[Game] Mavs @ Kings Game Thread 12/4/10 Game Thread


The Game Thread Dude
Whine whine whine whine. All we do is whine, moan, and get in pissing contests with other people over completely trivial matters.

I speak of, of course, us as Kings fans. Over the span of ten years, we have gone from being one of the most passionate, diehard fanbases ever to grace professional sports to one of the whiniest and most gilded.

Countless people complain about how it hurts them to watch the games and how its a waste of time. Well, here's a little tip for you: If you don't want to watch it then DON'T WATCH. It's that simple. If you don't like spicy food, don't eat spicy food. If you don't like rap music then don't listen to rap! I know that this seems to be a simple concept but that is because it is.

Here is the deal: If that passion no longer burns inside, then stop pretending that it does. You're only hurting yourself. This advice applies to everything, not just basketball.

Now, I have no problem with in depth criticism and discontent with a given reason. What I do have a problem with are statements in the vein of
This team is trash!!!!!!1!!!!!
fire all of these clowns petrie adn his losers need 2 go now
No one gains any insight from these posts, rather you just make yourself seem to be a dullard basking in the self-righteous glow of your computer screen, in other words, a troll.

For the rest of us, the fans who are sticking ith it through thick and thin, I will say only this: It is always darkest before the dawn and the bad times like this make the good times seem all that much sweeter when they come. The Greatest Show on Court is dear to all of us only because of the collective "meh"-ness of what came before. I know it gets hard sometimes but you've got to have faith, you've got to believe.

Now, I don't feel like writing about that game. I'm pushing that out of my mind and only looking ahead.

The Mavs are a good team. I just want to see 48 minutes of coherent team basketball. Regardless of the results, I just want to see the team play hard. Play like a team. Play like the Kings.

As always,
Whine whine whine whine. All we do is whine, moan, and get in pissing contests with other people over completely trivial matters.

I speak of, of course, us as Kings fans. Over the span of ten years, we have gone from being one of the most passionate, diehard fanbases ever to grace professional sports to one of the whiniest and most gilded.

Countless people complain about how it hurts them to watch the games and how its a waste of time. Well, here's a little tip for you: If you don't want to watch it then DON'T WATCH. It's that simple. If you don't like spicy food, don't eat spicy food. If you don't like rap music then don't listen to rap! I know that this seems to be a simple concept but that is because it is.

Here is the deal: If that passion no longer burns inside, then stop pretending that it does. You're only hurting yourself. This advice applies to everything, not just basketball.

Now, I have no problem with in depth criticism and discontent with a given reason. What I do have a problem with are statements in the vein of


No one gains any insight from these posts, rather you just make yourself seem to be a dullard basking in the self-righteous glow of your computer screen, in other words, a troll.

For the rest of us, the fans who are sticking ith it through thick and thin, I will say only this: It is always darkest before the dawn and the bad times like this make the good times seem all that much sweeter when they come. The Greatest Show on Court is dear to all of us only because of the collective "meh"-ness of what came before. I know it gets hard sometimes but you've got to have faith, you've got to believe.

Now, I don't feel like writing about that game. I'm pushing that out of my mind and only looking ahead.

The Mavs are a good team. I just want to see 48 minutes of coherent team basketball. Regardless of the results, I just want to see the team play hard. Play like a team. Play like the Kings.

As always,
Good post. Though in times like this, I think such negative posts are to be expected. Let's face it, what we're seeing out on the court really is trash, and it's not surprising that many feel something has to change. Personally I can't wait for something to be different, to see some improvement, to see some consistent effort. I've asked myself whether our current team is really capable of much improvement, not in terms of potential but in terms of actually moving forward based on the personnel we have. I've come to the conclusion that we lack several things, namely a proper veteran leader and teacher, consistent good outside shooters, and proper offensive sets. One just has to look at this game and see how lazy our passes were, and this is coming from the team that is way down. We should be the ones fighting, hustling, and instead we don't defend, continue to turn the ball over. This is not what you want to see out of any team, and it is seemingly turning into one of the most consistent things you can expect out of our team - that we get beat, not even trying to play hard.

There have been some tiny positives here and there, like JT's energy. As for the rest of our offence, well ... Tyreke took a billion 3 pointers. You do that against the Twolves and you'd get blown out.

Something. Must. Change.
Just looking at your signature of "On a posting strike until the negativity decreases", I can tell where this post was headed. This team has more talent than it's had in years, and yet since the 3-1 start, we have been one of, if not the worst team in Sacramento in years. And let's be honest, those 3 wins were fluke wins. We were down big, and the other teams fell apart and let us into it.

Think to yourself, has there been one game this...just ONE game, that you can honestly say to yourself that we deserved to win? Any game where you stood up and were proud to be a Kings fan? And now you're posting this, which has absolutely nothing to do about the Dallas game, to criticize the fans who are tired of the same thing over and over.

