KingsFan "Official" Fantasy Basketball league

JSin said:
Okay, it's looks like we have about 11 regulars in the league and I might be just about ready to open it to the new people. But I would like to hear from those ALREADY IN the league how big we should go. Most leagues are 12, but we have gone up to 20 before. Let me know.
I like 12.

Just my 2cents
uolj said:
I don't mind if more people are let in. It's always more fun to beat 19 others than to beat 11 others.
yeah, the more the better.

14 would be nice, save a spot for CDiddy if he ever comes back.
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any spots on fantasy leagues left? my online time has been low and ive been inactive as far as NBA fantasy if any leagues have spots left, please let me know...please? gracias
League is full, we got 14, the last invite was sent out and accepted, so that's all for this year. Good luck to everyone, against me you will need it.
OptimusRhyme said:
Uh oh.. Big draft tommorow... Whos ready to be owned in the draft by the great OR.
Damn, you're the youngest player in they let in the Official League (no not being creepy, just check your profile), I was the youngest last year at 20. everyone else is 26 to 40+.
Mad D said:
Damn, you're the youngest player in they let in the Official League (no not being creepy, just check your profile), I was the youngest last year at 20. everyone else is 26 to 40+.

Sweet, I geuss I'm an underdog to because I haven't done a Fantasy League yet on Yahoo. Good luck to you though, your gonna need it!:D
Sorry for missing the draft, I was out of town but I still had internet access and I thought I'd be there to get it done, until plans changed.

That said, you all should be thanking your stars that I wasn't around to really clean up. In the mean time, I will be chewing on a breath mint to get the throwup taste out of my mouth from finding 3 bench PGs, including Derek Fisher, on my roster.

(P.S. If anybody needs a bench PG and is willing to give up a bench PF... let me know.)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
OptimusRhyme said:
Damn you Brick, you beat me back to Parker. I never should of waived him...
I HATE nationally televised games! :)

I've had Parker on my radar since preseason, but was hoping to be able to wait until he cleared waivers and my trade went through so that I would be able to pick him up for free into an empty roster slot. But then he has to go and show off in a national game, and so I had to jump the gun. Sucks.:( ;)
JSin said:
shoot me a PM and I'll get the league number and password off to you. If you want to join, but haven't yet, say so in this thread and reserve your spot in this thread.
JSIN, I PM'd you, If not too late to just join and pick up FA's I'd love to play. I'm not the best at it, but figured what the heck - I'll take the scrubs. How many players are there ?