Monarchs Beat Lynx - Ticha Plays Much Better!!!

I was able to catch my first game this year last night. Some of my initial observations:

1. Monarchs defense is clearly the best in the league, and there is not a close second. They had Minnesota on lock from the jump. this team will rise and fall on defense.

2. Ticha Penecheiro played a solid ball game. More agressive on offense. The Monarchs were in kind of a lull mid way through the second half. Called a time out and Ticha immediately took control of the posession with a drive to the basket and a foul. To me the play of the night.

3. Rebekkah Brunson is so active. It just seems like she had her hands on every rebound, deflected pass, ball on the floor, pass in the air. She just gets better and better. The future is very, very bright for her.

4. Kara Lawson played zero minutes in the second half.

5. The Monarchs second string is offensively challenged. There was one time on the floor when they had Haynie, Miao, Maiga, Buchler and Brunson on the floor together and they scored collectively two points in about 3 minutes. That is scary.

But this team is primed to challenge in the west. Let's ride together and see what the end will be. ;)


Homer Fan Since 1985
It was a fun game to watch. I got to attend for the 2nd time this season and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I will respond to your points, BJax24 and add some of my own.

1. Absolutely right on. Not many teams can hold Katie Smith to 3 points, 1 reb, and a couple of assists. Their (Lynx) best player was no factor and their second best player scored on 13 pts.

2. Ticha responded to not getting much playing time the game before. She had a well rounded game and really controlled the offense. Her stint defending Smith was superb (as was everyone else's).

3. Rebekkah is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. She will one day be Yo's replacement and will handle the job admirably. That is quite a statement from me since Yo Griffith is only my favorite female basketball player on the planet.

4. Kara is being eased back into the rotation. My understanding is that she was only going to see limited minutes this week as her ankle continues to strengthen. They now have a week off between games where she will get lots of practice. Will be interested to see if she is ready for more playing time next Friday.

5. Agreed that the second string had trouble on offense last night. I don't agree that they are offensively challenged (in general). I know that Haynie and Miao are capable of going off. Also, early in the season, it was the bench that got the Monarchs back into ballgames when the 1st string was struggling. So, I think it was just an off stretch. BTW-Brunson scored 10 pts last night.

6. We got a steal in the trade with Charlotte. It is obvious that Lacy could not coach Nicole Powell to her potential. What a player she is and, since we really needed someone to play the 3, she has done wonders for the offense of this team. She was the leading scorer last night (again) with 18.

7. There is not 1 team in the WNBA that has more talent than the Monarchs (as a unit). They could just as easily be 10-0 as 8-2 right now. As it is, an 8-2 start is a franchise best record. It is good to see and I want to be greedy. Let's continue to add to the win column while freezing the loss column right where it is now. :D

I agree that it was a wonderful performance by the defense. I guess we now can stop wondering if when [insert name of opposing team's superstar here] comes to town and only scores [insert eyepoppingly low point total here] whether or not she's sick, injured or otherwise distracted that night against this Monarchs team. I've put that question out of my mind for good now.

I was very pleased to see Ticha going to the basket. Memo tho: if Nicole Ohlde is the one stepping out on you when you drive the baseline and want to go up for a shot, THAT's when you might want to kick out to someone on the wing behind you and not try to rise up for a layup. But all in all, she stopped looking tentative and looked like when she wanted to shoot she shot.

Kara I thought had injured that ankle again. It seemed to me that she played a few minutes early in the second half and then came out and the trainer followed her to the end of the bench and was working on her. When I saw Jackson walking away from Kara who by that time had her leg propped up, she was walking away with tape and stretch wrap in her hand. I was wondering about Chelsea Newton who looked like she was about to pass out a little more than 2/3rds of the way into the 2nd half. So I watched her as she came off the floor but the trainer didn't come over to her so I figured she was just getting winded.

