team, so unless I knew they can handle the WNBA for sure - there's no need to move Maiga. If we could get a rebounder in the draft who can score in the paint then Anderson is entirely replacable and we save some cap space. :):cough:: Sandora Irvin ::cough::) We need to move up a few spots to get her.
Re: Why not have Yo stay if this is going to be her last year? If you can get a quality deal for her, from a strictly business standpoint, why keep her?

There are other factors that make me hesitant to trade her and they are mostly intangible. But if I had a chance to get 2-3 scorers for her, I might have to think long and hard about turning that down.