Mavs vs Spurs - Game 6

Ryle said:
Not to beat a dead horse but they way the Mavs fans have reacted to Finley has totally disgusted me and I hope the Spurs literally beat the crap out of the Mavs and in the end Cuban can eat ****.
And the way some fans have reacted to Adelman, kinda like the same thing, aren't they?:rolleyes:
Rough loss tonight. It's what happens you have a corrupt commissioner. He has had it in for mark cuban since 2001, nothings changed. I'm not even talking about the suspension - hell Terry deserved it.

I'm talking about the officiating. Win or lose, I've never blamed the officials this postseason. Yes they've been bad but they didn't intentionally blow calls...

until tonight. That was the most blatant display of favoritism for the Spurs I have ever seen. In any case, hats off to the Spurs they've played a great game - not their fault the refs dictated this game, they did their jobs like champions do.

Believe it or not I still have hope for game 7 based on the 2 pt loss, 22 pt win, 1 pt loss. Obviously playing on the road in San Antonio isn't going to be a problem - and with our 2nd best player on the team back, you just never know...
You know I should correct my previous post: the officials weren't all that bad until the last 3 minutes of this game. No fouls called when they clobbered Dirk on one of his monster 21 rebounds, a mysterious offensive foul call on Devin Harris with 3 minutes to go, and just 3 attempted FTs or something ridiculous like that in the 2nd half.

It's like they knew the NBA wanted a 7th game...unbelievable.

And yes I'm whining!

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I think that what I personally found most interesting about this game was when Tim Duncan was posting up on Keith Van Horn, as I remembered that, although they were taken 1-2 in the 1997 NBA Draft, this is the first time that they've ever met in the playoffs.

This then got me to thinking: how many times have the #1-2 picks in the draft ever met in the playoffs? Since I'm lazy, I decided to limit my research to the Lottery era (1985-), but here's what I've discovered:

Since the inception of the Draft Lottery, there have only been four sets of #1-2 overall draft picks that have ever played against each other in the playoffs at any point in their careers:

1988 (Danny Manning [ATL]/Rik Smits [IND] - 1994)
1993 (Chris Webber [SAC]/Shawn Bradley [DAL] - 2002, 2003, 2004)
1997 (Tim Duncan [SAS]/Keith Van Horn [DAL] - 2006)
1998 (Michael Olowokandi [MIN]/Mike Bibby [SAC] - 2004)
mavsman said:
You know I should correct my previous post: the officials weren't all that bad until the last 3 minutes of this game. No fouls called when they clobbered Dirk on one of his monster 21 rebounds, a mysterious offensive foul call on Devin Harris with 3 minutes to go, and just 3 attempted FTs or something ridiculous like that in the 2nd half.

It's like they knew the NBA wanted a 7th game...unbelievable.

And yes I'm whining!
Harris and Stackhouse were terrible, though. That certainly didn't help. The play at the end was poorly run as well. Personally I didn't notice anything unusually bad about the refs.

Coach Johnson's anger during the press conference was unnerving.
KMart23 said:
ugh, i can't believe this is going to game 7. i hate when the nba dictates when there will be a extended series.

I'm still very pissed about the refs, but I've slept on things and I feel better as of this morning. I feel good about Game 7 - I really think the Mavs can pull this out. They've risen up against adversity all season long, through the injuries, etc etc.

I think they can do this!
one more thing:

You all want to know why we boo Finley. I'll tell you why - b/c he's the one who singlehandedly called Stu Jackson and sent in those tapes regarding the punch. No one made a big deal out of it when the play happened - even the TV cameras missed it. Finley sent in the tapes and that really angered a lot of us Mavs fans.

what you've got is a whole team from top to bottom, along with a whole city who collectively whined, bitched, and cried "foul" - and the NBA listened.

THAT'S why I think there was blatant favoritism last night. We couldn't get any calls on our home floor....
dukeswh said:
And the way some fans have reacted to Adelman, kinda like the same thing, aren't they?:rolleyes:

Adelmans contract was up and the Maloofs decided to go another way. Cuban is continuing to pay Finley's contract while he plays on another team for the next couple of years because he felt he wasn't worth the contract anymore. Do you think people are going to boo Adelman when he comes to Sac if he get's another coaching job???
mavsman said:
Rough loss tonight. It's what happens you have a corrupt commissioner. He has had it in for mark cuban since 2001, nothings changed. I'm not even talking about the suspension - hell Terry deserved it.

