Kreidler: Don't give Kings the title...yet


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Mark Kreidler: Don't give Kings the title ... yet
By Mark Kreidler -- Bee Sports Columnist

Published 2:15 am PDT Friday, September 2, 2005[font=verdana,geneva,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]

It took a little longer than expected, but some things are just worth waiting for: The classic overselling of the Kings has begun. If you're Rick Adelman, how do you reach your nightmare scenario two months before the season begins? That's easy: Slip into expiring-contract status as the head coach, then have the national sporting press take a passing glance at your roster - you know, the one you haven't coached in an actual game - and proclaim it capable of making a deep championship push.

All together, now: Achieve or die!

It happened this week via the good folks at ESPN, one of whom declared the Kings the second-best team in the Western Conference entering the coming season. Give the ESPNs one thing: They've got synergy.

Before long, the same mantra was being repeated on cable sports shows, radio programs and around the places where, I guess, they talk about the NBA in August and September.

Look at that lineup, the mantra went. That's a contending-type lineup.

This a strong testimonial to the kind of offseason that personnel czar Geoff Petrie has had, what with Bonzi Wells and Shareef Abdur-Rahim and Jason Hart coming in a summer in which, really, the Kings had a single midlevel salary exception to offer.

Problem is, it has no basis in actual performance. Or, as Petrie put it Thursday, "I don't know yet (about the roster). We haven't played any games."

So that turns the flame to white-blue under Adelman's hot seat, right?

"Not in my mind," Petrie replied.


"I'm sure that at some point there's going to be talk about Rick being a lame duck," Petrie said. "But there's nothing he's done here that's lame, and I haven't seen him ducking under any doors lately."

And let's take the conversation a step further, since Petrie did. What he noted is that when a player is in the final year of his contract, he's a potential free agent, a guy about to test the market. When a coach is in the final year, he's a lame duck. Why?

The short answer, of course, is that players almost never get blamed for their teams' horrible performances. If that weren't the case, nobody would've touched Abdur-Rahim with a 10-dollar pole; he basically hasn't played for a winner since college.

For that matter, the NBA (and any other sports league) will forgive all manner of behavior in the name of talent. If that weren't true, Wells would be another guy looking for work in his chosen field, rather than the object of a bunch of potential deals before Memphis, with coach Mike Fratello already tired of Wells' act, finally sending him to Sacramento in the Bobby Jackson trade.

But a coach? Forget about it. If a team stinks, the coach is out. Shoot, about half the time a coach is on a short leash even under the best of circumstances or even an out-and-out resurgence, which may explain how Nate McMillan wound up leaving Seattle's surprise playoff entry of last season for the vagaries and rebuilding job awaiting him in Portland.

The early consensus on the Kings is daunting on another level, if only because the message seems to be, "Great roster. Now somebody go coach it." Adelman is coming off the franchise's fifth straight 50-win campaign, but this was a one-and-out playoff team last season. Can this much really change in one summer of on-paper dealing?

Petrie's and Adelman's best teams in Sacramento have been marked by an almost chronic unselfishness among their best players. Petrie calls the process "accommodation," meaning stars have to be willing to defer to other stars when necessary on the court; and as of now the leadership role in that regard has to come from Brad Miller, Peja Stojakovic and Mike Bibby, "three guys who form the substance of a lot of the good stuff that came here before."

But Wells has to buy in, too. Abdur-Rahim has to buy in, and Corliss Williamson, and Kenny Thomas and Brian Skinner and others who either are or aren't at all used to making their contributions from the bench. As of now, it is apparent Bibby, Miller, Stojakovic, Wells and Abdur-Rahim are the starting five - with all the winning, losing, transcendence and difficulty their individual histories imply. In other words, nothing has happened yet, which won't stop the national sporting machinery in the slightest. The new and quite possibly improved Kings already are being fitted for Pacific Division title banners. Back to you down on the court, Rick.

Reach Mark Kreidler at (916) 321-1149 or

Good to see Kreidler's take IMHO.
Problem is, it has no basis in actual performance. Or, as Petrie put it Thursday, "I don't know yet (about the roster). We haven't played any games."

the most accurate statement in this read.

no one knows where this team is going to finish in the regular season and the playoffs. "rick adelman and what he may or may not accomplish with a team he hasn't had the chance to coach yet". i think their reading too much into nothing.
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VF21 said:
It happened this week via the good folks at ESPN, one of whom declared the Kings the second-best team in the Western Conference entering the coming season. Give the ESPNs one thing: They've got synergy.

Before long, the same mantra was being repeated on cable sports shows, radio programs and around the places where, I guess, they talk about the NBA in August and September.
Apparently, the rest of the national sports media takes their cues from Chad Ford. That's frightening! :eek:
i like the kings chances better this season than at the end of last season, but its ludicrous to say that the kings are a championship contender before seeing them step on the court together. chad ford is gonna flap his gums like he does...but for everybody to buy into it?...oh my. great expectations have never helped the kings in the past.
Just rememeber . . . The Lakers 2 seasons ago (Shaq, Kobe, Payton, Malone, and the 5th guy) were going to be the best ever. We know how that ended. However, it is kind of good to hear our names in the mix again.
With only a couple of months to go now, it is getting exciting, to imagine how successful our new-look team are going to be.