Honestly, and I'm not trying to attack you personally, but this post was one whole "I'm better than you and here's why". No reason to it other than to stick your nose up and show us why you're the best Kings fan on the board. Just because people are frustrated and whine, doesn't mean they don't care about the team just as much as you, they just show it differently. People are tired of the same result over and over...can you blame them?

In other words, I think you should continue on your posting strike instead of posts like this... ;)


The Game Thread Dude
Honestly, and I'm not trying to attack you personally, but this post was one whole "I'm better than you and here's why". No reason to stick your nose up and show us why you're the best Kings fan on the board. Just because people are frustrated and whine, doesn't mean they don't care about the team just as much as you, they just show it differently. People are tired of the same result over and over...can you blame them?
Not sure where you're getting the "I'm better than you vibe from" but you're certainly entitled to your own opinion. I was mainly just referring to posts popping up with increasing frequency that generally follow the template of "(insert name here) is playing like (insert synonym for garbage here). We need to dump him off to (Insert team here) for someone liek (insert random second string player here) and fast"
Not sure where you're getting the "I'm better than you vibe from" but you're certainly entitled to your own opinion. I was mainly just referring to posts popping up with increasing frequency that generally follow the template of "(insert name here) is playing like (insert synonym for garbage here). We need to dump him off to (Insert team here) for someone liek (insert random second string player here) and fast"
People express themselves in different ways...you choose to support your team (even though I think you should be more realistic and honest with how the team is playing), while others choose to panic and want change immediately. I know EVERYONE here is NOT happy with what is going on right now, but I think your post would relate to people (like me) if you were offering both sides of the situation...for example...

JT really hustled and played well, even though he had no real reason to when we were down by 30+ in the 4th. But something needs to change. Whether it's with the coaches or players, we need SOMETHING to spark this team. The talent is there...but we are not THIS bad. The 17 win team was THIS bad...and we are making them look like a playoff team!

I know you are frustrated like the rest of us, but did you really need to create a thread just to point out people who don't have as much "passion" as you do? Come on now...


Hall of Famer
It seems Beno/DC will be starting in this one. I don't mind the move, it's not like we are playing any stellar defense to begin with, we have spurts but that's all it really is and it hurts us on the defensive end. Might as well attempt to play an all offensive starting unit and see where it takes you. Either way, Dallas has been stellar as always, on the road and this should be an easy win for them. I will be interested to see how Cousins plays against their two seven footers, both defensively orientated.


The Game Thread Dude
People express themselves in different ways...you choose to support your team (even though I think you should be more realistic and honest with how the team is playing), while others choose to panic and want change immediately. I know EVERYONE here is NOT happy with what is going on right now, but I think your post would relate to people (like me) if you were offering both sides of the situation...for example...

JT really hustled and played well, even though he had no real reason to when we were down by 30+ in the 4th. But something needs to change. Whether it's with the coaches or players, we need SOMETHING to spark this team. The talent is there...but we are not THIS bad. The 17 win team was THIS bad...and we are making them look like a playoff team!

I know you are frustrated like the rest of us, but did you really need to create a thread just to point out people who don't have as much "passion" as you do? Come on now...
I'm not complaining about people saying that there needs to be a change (I've been saying that for a while myself), I'm complaining about people who say things without backing them up.

And it's not like I've never done a game thread before. And I certainly haven't been claiming that I am the bastion of passion on this site (Hell, there are a good dozen [and most likely more[ people that are certainly more passionate about the Kings than I am). The point I am trying to make is that if you don't want to watch, then don't watch.
For the rest of us, the fans who are sticking ith it through thick and thin, I will say only this: It is always darkest before the dawn and the bad times like this make the good times seem all that much sweeter when they come. The Greatest Show on Court is dear to all of us only because of the collective "meh"-ness of what came before. I know it gets hard sometimes but you've got to have faith, you've got to believe.

I agree there have been some dumb posters here who are negative and inarticulate. I am a little frustrated, though, with everyone on the radio/internet, etc. saying we need to be patient as Kings fans. We've been patient since we traded Chris Webber for those three "tradeable pieces" in 2005. Then in the fall of 2005, we were sold that Peja, Miller, and Bibby were the new "core" of this franchise. Then, after the brief playoff push with Ron Artest later that season, we fired Adelman and hired Muss so he could "coach defense". Then we traded away Bibby for expiring contracts and Artest so we could "remove the shade tree and let the grass grow" (Petrie's words). Then we traded away Miller and Salmons for more expirings to ensure a little cap space for 2010. Then we traded away Martin to ensure a big amount of cap space for 2010. So now we have all this cap space, but wait, we're not going to sign anybody. This is a good young team on its way up and they need to grow together. Here We Rise. 35 Wins (are we even going to get to 10?) Besides, the new CBA in 2011 will take care of things for small markets (even though it may not).