Brunson's just so damn athletic its ridiculous. She had a play in either the Phx or Indy game in which she could have dunked the ball with a two hand flush because she had elevated so high above the rim to put back a shot. Just throw it down Rebekkah. Oh, and use some glass for your other shots. I think she was the one who came flying from the weak side to block a shot. Between her and DeMya I don't think we're missing Tangela's block tally either.

I'm still perplexed re: why Trudi Lacey had no use for Nicole Powell whatsoever. She to me mismanaged Powell to the same degree that McHugh mismanaged Chantelle Anderson and just as I felt that should have cost Maura her job, that alone should be reason one why Lacey should at least be stripped of her GM duties.

I'm not sure I think that second string is offensively challenged either, I think there are nights where they aren't as offensively active as they can be. But last night when he went to the bench when Minny started to close that opening deficit, the bench pushed the lead back to where it hovered at or just under 20pts and they did a good job of maintaining it for a while. They may have been more concentrated on the defense last night to be offensive. Once Kara is healthier the dynamic should change.
."The Monarchs second string is offensively challenged. There was one time on the floor when they had Haynie, Miao, Maiga, Buchler and Brunson on the floor together and they scored collectively two points in about 3 minutes. That is scary."

I had to chuckle when I read this. I am not laughing at the author. I just remember when it was not that long ago when scoring only two points in 10 minutes with any unit on the floor was more like a scoring draught for us. I used to grind my teeth all the time while watching.

As far as the bench goes I would not trade our second unit for anyone in the league. The Sun,as good as they are, are really only 6 deep. We have a dozen or so real players. I am already dreading the expansion draft. Chicago will jump all over us!

Scoring with that unit is not a concern for me. Erin is 16th in the league in points per minute(17.6) and Becky is in the top 50 in ppm.. Get Lawson in the mix and they are great.
Wow great win last night. The Monarchs OWNED the Lynx. Why could they not have had that game on broadband? My 2 favorite WNBA teams going head to head. Monarchs are playing better and better every game, now with Kara getting healthy......oooo it's gonna be fun (even more so then it is).

I'm not a Katie Smith fan, so I think it was Tich that was defending her....great job.

Did the Lynx look tired? were they playing sloppy, or was Sacramento just that on? Reading the stats doesn't tell alot about the game, even though I'm a stat person. I'm just courious if Lynx looked tired from their overtime game from Wednesday night. I'm sure the Monarchs played great, seemed like it anyway.

Nicole Powell, I wonder what Trudi thinks of NP now. I'm really happy for her, she gets to play finally. Great pick up, great trade, to get her in a Monarchs uniform. Well gotta go for now, later.

tish vs. katie,kara injury

Just wondering, how can you be a minn. fan and not like Katie? Just seems odd. Yes Tish did guard Katie, and she locked her down like never before. Tish played like someone proving that she is still "the man" even with all these new guys emerging.

Minn did not look sloppy or unmotivated, we just looked that good!

People keep saying that Kara is getting healthy, but I think she needs the week of rest desperately. I sat right behind Kara in the chairs. She was showing some real pain while the trainer worked on her. On the other hand, I could not see the game because she keeps bouncing up to yell and cheer, so I guess it can't be too bad!
how can I be a Minnesota fan and not a Katie Smith fan?? I've never really been a fan of hers. There is just something about her that rubs me the wrong way. Well I guess teams can't bring their A or B games everygame. Hopefully they will turn it around for LA tonight. Go Lynx

So Kara is still in alot of pain huh, that sucks. I wish I could some of the Monarchs games, not just follow stats, and sometimes being able to listen to the radio broadcasts.

I'm glad Monarchs are having a great year, they deserve it. Yo and Tich deserve what they are getting so far this year. I just hope it continues for the rest of the season.
Excellent posts everyone. Congratulations to the west leading..Monarchs for playing awesome basketball. I see team chemisty , players who like one another. No doubt ''YO'' is the team leader. They communicate throughout the game. They hustle, diving for loose balls, making steals..& as you pointed out''Rebounding'' with authority.
Brunson is very strong an excellent rebounder. I found it funny Minn. left ''Tanti open all night for jumpers and she wasn't shy shooting. I just like her more as a slasher , going inside is her strength along with her defense.

