Kings @ Suns Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
With 3 to go - Kings need one W to secure 6th spot. It will not be easy but it is doable. Also - that W would give us 50 wins which is admirable considering everything that went and it still going on. Also a win on the road would secure a road winning record which not too many teams in the NBA can "brag" about. We are currently on a 4 game winning streak and we won 8 out of the last 11 games. I would call that - consistant.
Another Kings player got injured - what else is new ? It does not seam like it will ever stop. In fact if You are a free agent - You might want to consider signing here because at some point in time preferably close to the PO - there is a realistic chance ...
Pedja wes really playing well as of late and in the first 8 minutes last night he was heading for a grat night. Maybe a career night but then again Pedja is known to score 20 + in the first and then just a 'coupl" in the second. Also we woud have blown them out and there would have been a tons of garbage time. My point - it it not about numbers - it is more the way he shot the ball. It just looked too easy.
We can only speculate here - in terms of how "bad" the injury really is. How effective he might be when and if he comes back. How quickly he can find his rythm again. It took him more than a half a season to find it first time. From personal experience - groin injuries suck. They do not go away quickly.
Meanwhile - a fairly big target in Mike's head got even bigger. He will most certainly receive more attention from the opponents defenses with no Pedja in the line up. He will have to carry more load again and while it certainly is not fair to ask him to do that agin - we have no choice.
Can - we replace Pedja - only temporary. While we have 2-3 players who can play this position - none of them is a near of a threat. The "range" gets reduced and the defenses are not really as spread as they usually are. Even more important noe is to make the extra pass. Without Pedja - we still might be able to survive Seattle but not Dallas. Would be nice to see bobby get some minutes tonight. Also - we have to have Mike "operable" at all times. We probably should put him into vacuum between games.
For the last time this season I will waste some words about Lakers. That team just sucks. It is extremely pathetic that a lottery team with a losing record is trying to extend a game so that one of the players gets a TD. How stupid is that. I mean: You lost AGAIN dude ! Do You really need to embarass yourself even more. You are already wearing a laker uniform and you are losing a game yet again. Isn't that enough. I never thought that i might see anything so pathetic since Chris Andersson's dunking disaster during the all star break.
We bearly beat a worst team in the league last night due to lack of effort and due to incapability of our coach to realize that BB is a sport for tall people. Noiw, Dallas was famos for the small ball - we on the other hand might get famos for a midget ball. I am pretty sure that there is a middle school somwher which team has a taller team than we had during some streaches last night. Beats me.
Tonight we play a great team on the road that needs is as much as we do. That right there is trouble. we will need a miracle but You never know. I am very afraid of a layup drill tht Suns might have all night long. We need a several players to have a great game in order to be able to compeate. I expect Evans to start the game - welcome to the "midget ball" - compliments of the Sacramento Kings.
I will try do do everything in my power to hell the Kings win ;) . Early in the season when we beat them in Phoenix it was also Saturday. I did not watch that game life. I taped it. The reason - I went with some friends to the "mud wrestling" contest in the local bar. i had fun and Kings won. Well, same situation tonight. Same occasion, same place, same time, same game time.
And no - I am not superstitious at all ;) .
Mike - needs to get after Nash offensively. He has to shoot well and dominate the game for us to have a chance. And please Mike - hit Your free throws
Pedja - will sit next to Brad, Tag :rolleyes: and maybe Bobby. :mad:
Mobley - we need more from whatever he had last night.
Evans - He shot well last night which is not neccessarly a goo thing considering his consistancy issues. Career high reboundind would be nice.
Thomas - forcing shots will not help us
Skinner - appearantly too tall for Adelmans lineup. Lost his spot to our new center - Corliss
Corliss - will se a lot of time playing a center. God help us!
House - sucked last night. We might see some Bobby perhaps
Darius - he is working on a book called - "how to foul out in 5 minutes"
Martin - tall enough to play power forward. we will see some of him tonight.
Tag - way too tall to get some minutes. He might actually disturb Suns layup drill. We don't want that - do we ?
Daniels - getting ready for the injury list - needs to carefully choose his new injury.
Bobby - maybe - just maybe - but I would not mind at all. Not at all.
RA - seams to suffer from the "Napoleon complex" He is appearently also discriminating tall people - driving me crazy.
Suns - best in the league, explosive, athletic. I hope for no career highs.
Well the good news in this entire situation with the Suns is that they TOO played last night and the Clips gave them a real run...if it weren't for two Jimmy Jackson 3's late they probably would have lost to the best team in LA...their starters played 35,41,41,41,43 mins which is ridiculous at any level for any team...but they needed the win and considering they were short Q there bench was even its not like our starters didn't log heavy minutes but IMO two less minutes is a big difference...

