Live introductory press conference - Robinson

This was Robinson's reaction to the welcome he received at Arden Fair Mall (from the Kings' website)

“That was the craziest thing I’ve experienced,” he admits between viewing sessions. “The fans were amazing.”

Any doubts about how he would be received have been demolished as Robinson raves about his River City reception.

“I don’t have any worries about ever being loved here, I know that much,” he says glowingly. “It’s a great feeling."

“I feel right at home again.”

That's Kings fans. That's Sacramento. That's why the team needs to stay in Sacramento!

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what i took from that is the fact that petrie makes his decisions based on what this guy thinks...scary.

seemed a little defensive on the 2nd round pick question, and yeah will all be waiting for those 2 impact free agents you promised us 2 years ago...sighh.


Super Moderator Emeritus

Must. Resist. Urge. To. Punch. Computer....
There was a time when I actually would have listened to Gavin Maloof. That time has passed. I won't even waste my time watching a 3:13 clip of him. Been there; done that. The only thing I want to see is those free agents...and a free rein for Petrie to start cleaning up our trainwreck roster. Until/unless that happens, Gavin Maloof doesn't have anything to say that I need to hear.
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Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Players always feel the love in Sacramento. It's nice to see that some things never change. I'm not going to let anything whatshisface has to say spoil the moment. It doesn't really matter who the coach is next year or whether we sign some free agents for a change. Long-term of course it matters, but there'll be NBA basketball next season regardless and they're still our Sacramento Kings. No one can say Sacramento fans ever quit on this team.