I had never heard of SAR before the end of the last season, but im a bit more clued up on him after reading views here and im optimistic about how it can turn out.

Lets just hope that in Kreidler's passing comment of 'over to you on the court Rick', we actually do get the chance to see Rick deploy a full strength team on a consistant basis. Surely if we stay healthy and the chemistry grows then we can be in with a shout of some success.
PixelPusher said:
Apparently, the rest of the national sports media takes their cues from Chad Ford. That's frightening! :eek:
Or just a reinforcement of the theory that-in general-the collective sports media is nothing more but a group of idiot-wanna-be-jounalists who someone gave a pen.


Well, I guess either way you look at it, it is frightening ...


chelle said:
Just rememeber . . . The Lakers 2 seasons ago (Shaq, Kobe, Payton, Malone, and the 5th guy) were going to be the best ever. We know how that ended. However, it is kind of good to hear our names in the mix again.
Those are five "individual" all stars. What the Kings have are "team" players.
team players? i don't know about that yet. But i think inorder to get these guys to get us a championship, adelman needs to tell'em straight up, "We are playing for a championship, i really don't give a damn about how many points you score or if steven a. smith thinks you deserve more playing time. We are playing for one goal and one goal only." Or at least if he stressed to them that it doesn't matter who starts, we could take on the spurs. I guarantee spurs against the kings or spurs against the heat, one of them is gonna be the most watched game of the season. man im sooo exited for this season to start, but at the same time i'm scared of how things will end up.


thesanityannex said:
Those are five "individual" all stars. What the Kings have are "team" players.
hah, you're calling devean george an all-star? I hope that "five" was a typo for "four"

Anyway, I just thought of something....when has a Kings team of this generation ever been this young? For years there we always had at least 3 people over 30, sometimes 5 or more (02-03). This year: 1. And its a player that will probably average >6 min. per game. When have we had a lineup that can actually run and gun over the 35+ minutes and not extremely tired (Vlade, Christie)? When have we had TWO, count 'em, TWO rookies/sophomors battling for a backup position? Or two rookie/sophomores at all?

The way Adelman coaches, this much younger group of players will be in his and the team's advantage, and I can see why there is all this "contender" talk so early. This is the youngest and probably second most athetic Kings team is years, and I think they have a good chance of going a long way....

Defense is the problem though, as always.
Nice to see a journalist bring logic and reality into the picture. Yeah I am optimistic about the upcoming season. I think Petrie has a pretty good job of improving the team this offseason (don't know if he's done). It does seem like a pretty talented team (at least offensively) who can put up a lot of points. The truth is we simply don't know yet and the only way to know is to wait and watch, or in my case read about it (cause I can't watch it where I'm at). So I'm going to use the feared 'P' word and say this team has a lot of potential, I'm excited to see if it works. I do think that if there is a coach I want to do it, Adleman seems like the guy I would want doing it.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
This team has the very real potential to finally get Adelman fired. Can't wait until the Maloofs, who publicly called for defense to start the offseason, grow dissatisfied with the lack thereof and blame Rick + use it as the excuse to fire him and bring in a cheaper coach.
what? is that an adelman hater i see? this cannot be? dang, harsh words, but, i got one question... who would you rather see on the bench because quite frankly, i can't really see anyone good out there right now.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
BibityBobtyBoom said:
what? is that an adelman hater i see? this cannot be? dang, harsh words, but, i got one question... who would you rather see on the bench because quite frankly, i can't really see anyone good out there right now.
You have no idea how amusing that post is. ;)

Go back to my earlier post, and read in a :rolleyes: at the end of the second sentence and compare the meaning.
Brick, While I agree with you concerning this team and their potential to get Rick fired, I have quite a bit of faith in him. True that he hasn't won any titles or anything, he has always gotten the most out of his players (except maybe O-Tag, don't know why). I hope and pray that the possibility you stated earlier doesn't happen because I don't know how many other cheaper coaches out there could get what Rick does out of his players on a regular basis.

My question is how do you fire a guy when he always wins, even when the team seems to be "bleeding" talent? 5 or 6 50-win-seasons in a row isn't easy to do especially in this day and age in the NBA. Are you implying that the Maloof's wouldn't mind seeing the team struggle so they could have a reason to get rid of the coach to save money? If thats true I'm terribly dissapointed.
thesanityannex said:
Those are five "individual" all stars. What the Kings have are "team" players.

I really wan't comparing our team to that team. I was just pointing out that our success is going to depend on how we play together, not on individual talent. I think we are in agreement on that.

I like Adleman. I hope he has continued regular season success and INCREASED playoff success!
Brick is not an Adelman hater at all. I think all he's saying is what Kreidler is saying in his article. This team looks good on paper with all the names, and now that Ford- part of the national media- is hyping them up to be really good, there could be some trouble for Adelman if this team doesn't get it done or get far into the playoffs. Expectations are high, even though there are still some obvious flaws, like lack of defensive minded players, most importantly defense up front.