I probably left out a few things, but the point I'm trying to make it that it's clear the moves made for cap space in 2010 were not made to make this team better. They were made to cut costs, even though we were led to believe that they would use the 2010 cap space to sign a good free agent (not LeBron, obviously, but someone on the shelf below that). I agree with some of the posters that the Maloofs are not as wealthy as we think they are and all this smoke and mirrors masks the fact that the Maloofs are rich, but they are not wealthy enough to spend the money to put together a team that can compete at the NBA level, or this city and/or arena cannot put up the revenue to make this an NBA level team. This is not an NBA team right now. They can not compete at the NBA level. There is no hope for this team on the court and there is no hope for an arena deal. Meanwhile the Lakers are winning more championships and dominating our building during Kings/Lakers matchups at Arco with the sickening act that the Laker "fans" bring to Arco. And we want to Beat LA so bad, but we can't put together a team that can compete with them, so we're always taking it in the you know where when we play against them. At the Sacramento airport, and at retail stores, there's more Laker gear than Kings gear right now. We would love to trash talk the Lakers, but what the F are we going to say right now?! Oh, but we have to be patient.
I agree there have been some dumb posters here who are negative and inarticulate. I am a little frustrated, though, with everyone on the radio/internet, etc. saying we need to be patient as Kings fans. We've been patient since we traded Chris Webber for those three "tradeable pieces" in 2005. Then in the fall of 2005, we were sold that Peja, Miller, and Bibby were the new "core" of this franchise. Then, after the brief playoff push with Ron Artest later that season, we fired Adelman and hired Muss so he could "coach defense". Then we traded away Bibby for expiring contracts and Artest so we could "remove the shade tree and let the grass grow" (Petrie's words). Then we traded away Miller and Salmons for more expirings to ensure a little cap space for 2010. Then we traded away Martin to ensure a big amount of cap space for 2010. So now we have all this cap space, but wait, we're not going to sign anybody. This is a good young team on its way up and they need to grow together. Here We Rise. 35 Wins (are we even going to get to 10?) Besides, the new CBA in 2011 will take care of things for small markets (even though it may not).

I probably left out a few things, but the point I'm trying to make it that it's clear the moves made for cap space in 2010 were not made to make this team better. They were made to cut costs, even though we were led to believe that they would use the 2010 cap space to sign a good free agent (not LeBron, obviously, but someone on the shelf below that). I agree with some of the posters that the Maloofs are not as wealthy as we think they are and all this smoke and mirrors masks the fact that the Maloofs are rich, but they are not wealthy enough to spend the money to put together a team that can compete at the NBA level, or this city and/or arena cannot put up the revenue to make this an NBA level team. This is not an NBA team right now. They can not compete at the NBA level. There is no hope for this team on the court and there is no hope for an arena deal. Meanwhile the Lakers are winning more championships and dominating our building during Kings/Lakers matchups at Arco with the sickening act that the Laker "fans" bring to Arco. And we want to Beat LA so bad, but we can't put together a team that can compete with them, so we're always taking it in the you know where when we play against them. At the Sacramento airport, and at retail stores, there's more Laker gear than Kings gear right now. We would love to trash talk the Lakers, but what the F are we going to say right now?! Oh, but we have to be patient.
Now THIS is a post....Bravo!

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
Oh, but we have to be patient.
OK, so what's the alternative to patience? There weren't any big name free agents beating down our door this offseason. Carmelo Anthony wants out of Denver, but won't accept a trade here. So how do we make a legitimate splash NOW?

The obvious answer is that we don't. We have an somewhat injured reigning Rookie of the Year guard and a potential franchise-level center who can score and rebound, but these guys are 21 and 20 respectively. We have a 21 year old shotblocker with a respectable jump shot. We have two 22-year old small forwards, both quite tall, one who can play defense and SHOULD be able to shoot, and one who can shoot and SHOULD be able to play defense. And it looks like we'll have another top-5 pick this summer. It doesn't matter if you're tired of patience, what about this roster doesn't scream "PATIENCE!!" to you? Regardless of the disappointments of the past, now is the time for patience.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I'm for giving Elie a shot, but there is no coach in this league that can win with this team. The Maloofs will not spend the money to sign players who know how to play the game of basketball at the NBA level.
If you mean the Maloofs will not spend more MLE contracts on middling vets to chase #8 seeds all I have to say is thank ****ing God!

