

Super Moderator Emeritus
Whoa. A true spanking in the making.

72-49 Monarchs with 3:18 left to play.

I am impressed with a couple of things:

1. The Monarchs this year look like a TEAM. They're playing terrific basketball. I'm especially impressed with Powell, who looks like she's been playing for years.

2. The Monarchs play ... brace yourselves ... DEFENSE!!!! It's so strange to see a Sacramento team actually play good, hard defense on a consistent basis. And I'm lovin' it.

In passing, I have to comment on how much Mike Bibby resembles his dad. Of course, you'd have to see Henry decked out in a t-shirt with tons of bling to get the full effect, but it is obvious they're related.

The Monarchs are totally outplaying the Sparks at every juncture.

And I'm able to say...without any hesitation:

Die LA. scum!!!!!

And boy, does it feel good!!!

Nice game, Monarchs!!!!
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Great; next we'll be hearing "Whisneant for head coach" all over the Kings forum... ;)
I've certainly been hearing it in my head. :D

Looks like they whupped L.A. Too bad I missed it, had some things to do this morning.
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Shoot...pressed a key too soon.

I'm going to check the national broadcast later, because I do very much want to hear how Anne Meyers made her way through this broadcast when Lisa Leslie was pretty much a non-factor. She is contractually obligated to say Lisa's name at least 100 times per telecast regardless of whether or not it is a game involving the Sparks. And since the phrase "reigning MVP" must always be connected to Lisa's name in Meyer's book, I'm curious to see how many times she mentioned how odd it was that the Reigning MVP Lisa Leslie had her butt on the bench most of the time and essentially was non-existent until we fouled her and let her actually score today.

Holdsclaw and Leslie combined for what? 14 pts between them, and Holdsclaw grabbed the lion's share of the minutes?!? Does Bibby know that Leslie is um...the league's reigning MVP? How is she not on the floor more this game? Not like it made a difference because she was being locked down by Yo in a way that I don't think I saw many times before. I think we held her under double figures once before perhaps it was last year.

Nicole looked more like the Stanford Nicole Powell than she had previously. I hope this jumps starts her to more consistent production. The incredible thing about that is that she had the task of chasing Chamique around most of the game and also trying to get shots off over Meek.

Newton had a fantastic game too. Everybody played well for that matter. They need to continue to work this hard....(Defense is Whiz' calling card) for the remainder of the season. I keep wanting to pinch myself because the Monarchs playing to their talent and capabilities seemed always to be a foreign concept, especially early in the season. Once they get better offensively and defensively and um...get their starting shooting guard back, they might be dangerous..(er).

That's the Yahoo recap.

Whoa!! at the box score. I would've thought Leslie was hurt, sick or something, but then this team has stopped her before (though nothing this dramatic). And look at Powell's numbers. She's been a great pickup thus far. She wanted to stay in Northern Cali, and the NorCal pride is showing through. I love seeing Walker and Griffiths numbers up there, and seeing Leslie's numbers down there, way down there.

The recap didn't talk about defense, but when Holdsclaw and Leslie scores 14 combined, there had to be some great defense being played.

I'm very impressed, and hope they keep it up.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I had a great time today. A big thanks to hoopsfan who got us tickets for the game. She even behaved herself really well. Of course, what could she do when her team was getting totally run off the court? Alas for her, she just didn't have much to cheer about....which suited me fine. ;)

Powell was phenominal, as was Yo and DeMya. We really have some hard working bigs. Chelsea played some great defense on Dixon and Ticha was a superb floor general (and played some really good defense herself). The bench players came in and did their job again. They must be one of the better benches in the league.

Now, I cannot stand Lisa Leslie and Yo did a fantastic job on her. However, I asked hoopsfan if she had heard whether Leslie was struggling with an injury or something. Not only did she not look like herself out there (and Yo gets credit for some of that), but I have never seen her take quite so long in getting down the court. Then again, a birdie told me (actually I am guessing) that she is not particularly fond of Henry Bibby. I hear that some Sparks fans don't particularly like him either....huh, hoopsfan?
That was a beautiful game to watch, start to finish. Nothing is sweeter than beating LA, and they did it with style. A complete turnaround from the Indiana game where the whole team looked "off". Today, everything looked "on".

I love that Sac brings out the worst in Lisa Leslie. She had a new career low today going one point lower than the previous one of 4pts (also against Sac).

Ticha was great tonight, much better than last game. And what a trooper, that lip didn't look too pretty when I came home and saw it on tape. Her aggressiveness for the boards today is what got her that Yolanda elbow to the chops. Nicole was awesome. A career high day for her. Demya could have been player of the game too, great overall performance. And Yolanda was fierce, she was the force that shut down LL.

