How dare Westphal play Pooh, Beno, Garcia, and Landry at the same time in the 4th quarter when we havent won a game in a million years. Is he trying to get fired?
where is our advantage?! from the perimeter according to reke. i don't know why he tries crap when they are clogging the lane. throw it to our advantage (cousins) and let him create for christ sakes.
I don't know what it is about the 4th quarter but everyone seems to have a tough time handling the ball and we seem to not run the offense until 10 seconds are left on the shot clock. Its like everyone forgets how to play.
i think the first part of ur sentence answered the second part. i think he wants garcia in there for leadership and plays like that. but its just a guess cuz u never know what goes on in westphal's head