The lack of fiscal responsibility advocated by fans always amazes me, particularly when said fans were all alive to the evils of our bad contracts only a couple of years before. Do you people not understand that maybe our #1 asset, or at least 1 of the Top 4 (Reke, Cousins, potentially this upcoming #1 being the others) is precisely that caproom? It represents hope for the future. Mikki Moore does not. It also BTW is the only reason we coudl pull of a trade for a major player given our other assets. We may not, but that capspace is rife withn opportunity. And all people can do is complain about it. Its like chastizing your wife for paying down the credit card bills insted of continuing to run up bills on ugly ties, scented candles, and her 619th pair of shoes.
If you mean the Maloofs will not spend more MLE contracts on middling vets to chase #8 seeds all I have to say is thank ****ing God!

The lack of fiscal responsibility advocated by fans always amazes me, particularly when said fans were all alive to the evils of our bad contracts only a couple of years before. Do you people not understand that maybe our #1 asset, or at least 1 of the Top 4 (Reke, Cousins, potentially this upcoming #1 being the others) is precisely that caproom? It represents hope for the future. Mikki Moore does not. It also BTW is the only reason we coudl pull of a trade for a major player given our other assets. We may not, but that capspace is rife withn opportunity. And all people can do is complain about it. Its like chastizing your wife for paying down the credit card bills insted of continuing to run up bills on ugly ties, scented candles, and her 619th pair of shoes.
We can't afford to go 40 mill over the cap. People complain about us not throwing contracts on overpayed vets thinking that our cap is just a waste. It's rare to find a solid free agent who will only take a 1-2 year deal.. Go play association mode in 2k11, sign a FA this offseason for around 9-13 mill over 3 or so years, and notice you don't have enough to keep Cousins and Evans both on your team, while having solid role players around them. Right now, our best bet is putting on chips into Evans, Cousins, and whatever pick we get this time... in about 3 years thats probably gonna be 25+ mill on our roster..
People express themselves in different ways...you choose to support your team (even though I think you should be more realistic and honest with how the team is playing), while others choose to panic and want change immediately. I know EVERYONE here is NOT happy with what is going on right now, but I think your post would relate to people (like me) if you were offering both sides of the situation...for example...

JT really hustled and played well, even though he had no real reason to when we were down by 30+ in the 4th. But something needs to change. Whether it's with the coaches or players, we need SOMETHING to spark this team. The talent is there...but we are not THIS bad. The 17 win team was THIS bad...and we are making them look like a playoff team!

I know you are frustrated like the rest of us, but did you really need to create a thread just to point out people who don't have as much "passion" as you do? Come on now...
How about the fans?

In Europe, most fanbases have organized groups of hardcore fans with their own logos, T-shirts and whatnot that sit (or rather stand) in the same section every game, put banners and stuff, and cheer throughout the game (In Soccer these are also the people you do not want to be caught alone by while wearing the wrong colours.) In a situation like this, where a team is clearly in a deep emotional hole, these groups would plan an organized show of support. Meet the team at the airport if they got blown out on the road, show up early to a game and cheer during shootaround, contact management and try to get permission to show up to cheer at practice, anything to spark the team.

And if that doesn't work they give the coach hell.

I look at this board, and despite the way the team looks every game thread gets to around 300 posts. There's a solid core here. Has it occured to you that you guys can maybe get off your hands and do something for the team? Maybe give the city and the owners some food for thought while you're at it?
That is internet forums I'm afraid.

Not everyone who signs up is going to be Oxford educated and compose every post like an academic essay.
In half the posts we're blaming GP for trading away decent players for cap room when theres no one to sign and in others were blaming the owners for not signing anyone


Hall of Famer
I thought this thread was solely based on the game tonight? Not about our MLE signings in the last couple of years and how we made no attempt to go after a FA in the summer when all the good ones didn't want to come here.
I sense another embarrassing blowout looming. The Mavs are rolling right now. They have the best win streak in the NBA at the moment and I just don't see the Kings being able to stop it. I'd like to be more positive but I honestly have zero faith in this team right now.


Hall of Famer
I sense another embarrassing blowout looming. The Mavs are rolling right now. They have the best win streak in the NBA at the moment and I just don't see the Kings being able to stop it. I'd like to be more positive but I honestly have zero faith in this team right now.
I'm right up there with ya. I see another blowout and not much positive to take out of this one.
Tonight could be the night when the shots go in and the ball bounces the Kings way. It has to happen eventually:)

I'm predicting a competitive game with the Kings winning by 5. Due to a poor shooting night by Dallas.


PS I hope:)


Northernmost Kings Fan
Has the starting lineup been announced? I'm curious what Westphal will try next... Pooh? Casspi? My guess is more along the likes of Cousins, JT, Beno, Evans, and Greene.
The OP threw down the gauntlet with his opening comments which were appropriate just as all the others are. I'm a reader and a poster and a Kings fan. Or rather it should be that i'm a Kings fan, a reader and a poster. I generally enjoy doing it. Just remember, there are only so many ways you can say YUK!