Great win. All of a sudden, people are talking about Sac. I think the national broadcast of today's game showed everyone what Sac is capable of with this new group. I think this team is deeper than any other team in the league and that will make the difference down the stretch. It's good to know that when a player goes down, there are capable backups.
I thought they said this game was sold out. Reading an article on the ESPN website, there was a picture of Lisa Leslie and Yo guarding Lisa and in the background I saw plenty of empty seats. What's up with that?
Packt said:
The recap didn't talk about defense, but when Holdsclaw and Leslie scores 14 combined, there had to be some great defense being played.
Coach Bibby talked about it:
"They outplayed us and they outworked us," Sparks coach Henry Bibby said. "We know how good they are. They are the best defensive team I've seen in the WNBA. That's why they won the basketball game. They frustrate people and make you do things you don't normally do."

Here's the link to the AP wire story:

The story also mentioned Lesie having a groin injury, but I also wondered what effect Karleen Thompson leaving would have her this season.

All I care about is We Beat L.A.!!!:D


i dont watch much wnba, but im glad to see any sac vs. la whooping. i think i would watch WAY more wnba if the baskets were lowered a foot or so, allowing the women to dunk. will this ever happen? i would love to see dunking from the ladies.
thesanityannex said:
i dont watch much wnba, but im glad to see any sac vs. la whooping. i think i would watch WAY more wnba if the baskets were lowered a foot or so, allowing the women to dunk. will this ever happen? i would love to see dunking from the ladies.
I've seen Lisa Leslie dunk. They showed the reply on an ESPN highlight. I think she did it a few years ago, but I'm not sure since I really don't follow the WNBA. I really thought it was stupid because they STOPPED the game because she was the first woman to dunk. I mean that's good, but must you stop the game in the middle just to announce it? They could have done something special after the game...IMO.
Wow I didn't know they stopped the game right after she did that. That's pretty dumb. In my opinion the WNBA is pretty entertaining to watch atleast for true basketball fans. The play the way the game is supposed to be played.
K-Town King said:
Wow I didn't know they stopped the game right after she did that. That's pretty dumb. In my opinion the WNBA is pretty entertaining to watch atleast for true basketball fans. The play the way the game is supposed to be played.
Well, I have to disagree with you. Just because I really don't care for the WNBA doesn't mean I'm not a true basketball fan.

Though, I do like playing the prediction game that 6th is usually in charge of. <hint, hint>


Homer Fan Since 1985
Rockmeister said:
Well, I have to disagree with you. Just because I really don't care for the WNBA doesn't mean I'm not a true basketball fan.

Though, I do like playing the prediction game that 6th is usually in charge of. <hint, hint>
Hey Rock, I caught your <hint, hint>. This is the 1st time this year that anyone has even mentioned the prediction game. Last year I was asked to run the game, and I was happy to do so. I will start a thread to see if there is any interest.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'd like to get back to talking about today's game...

I was really impressed with how Powell played and I especially liked her composure on the court. I didn't watch the Monarchs that much last year, so I'm not an expert but I really thought the team looked much more cohesive and more at ease with each other than I remember. Question for any regular Monarchs follower: Is that an accurate assessment?
6th said:
Hey Rock, I caught your <hint, hint>. This is the 1st time this year that anyone has even mentioned the prediction game. Last year I was asked to run the game, and I was happy to do so. I will start a thread to see if there is any interest.
Yea, I asked you last year as well. I think this year will be different. You won't always have the same players on the same categories. I mean I could pick Noelle Powell for high scorer instead of always picking Yo. See thats what I mean. Anyways, looking forward to the prediction game.


Homer Fan Since 1985
VF21 said:
I'd like to get back to talking about today's game...

I was really impressed with how Powell played and I especially liked her composure on the court. I didn't watch the Monarchs that much last year, so I'm not an expert but I really thought the team looked much more cohesive and more at ease with each other than I remember. Question for any regular Monarchs follower: Is that an accurate assessment?
Very accurate.

Powell is a much much much better player than what the league saw of her as a Rookie last year. Charlotte just did not use her well at all, nor did she get many minutes or build up her confidence last year. What we are seeing is a whole new Nicole Powell. C Whiz is going to bring out the best in her and seems to have already started with that undertaking.

There are a lot of new young players this year. They are bringing an eagerness that the Monarchs have not seen in awhile. Our veterans are showing dedication and heart, but in a much more cohesive way this year.

C Whiz is a defensive coach, however G Whiz picked him up some shooters this year to complement that defense. The bench is talented and eager to show what they can contribute.

I really like this team and I expect the season to continue very much like it began. It has been forever (if ever) that the Monarchs began a season with a 4-1 record. Both the players and fans are excited about that. Hang on to your seats, Monarchs fans. It is going to be one heck of a ride this year!! :D


Super Moderator Emeritus
Well, from my viewpoint it was refreshing to watch ... and exciting ... and it made the pain of not having the Kings to watch go away, at least for a little while.

And that's a good thing.