We are the team to beat. This season so far has been so fun & exciting. Please everyone come out & watch this team in action... 5-0 at home...sweet home cooking!
Key game Fri. vs East leading Conn. should be a awesome matchup...see you there!
Monty'sBiggestFan said:
I'm still perplexed re: why Trudi Lacey had no use for Nicole Powell whatsoever. She to me mismanaged Powell to the same degree that McHugh mismanaged Chantelle Anderson and just as I felt that should have cost Maura her job, that alone should be reason one why Lacey should at least be stripped of her GM duties.

I don't think it is the GM duties that is the problem. She clearly gets the talent part. She has Sam, Tangie, Dawn, Helen Darling, Tammy Sutton, Kelly Mazzante,got lucky with the #1 in the draft. But the moves were very shrude.

So as a GM she seems right on. The talent is there, and in abundance. As a Coach, How do you have that line up and struggle? How can you clearly mismanage Nicole Powell's talent. And BTW if you have the rights to a scrapper like Erin, how do you not use her?

But since she is the GM, I don't think you can lose one without the other.

About the thread though Ditto to everything else everyone said.
The M's looked great against Minny. It was a solid game from start to finish with few lapses in between. They never let Minny get close. Up next I think will be the biggest challenge so far. Connecticut is on fire! They whooped LA tonight at Staples. So, they can win big, on the road. Sac needs to put together a full game. This could be a potential Finals match-up.

They need to play their solid defense. Nykesha Sales needs to be stopped. The defense the other night on Katie Smith was beautiful. Hopefully Ticha and Newton can do the same job on Whalen and Douglas. Yo and DeMya will have their hands full with Margo and Taj. If Powell gets stuck with the Sales assignment, I have a feeling we'll be seeing lots of Maiga.

I look forward to seeing what this team can do. They have a tough game friday, followed by a tough road trip. Then, we're already at the half-way mark, right? Damn, it just doesn't seem right to have a 2-game lead in the West, but I have no complaints to this new feeling.
Whoever had Swoopes as an assignment should have Sales, and I'm guessing you're right MamaBristow, that will be Powell and Maiga. I'm expecting Sales to go off on Friday because she's a better perimeter shooter in some respects that Swoopes is and we didn't exactly shut down Swoopes. If they can contain their post players they'll have a good shot at neutralizing the Sun offense. So DeMya and Yo will need to shut down McWilliams-Franklin and Dydek/Wycoff/Jones.

I saw the score and the scoring breakdown from the game they had down in LA and they were pretty potent against their defensive schemes. It should be a great game on Friday, I'm looking forward to yet another barometer read on this Monarchs' team.
Oh, meant to also respond to the Trudi Lacey thing... the reason why I'm on her as GM probably moreso than coach is that as the GM she's responsible for bringing in players who fit the coach's system. Since she's also the coach I'd think she'd also have an idea on what player(s) fit(s) her system. For whatever reason, she could not figure out how best to use Powell's talent in her system. Powell talks about it in an article from the San Jose Mercury News, and I think this is indicative of why she was not getting minutes or being successful, Lacey wanted her to get her minutes at the PF spot. Powell does not have the body type to play PF at this level. If she needed a PF (who also maybe could play behind Sutton-Brown) who actually had a PF body - she had Hayden, Ohlde and Hoffman still on the board at her pick in the 2004 draft. As much as Stinson was relegated to the black hole last year in Charlotte, I don't see why Powell could not have gotten minutes behind both Feaster and Stinson and at least let her get her feet wet. She did eventually have a stretch of games where Lacey remembered she was on her team, but then she fell back to oblivion afterwards.

Its one thing to recognize talent, its an entirely other thing to recognize how that talent can mesh into the system your coach runs and that's why I'm pointing more of a finger at her as GM right now. Although exchanging Powell for Smith might actually rate her higher as a GM. The fact that she ditched Powell and kept Mazzante and STILL can not find minutes for Mazzante may mitigate that bump.