I'm talking about the officiating. Win or lose, I've never blamed the officials this postseason. Yes they've been bad but they didn't intentionally blow calls...

until tonight. That was the most blatant display of favoritism for the Spurs I have ever seen. In any case, hats off to the Spurs they've played a great game - not their fault the refs dictated this game, they did their jobs like champions do.

Believe it or not I still have hope for game 7 based on the 2 pt loss, 22 pt win, 1 pt loss. Obviously playing on the road in San Antonio isn't going to be a problem - and with our 2nd best player on the team back, you just never know...
there are three kinds of fans. the first thinks officials only have a hand in their team losing, but never in winning. the second thinks the officials had a big hand in their team losing, but sometimes just a little bit in their team winning, which the other team should have just played through like their team always does. the third type thinks like the first or second, but realizes in the end that they are as much a homer as everybody else so they shut up.

mavsman is the first type.
mavsman said:
one more thing:

You all want to know why we boo Finley. I'll tell you why - b/c he's the one who singlehandedly called Stu Jackson and sent in those tapes regarding the punch. No one made a big deal out of it when the play happened - even the TV cameras missed it. Finley sent in the tapes and that really angered a lot of us Mavs fans.

what you've got is a whole team from top to bottom, along with a whole city who collectively whined, bitched, and cried "foul" - and the NBA listened.

THAT'S why I think there was blatant favoritism last night. We couldn't get any calls on our home floor....
first of all, jason terry is the only person for that punch being thrown. secondly, you have no idea how stu jackson came reviewing the tape and making his decision. thirdly, mavs fans were booing finley in games 3 and 4, before terry pulled that cheap shot on finley.

it's too bad mav fans don't have an opportunity to boo jason terry. he's cost the mavs two years in a row unless he helps that team stem the tide and win game 7.


Super Moderator Emeritus
mavsman said:
one more thing:

You all want to know why we boo Finley. I'll tell you why - b/c he's the one who singlehandedly called Stu Jackson and sent in those tapes regarding the punch. No one made a big deal out of it when the play happened - even the TV cameras missed it. Finley sent in the tapes and that really angered a lot of us Mavs fans.

what you've got is a whole team from top to bottom, along with a whole city who collectively whined, bitched, and cried "foul" - and the NBA listened.

THAT'S why I think there was blatant favoritism last night. We couldn't get any calls on our home floor....
You really buy into that? Good grief. The idea that YOU - a Mavericks fan - are whining about a whoe city who collectively whined, bitched and cried "foul" is arguably the most ludicrous and yet ironic comment I've ever seen posted by a Mavericks fan on a message board anywhere.

Despite what Mark Cuban might be blathering, you're still arguing about Jason Terry being caught. You're not saying he didn't do it. You're protesting because he got caught. Hello? He punched Michael Finley. He DESERVED to be suspended.

If you don't have enough faith in your team to believe they can win WITHOUT having to resort to cheap shots, shame on you. Your owner is making a fool of himself and apparently it's spreading to the fans.

Show some pride in your team instead of defending what was clearly indefensible. If your team cannot stand to lose one player for one game, then they clearly AREN'T the better team.

And for a whole town to suddenly decide to blame the victim instead of the perpetrator of this whole incident is beyond ludicrous. Michael Finley did a lot for your team. He was rewarded by being pretty much kicked out.

The officials didn't cost you the game last night. The San Antonio Spurs outplayed you when it mattered the most. I recognize it. They did it to us.
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Dave McNulla said:
there are three kinds of fans. the first thinks officials only have a hand in their team losing, but never in winning. the second thinks the officials had a big hand in their team losing, but sometimes just a little bit in their team winning, which the other team should have just played through like their team always does. the third type thinks like the first or second, but realizes in the end that they are as much a homer as everybody else so they shut up.

mavsman is the first type.
all you have to do is look at any of other threads when the Mavs lost to know that I don't believe that the officials only have a hand in my team losing. In fact even when we lost game 5 - I PRAISED the officials. I thought that was the best officiating all series!

do a little research - then you can accuse me of being a certain type of fan. If I were going to review me? I'd say I'm someone who wants games to be played on an even terms. Last night was the 1st time I've really complained.
mavsman said:
all you have to do is look at any of other threads when the Mavs lost to know that I don't believe that the officials only have a hand in my team losing. In fact even when we lost game 5 - I PRAISED the officials. I thought that was the best officiating all series!

do a little research - then you can accuse me of being a certain type of fan. If I were going to review me? I'd say I'm someone who wants games to be played on an even terms. Last night was the 1st time I've really complained.
Tell me your take on the officiating in games 3 and 4 and also which calls in game 6 do you think were so unjust?
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mavsman said:
all you have to do is look at any of other threads when the Mavs lost to know that I don't believe that the officials only have a hand in my team losing. In fact even when we lost game 5 - I PRAISED the officials. I thought that was the best officiating all series!

do a little research - then you can accuse me of being a certain type of fan. If I were going to review me? I'd say I'm someone who wants games to be played on an even terms. Last night was the 1st time I've really complained.
you are saying that you want to be upgraded to type two?


