Lebron caught up in his own hype? Apparently called arenas an effing wimp...

atxrocker said:
he had 20 or 22 in the first half and ended up with 22 for the game? where the hell was he in the third or fourth? i just dont see a true great player like kobe or mj disappearing like that

Apparently you didn't watch the game yesterday.
atxrocker said:
difference is that kobe has rings on his fingers.. lebron is lucky to be in the second round where he will be swept. screw lebron.
If you honestly think grounds for evaluating a 21 year old player is "how many rings on his fingers.."

Wow. Stick around for a while, will you? When LeBron fully places himself at the greatest EVER. Better than Kobe with his rings on his fingers, and maybe even better than Jordan.


Hall of Famer
atxrocker said:
difference is that kobe has rings on his fingers.. lebron is lucky to be in the second round where he will be swept. screw lebron.
Oh for crying out loud.

Every one of Kobe's rings came riding on the coat tails of a dominating in his prime Shaq.

Without Shaq Kobe has ZERO rings, and you know it.

And now back to the original topic at hand...
T[MaC] said:
If you honestly think grounds for evaluating a 21 year old player is "how many rings on his fingers.."

Wow. Stick around for a while, will you? When LeBron fully places himself at the greatest EVER. Better than Kobe with his rings on his fingers, and maybe even better than Jordan.
better than kobe or jordan? thats unproven at this point. you are going off assumptions of what he might achieve in the future. til he does, he does not belong in that category. i guess we will agree to disagree on this topic, you can continue believing he is the best thing ever to hit the nba if you want, just dont try to convince me of it.
SLAB said:
Oh for crying out loud.

Every one of Kobe's rings came riding on the coat tails of a dominating in his prime Shaq.

Without Shaq Kobe has ZERO rings, and you know it.

And now back to the original topic at hand...
um.. if thats your opinion, fine. not sure what relevance it has in this thread but you stated your position. if all the king james jockers think he is better than kobe i guess we will see when it is proven. he has hardley done that yet.


Hall of Famer
atxrocker said:
um.. if thats your opinion, fine. not sure what relevance it has in this thread but you stated your position. if all the king james jockers think he is better than kobe i guess we will see when it is proven. he has hardley done that yet.
Not sure what relevance it has in the thread?!

You brought up the greatness and rings position...I countered it...Those rings are the doings of Shaq...And no one else...Who else has benefitted from Shaq's greatness? Well, Devean George has three Shaq rings, but he is not great...But I digress from that.

Rings do not make the player...At least in my opinion.

And as for hardly proving himself, have you looked at the numbers...

Kobe: 35.4 / 5.3 / 4.5 / .450 / .347 3pt. (28 years old, 10th year in league)

LeBron: 31.4 / 7.0 / 6.6 / .480 / .335 3pt. (21 years old, 3rd year in league)

The numbers don't lie...James is right there with Kobe Bryant in every statistical category...James does average less steals, a bit more blocks, about the same TO's...I mean the numbers a very comparable.

Kobe in his third year was not yet drawing comparisions to Micheal Jordan...The fact the LeBron is even getting that praise in his third year speaks volumes...And the fact, at least I think, he is fueling that fire with his performance speaks to even higher volumes.

As I (think) I said earlier, I just believe they hype...We can agree to disagree.
atxrocker said:
difference is that kobe has rings on his fingers.. lebron is lucky to be in the second round where he will be swept. screw lebron.
Robert Horry has 6 rings, does that make him better than Kobe?
Bricklayer said:
Now did you watch that game?

If you did, you would have noticed that LeBron poured in 20 or 22 in the first half. He was ready for the big time. His teammates however...

Was also true that the Pistons just had one of those games where it was ridiculous -- at one point they had shot 11 of 12 from the three point line. :eek: They couldn't duplicate that in an empty gym.

This whole situation is oddly reminscient of the early MJ years. His team makes the playoffs, and year after year just cannot get by the Pistons (of the Bad Boy era). Finally they get old, he hits his prime, and its 6 titles in 8 years.
the game itself was oddly reminiscent of game 1 in the spurs-kings series. you had one guy playing well for the kings (bonzi, i believe), and nobody else came to play. as for the spurs, they couldn't miss. they were getting a lot of easy shots, but they were sticking everything, with a man in their face or without. it didn't matter. detroit played similar today. it didn't matter who was guarding them, they couldn't miss. they won't duplicate that kind of offensive output for the rest of the series, so the cavs stand a chance. it is now all about adjustments for cleveland. what are they going to do to make sure the pistons don't embarass them again? the kings answered that call against the spurs. lets see if lebron and the cavs young coach are up to the challenge.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
atxrocker said:
screw lebron. the guy got outplayed by arenas...
Arenas' first-round line: 34.0 ppg on 46% shooting, 5.5 rebounds, 5.3 assists.
James' first-round line: 35.7 ppg on 51% shooting, 7.5 rebounds, 5.7 assists.

