Kings ball. Bibby three misses off front of rim. Jazz board.
Okur goes inside, draws foul.
50 seconds left in the game.
Okur misses first; makes second.
89-81 Jazz
Bibby drives inside, puts Harpring on the floor.
Bibby to the line for two.
Phoenix beating the crap out of Denver, 73-51 with 1:41 left in the second quarter!!!
Bibby makes first; mIsses second. gEts board. Shot won't go; Darius put-back won't go.
Jazz ball. Bibby fouls McLeod with 23 seconds left.
If Phoenix holds on and wins, we have 6th spot.
McLeod makes both.
91-82 Jazz
23 seconds left.
Time out - although I can't imagine why. Commercial.