VF21 said:
You really buy into that? Good grief. The idea that YOU - a Mavericks fan - are whining about a whoe city who collectively whined, bitched and cried "foul" is arguably the most ludicrous and yet ironic comment I've ever seen posted by a Mavericks fan on a message board anywhere.

Despite what Mark Cuban might be blathering, you're still arguing about Jason Terry being caught. You're not saying he didn't do it. You're protesting because he got caught. Hello? He punched Michael Finley. He DESERVED to be suspended.

If you don't have enough faith in your team to believe they can win WITHOUT having to resort to cheap shots, shame on you. Your owner is making a fool of himself and apparently it's spreading to the fans.

Show some pride in your team instead of defending what was clearly indefensible. If your team cannot stand to lose one player for one game, then they clearly AREN'T the better team.

And for a whole town to suddenly decide to blame the victim instead of the perpetrator of this whole incident is beyond ludicrous. Michael Finley did a lot for your team. He was rewarded by being pretty much kicked out.

The officials didn't cost you the game last night. The San Antonio Spurs outplayed you when it mattered the most. I recognize it. They did it to us.
Classy post on a very classy fan board. I'm impressed. - A Spurs Fan
mavsman said:
one more thing:

You all want to know why we boo Finley. I'll tell you why - b/c he's the one who singlehandedly called Stu Jackson and sent in those tapes regarding the punch. No one made a big deal out of it when the play happened - even the TV cameras missed it. Finley sent in the tapes and that really angered a lot of us Mavs fans.

what you've got is a whole team from top to bottom, along with a whole city who collectively whined, bitched, and cried "foul" - and the NBA listened.

THAT'S why I think there was blatant favoritism last night. We couldn't get any calls on our home floor....
and mark cuban NEVER does this right?

i'd be pretty pissed if i were a guy and got punched ANYWHERE. rules are rules :you punch you sit.

oh, and i'm sure the mavs weren't complaing about the refs in game 3 where they got 50 free throws, 22 of them in the 4th. the reffing has been bad on both sides. the spurs got jobbed one game, it's only fair the mavs get jobbed another night

either way, it's been a very entertaining series. i've been so nervous at each tip off, and the kings aren't even playing! it's crazy!
You can boo a player. This is part of being a fan, and as many times we have seen before, there is no real logic in being a fan...

Karl Malone always irritated me, so I booed him. You could say he was throwing elbows, causes injuries, etc. but there were other players who did it. Why is Shaq booed a lot? Just because he is too strong? He is arrogant and he still won many trophies? Where is the logic in it? Alex Rodriguez left Mariners for a better contract after he fulfilled his contract in Seattle, and I believe I'd do the same. Now, whenever he steps on Safeco field, after this many years, he is still booed.

I am not really trying to justify the booing, but I can understand why people do it.

Meanwhile, it has nothing to do with game 6, but I found it pretty hillarious. It was posted on our board:

Overacting Manu Ginobili Takes Charge, Plays Dead

SAN ANTONIO—Manu Ginobili oversold his attempt to get Dallas Mavericks forward Dirk Nowitzki called for a charging foul in the third quarter of Game 5 Wednesday, according to teammates, opposing players, and frustrated emergency medical personnel who grudgingly carried off the Spurs shooting guard in a stretcher despite the fact that he was clearly still breathing. "We kept shaking his shoulder and telling him, 'Manu, wake up, we got the ball back,' but he just kept lying there for a good five minutes," said teammate Tony Parker, adding that Ginobili was unresponsive to loud shouts in his ear and showed no signs of movement except a slight smirk after Tim Duncan pried his right eyelid open. "I guess maybe he thought that if the ref saw that he was really still alive, he might reverse the call. It's too bad he had to miss the rest of the game when he was taken to the hospital." NBA analysts say are calling this incident the most extreme case of flopping since 1992, when Vlade Divac, who was hiding a razor in his wristband, surreptitiously sliced his supraorbital vein and bled to death after drawing minor contact with the Clippers' Danny Manning.
--May 18, 2006 | Onion Sports