Arenas game-winning shots: 0
James game-winning shots: 2

Washington Wizards first-round playoff wins: 2
Cleveland Cavaliers first-round playoff wins: 4

You must be using some new definition for the word "outplayed" that I was previously unaware of...
Mr. S£im Citrus said:
Arenas' first-round line: 34.0 ppg on 46% shooting, 5.5 rebounds, 5.3 assists.
James' first-round line: 35.7 ppg on 51% shooting, 7.5 rebounds, 5.7 assists.

Arenas game-winning shots: 0
James game-winning shots: 2

Washington Wizards first-round playoff wins: 2
Cleveland Cavaliers first-round playoff wins: 4

You must be using some new definition for the word "outplayed" that I was previously unaware of...
actually i was referring to the game where the comments in question were made when he had less points, less assists and more turnovers than gilbert

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
AriesMar27 said:
i find it funny that people are upset over what he said in the first round when he is down 30 against the pistons.... if he calls rip or prince a wimp then we can say he has balls...

they are down 101-69 with 8:21 left in the 4th....

i am a witness, of mediocrity.....
Contrary to what appears to be popular opinion, this game says more about the Washington Wizards than it does about the Cleveland Cavaliers... *especially* if you truly believe that LeBron James is "mediocre."

And you've got the concepts backwards: talking trash to the star players on the other team when the game is still up for grabs takes balls. Now, talking trash when you're down thirty... *that* takes conceit.
Anyone who doesn't like LeBron James because he called Arenas out during overtime of a playoff game and now he's 'not a nice person' or whatever needs a serious reality check.

Trash talking is a part of the game, especially in the playoffs. Now, if Drew Gooden or Larry Hughes pulls that, then that's arrogance, over-confidence and all of that. But that's just playoff gamesmanship for a great playoff performer, and anyone who thinks that elementary school manners apply in the playoffs is fooling themselves.

Btw, LeBron is earning all the hype he's getting. This isn't premature, Harold Miner/Jerry Stackhouse -type hype. This is triple-double in first ever playoff game -type hype. Putting your team on your back and carrying them into the second round -type hype. He's doing just what everyone is saying he's doing, and he deserves the credit he's getting. Best ever? No, not yet. But three years into the League, he's putting up MVP-like numbers in the playoffs, and carrying his team on a nightly basis. When's the last time that happened?

Calling LeBron over-rated and over-hyped might be fair; calling him mediocre is just plain nuts.
I don't like LBJ simply because he is so full of himself and you can see it in his face. During a Knicks game he was like "Its over" and they lost when Hughes missed a three at the buzzer. He reminds me too much of Kobe and since I don't like Kobe all that much (though his 81 point game was insane) I like Lebron even less. Where does a guy like him, first time in the playoffs and already being called MJ's successor have a right to be so full of himself. Don't get me wrog, he is an incredible player, but being called Heir to MJ without a ring is like me annoucing to the world that i have more money than Bill Gates and them actually believing me.


Sac.Kings said:
but being called Heir to MJ without a ring is like me annoucing to the world that i have more money than Bill Gates and them actually believing me.
so true....
Before the series vs. Wizards started, I though James was at least solid defensively.....now I just think he is AVERAGE AT BEST. I mean there were a few instances where opponents just drove right at him without even flinching becuz he wasn't giving any effort. Really though, with his sped and athleticism there should be no excuse for the poor defensive stretches which he goes through.

There is no way LBJ can legitamately be called the heir to Jordan, until he refines his defensive game (which I am sure he is more than capable of doing). People tend to forget exactly how dominating of a defensive 2 gaurd Michael was; he would score 50 plus points while completly shutting down the other team's best scorer.
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acisking said:
Before the series vs. Wizards started, I though James was at least solid defensively.....now I just think he is AVERAGE AT BEST. I mean there were a few instances where opponents just drove right at him without even flinching becuz he wasn't giving any effort. Really though, with his sped and athleticism there should be no excuse for the poor defensive stretches which he goes through.

There is no way LBJ can legitamately be called the heir to Jordan, until he refines his defensive game (which I am sure he is more than capable of doing). People tend to forget exactly how dominating of a defensive 2 gaurd Michael was; he would score 50 plus points while completly shutting down the other team's best scorer.
even jordan didn't start out as a great defender. few players outta college hit the nba as marquee defenders, much less players a few years removed from high school. james has time on his side. i'm sure he'll refine his defensive skills.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Sac.Kings said:
but being called Heir to MJ without a ring is like me annoucing to the world that i have more money than Bill Gates and them actually believing me.
You do realize that Jordan himself took a few years to get that first ring don't you? In fact, as I recall he did not get his first until he was 28 or so. Didn't make him any less great in the early years. Didn't make him any less the future of the league.
Superman said:
He's used to playing high schoolers half his size. Of course he's not a good defender... yet. Probably the one flaw in his game.
Yeah, plus high school coaches are not always the best at teaching defense. I'm a little surprised that Silas didn't hammer away at it, but Lebron really needs to get coached up on the defensive end of the floor. I suspect he'll focus on that this summer.