Essentially, the expecations might not be met, not because Adelman isn't a good coach, but this team isn't that good in the first place. The Maloofs called and talked a lot about defense, but this team is not a defensive team the way it’s built.
Packt said:
Essentially, the expecations might not be met, not because Adelman isn't a good coach, but this team isn't that good in the first place. The Maloofs called and talked a lot about defense, but this team is not a defensive team the way it’s built.
Would it not then be logical not to expect too much defense from this team. I mean they will be exciting and everything and probably fill it up pretty nicely, but why would anyone with any basketball sense expect this team to noticably improve its defense?

This is kinda why I asked the question about the Maloofs looking for reasons to ditch Adelman. It seems like they talk defense, don't really address it much in the offseason then still hold the expectation of improvement in that area. Maybe I'm missing something but that seems a little crazy. By crazy I mean doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result.
Lets blow something way out of proportion, state the obvious, and throw in some quotes, some big words, some catchy phrases and bam, journalism. Is there a point to this article? How did this get published? What am I missing?

It's TDOS. Right now, there is really nothing to report. It gives us something else to talk/argue about. I have no problems with the article. It is basically the same as every year about this time. "The Kings could win it all . . . or not." There are just a lot more new names to throw around. You know, just your basic yadayadayada until the season starts.
don't give the kings the title.... yet???

while i like the improvements the kings made this offseason, it's WAY too early to be calling the kings title contenders. not to mention the defending champs reloaded as well.

kings V spurs in the WCF would be kinda intresting.
chelle said:
It's TDOS. Right now, there is really nothing to report. It gives us something else to talk/argue about. I have no problems with the article. It is basically the same as every year about this time. "The Kings could win it all . . . or not." There are just a lot more new names to throw around. You know, just your basic yadayadayada until the season starts.
Yeah, you're right. It's off season filler.
allrightythen said:

My question is how do you fire a guy when he always wins, even when the team seems to be "bleeding" talent? 5 or 6 50-win-seasons in a row isn't easy to do especially in this day and age in the NBA. Are you implying that the Maloof's wouldn't mind seeing the team struggle so they could have a reason to get rid of the coach to save money? If thats true I'm terribly dissapointed.
No, I think what Brick is alluding to is that considering that the Maloofs and fans alike were calling for more defense this offseason, they went complete opposite direction by the Wells and SAR additions. Rick might be the scapegoat if we lose in similar fashion to previous years where the team is great offensively but they don't play a lick of defense and don't go very far in the post seaason.
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Adelman's job will be safe when he convinces Mike Bibby that if Mike takes two charges a game, his fingernails will never grow back.

Gauranteed Mike stays in front of his man then, or will at least try to.
Rockin' in the Free World said:
Adelman's job will be safe when he convinces Mike Bibby that if Mike takes two charges a game, his fingernails will never grow back.

Gauranteed Mike stays in front of his man then, or will at least try to.


How about a billboard that says Joe or Gavin will give him Manacures if Mike stops his man and maybe a free pedicure for every steal. :D


Super Moderator Emeritus
SiliconBreakfast said:
Lets blow something way out of proportion, state the obvious, and throw in some quotes, some big words, some catchy phrases and bam, journalism. Is there a point to this article? How did this get published? What am I missing?

What are you missing?

Since you asked, I'll respond...

You're apparently missing just about everything.

Kreidler did a great job of taking the air out of all the false-hope balloons that have people already clamoring for room in their trophy case for their little replicas of the O'Brien trophy.

He made it clear that while, on paper, the Kings look very good, he thinks it's entirely too early for people like Chad Ford to be practically planning the victory parade for the Kings.

In addition, he pointed out that while some national media types might be guilty of this, our own GM isn't about to buy into it:

Problem is, it has no basis in actual performance. Or, as Petrie put it Thursday, "I don't know yet (about the roster). We haven't played any games."

In addition, he (Kreidler) brought up something a lot of us have been this team just good enough on paper to get a lot of people's hopes up only to have them dashed on the rocks of despair when the team doesn't pan out?

But Wells has to buy in, too. Abdur-Rahim has to buy in, and Corliss Williamson, and Kenny Thomas and Brian Skinner and others who either are or aren't at all used to making their contributions from the bench. As of now, it is apparent Bibby, Miller, Stojakovic, Wells and Abdur-Rahim are the starting five - with all the winning, losing, transcendence and difficulty their individual histories imply.
Kreidler, one of the best local sports columnists around (if not THE best, IMHO) took on the national hype and just like the little boy watching the parade for the emperor and his new "clothes" brought some sanity to the situation. The emperor has NO clothes and the new Kings haven't done a thing to warrant this much national attention quite yet.

In other words, nothing has happened yet, which won't stop the national sporting machinery in the slightest. The new and quite possibly improved Kings already are being fitted for Pacific Division title banners.
What would you rather have? Another fluff piece about Peja's rippling muscles and his forceful drives to the hoop?



KingKong said:
Manicure Mike. That's funny.
That could be his name if he was a rapper....

I could just see it now....

"Yo, yo, yo, the name is manicure mike... I'm killing you cats when I spit on the mich... The seasons bout to start, I hope you're all siked..........."