Maloofs back in process

KCRA - Maloofs back in process. County and Developement team will present new site plan.

no link - on ch. 3 right now

I knew it was a bluff, they will not build it without them.
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This kinda s*** happens in most big real estate and development deals. The Maloof's just want the original deal that was agreed upon in Vegas. This developer in Atlanta sounds like a game player. Maybe, someone local can build it.
It was driving me nuts.

okay, definitely off topic, but apparently today is international talk like a pirate day (, and that phrase brings up this joke i saw earlier today:

Pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel sticking out of his shorts, and says, "arr, bartender, bring me a flagion of rum!" The bartender says, "sure, pal, but what's with the steering wheel?" The pirate growls, "I don't know, but it's driving me nuts."

i know, i'm sophomoric... :p
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I watched the Ch 58 news and they had a very short blurb on this. They said the City/County and Thomas were working to get the Maloofs concerns addressed. Not anything huge, it's what you would expect to happen.
Dammit, I wish the Maloofs, David Taylor, John Saca, Craig Nassi, Tsakapolous, and every other of the big private businessmen would get together and pitch in $100 million each and get this thing done, and not have to worry about the stupid City/County/Thomas Ent....but that would only happen in a perfect world.:D
Dammit, I wish the Maloofs, David Taylor, John Saca, Craig Nassi, Tsakapolous, and every other of the big private businessmen would get together and pitch in $100 million each and get this thing done, and not have to worry about the stupid City/County/Thomas Ent....but that would only happen in a perfect world.:D
On 1140 tonight, Jim Kozimore had on Warren Smith (Rivercats) and Jim Teal (Raleys) and one of them brought up (Teal maybe?) that if this vote goes down, he expects a number of key people to step up and try another approach. Of course that is meaningless right now since this is the best chance we have to get a new arena and he's just blowing smoke since he himself won't take Raleys anywhere near this.
On 1140 tonight, Jim Kozimore had on Warren Smith (Rivercats) and Jim Teal (Raleys) and one of them brought up (Teal maybe?) that if this vote goes down, he expects a number of key people to step up and try another approach. Of course that is meaningless right now since this is the best chance we have to get a new arena and he's just blowing smoke since he himself won't take Raleys anywhere near this.
There are plenty of rich, promenant and powerful businessmen here in Sacramento, that you would THINK that something could be hammered out privately between them...but hey, like I said, only in a perfect world, I guess.
On 1140 tonight, Jim Kozimore had on Warren Smith (Rivercats) and Jim Teal (Raleys) and one of them brought up (Teal maybe?) that if this vote goes down, he expects a number of key people to step up and try another approach. Of course that is meaningless right now since this is the best chance we have to get a new arena and he's just blowing smoke since he himself won't take Raleys anywhere near this.

Did they name anybody who might step up?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
There are plenty of rich, promenant and powerful businessmen here in Sacramento, that you would THINK that something could be hammered out privately between them...but hey, like I said, only in a perfect world, I guess.
Not sure how -- professional sports is generally bad business, so you are asking for an investment highly unlikely to make major returns.