K-Town King said:
Wow I didn't know they stopped the game right after she did that. That's pretty dumb. In my opinion the WNBA is pretty entertaining to watch atleast for true basketball fans. The play the way the game is supposed to be played.

players arent supposed to dunk?????

the way it should be played is BOTH GENDERS should be able to dunk. and the wnba is entertaining, but dunking would add to it.


hoops down to 9 feet...............................AND SANITYANNEX IS THE BIGGEST WNBA FAN EVER.


Super Moderator Emeritus
thesanityannex said:
players arent supposed to dunk?????

the way it should be played is BOTH GENDERS should be able to dunk. and the wnba is entertaining, but dunking would add to it.
Sorry, but I disagree. Dunking wasn't part of the original concept of basketball, as created by Dr. James Naismith. AND it's not an integral part of the game IMHO. It's just flash and no substance most of the time.

Yeah, dunks are fun to watch but so is a well executed pick and roll. If you watch the WNBA a little more, you'll notice that there is a lot more emphasis on the fundamentals possibly because they don't settle for the cheap dunk.

Different is good. I don't think the women's game needs to be changed to make it mirror the men's.
6th said:
I had a great time today. A big thanks to hoopsfan who got us tickets for the game. She even behaved herself really well. Of course, what could she do when her team was getting totally run off the court? Alas for her, she just didn't have much to cheer about....which suited me fine. ;)

Now, I cannot stand Lisa Leslie and Yo did a fantastic job on her. However, I asked hoopsfan if she had heard whether Leslie was struggling with an injury or something. Not only did she not look like herself out there (and Yo gets credit for some of that), but I have never seen her take quite so long in getting down the court. Then again, a birdie told me (actually I am guessing) that she is not particularly fond of Henry Bibby. I hear that some Sparks fans don't particularly like him either....huh, hoopsfan?
I had a good time today too, 6th. It was clear that the game was "over" soon after it began so there was no stress for me or hope of a comeback. I was disappointed that it wasn't, at least, a competitive game. Hey..I got my garlic fries though...hee hee! I should have known it wasn't gonna be a good game after I spilled my entire soda all over the place.

6th, I think those women next to us were trying to get me riled no avail.

I did see a wrap on Lisa's right thigh under her shorts, but she didn't use it as an excuse and neither am I. It seems there was a lid on the Sparks basket today. ;) As far as Henry Bibby is concerned..I think he's a jerk, personally...I think a lot of people do. ( Must have something to do with the Bibby name,eh? );)

I will be going down to SoCal this week for a week to visit my family...there's a LA/Sac game at Staples next Saturday...maybe I'll have better luck there. ;)

Thanks again for the nice time, 6th. See you on Tuesday.
What the Monarchs did this offseason was exactly what I'd like to see the Kings do. The Monarchs were just like the Kings in which they basically had the same players atleast starters wise year in and year out and they all were getting old. What they did was trade some of there old players and got back some good youth in which now is making the team more exciting. Obviously its working so far. They traded Tangela Smith for Powell and I really like that move. If the Kings could do that it would really be nice. They started that this season but the difference is the Monarchs got better and the Kings got worse.
GREAT GAME! Since I sit at courtside, it was a kick to see ''YO'' yelling at DeMaya with only 2 minutes to play, for missing a defensive assignment! Now thats playing untill the final buzzer! It was nice to see the ''Maloofs in the house. They usually show up when LA is in town. Along with Bobby Jackson. I heard Bibby was there also, although one of the staff told me he & his dad don't speak much?
Can't wait untill Tue. The Indiana Fever's coming in...we owe them one!


VF21 said:
Sorry, but I disagree. Dunking wasn't part of the original concept of basketball, as created by Dr. James Naismith. AND it's not an integral part of the game IMHO. It's just flash and no substance most of the time.

Yeah, dunks are fun to watch but so is a well executed pick and roll. If you watch the WNBA a little more, you'll notice that there is a lot more emphasis on the fundamentals possibly because they don't settle for the cheap dunk.

Different is good. I don't think the women's game needs to be changed to make it mirror the men's.

A three pointer wasn't in Naismith's original concept either, but I'm sure you don't mind those. If a dunk has no substance, how is the most reliable and accurate way to put a ball in the hoop.
That was a beautiful game by the Monarchs. Makes you wish that it was the Kings out there instead.

I can't blame it all on Henry Bibby, no one really tried to get Lisa Leslie the ball in a position where she could actually do something. DeMya was great.

K-Town King said:
Mike and his dad basically don't speak at all. I think when Mike was a baby or something Henry like left the family.
Henry left when Mike was about 2. Until maybe 2-3 years ago they didn't speak to each other but now they do. Henry attends a couple of the Kings games.

My fiance' was surprised that there were a lot of people there, until I calmly reminded him that the Monarchs are a very good team in their own right.