The Suns IMO although they have been winning still consistently they are obviously tired and aren't playing with the same intensity that they had been playing with all year long...they've won 3 of their last 5 and in the games they won against LA/NO/LAC they let them hang around them the entire game or like last night against the Clips they had to come from behind to we definetly have an opportunity here but we have to be on our "A" game....Q will be out I hear still suffering from that sprain that occured on Monday...i hear he'll be out until there Tuesday game against Denver...unfortunetly they don't have a real drop off cuz JJax steps in the lineup...if we can get Amare in early foul trouble (which has been his trend lately) it'll be a nice advantage...I was thinking 3 fouls in 5 mins of first quarter action...he did that on Monday against the

As for us like I said everyone has to come with 10x more effort now that Peja is out we have to fill that gap that he leaves...if we can play some average solid defense while being able to hang with them offensively I believe we would win the game...Kenny has got to have a better effort shooting wise than last night, Brian has got to be a factor he can not allow himself to get into foul trouble against Amare, Eddie House will be back to his normal self I'm sure of it...I can also see him doing well defensively on Nash (who btw like clockwork at this time of the year is running out of juice and its painfully obvious), Corliss won't start cuz of the whole small ball thing that you know RA will go after plus it would match us up better with them actually but I expect Corliss to really take JJax to work down there in the post...pretend like he was back in Detroit....Mo I think will be solid tonight I'm with piksi in that a career high in rebounding would be lovely I also would like him to really crash the O-boards...if corner 3's are going down tonight I say he stays with them...Darius is gonna be interesting we all know he's had trouble staying out of foul trouble lately and its hurting our bench productivity...I don't however seeing that changing tonight cuz he will no doubtedly foul Amare a couple of times will probably have to guard Shawn Marion at times so I'm preparing myself for more Darius foul trouble also I predict a lot of And1 for Phoenix....Cat had a really great game last night..10 assists everyone would take from Cat on any given night...can he be that effective in that area again? Either way we are gonna need his scoring and for him to keep Joe Johnson in check...Mike Im not even gonna worry about he knows exactly what he's gotta do am I know he'll get the job done...I think for RA is rotations are gonna be key tonight...can he coach em up as they say?? We shall see...

Keeping our current winning streak alive would be great tonight..also keeping our road winning streak up...beating the best team in the league in their gym without Peja a week before the POs is not gonna be easy but if we gut out the win I see it being a HUGE confidence booster for EVERYONE (fans included)

GO KINGS!! Beat them Suns!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Famer
Well it's a tough one to call actualy. The only thing Pheonix has to play FOR is Best record in the NBA, as it is very doubtfull The Spurs will pick up all 3 games necessary to beat them, I would actualy be surprissed to see D'antoni play Nash and Stoudemire long min and risk some kind of injury that could hurt/kill their championship hopes. RA could expidite the decision by telling the troops to play as physical as possible. (See Robert Ringer's "Winning Through Intimidation) Seriously lay a few hard fouls on his boys, espcially Nash, and see if D'antoni has the guts to watch! Note to RA if you KNOW which players will NOT be on the PO roster they COULD risk a suspension for a flagrant foul at this stage with no real harm to the team.

Kings have a long tradition of playing through adversity and actualy having some solid games following an injury. With the plethera of small forwards crowding the roster the Kings should be able to stay copetitve. Fortunatly Cat, House, Mo and Mike are more than capible of keeping up the out side shooting that SHOULD spread teh floor so that the Kings almost big guys ought to be able to take advantage of the Suns almost big guys.
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Hall of Famer
Tonight the "midget ball" shouldn't be much of a factor. The Suns play undersized guys at every position and we match up pretty well in that department! I am really looking forward to the KT - Matrix matchup. Two very athletic guys that can shoot the long ball and drive to the hoop. Marion is faster, but KT is a bit bigger and stronger so I would like to see him pound Marion around a little. Of course the Nash - Bibby battle is always exciting so that should be fun.

Each team could be around the 140 - 150 pt. range tonight. This is going to be a tough game.


Super Moderator Emeritus
teamdimechampionship said:
I expect big things from Mike and Eddie tonight. Mike's HOMECOMING....and Eddie's too (Arizona St.) Please Mobley don't dribble for 10-15 seconds at a time without doing anything!
Cat did pretty good last night, leading the team in ASSISTS!!!!!

Come on, you guys need to cut him some slack and give him credit for wanting to adapt to our system.


Did you understand the significance of my first sentence?

Cuttino Mobley led the Kings with TEN assists.

VF21 said:
Cat did pretty good last night, leading the team in ASSISTS!!!!!

Come on, you guys need to cut him some slack and give him credit for wanting to adapt to our system.


Did you understand the significance of my first sentence?

Cuttino Mobley led the Kings with TEN assists.

IF WE can play some D tonight. we should be fine
^I told everyone last night in the game thread that I didn't want to hear anyone complain about Cat's so called "non passing abilities" again...Ill take 10 assists from Mobes everyday of the week

any you who I was really thinking over this physical thing that Celt suggested and I remember too occassions in watching Suns games where the opposing team got really physical and the Suns started to cry a bit (one game against the Grizz another against the Celts)...for some reason if things get chippy and they are on the opposite side of calls or whatever they start to cry a bit and never get their focus back...quite frankly I don't understand why nobody ever calls THAT team soft...cuz they most definetly are...I mean Amare is a powerhouse and everything but once he looses focus forget it...and Matrix is pretty tough but it doesn't matter when you are the only guy on a team where everyone else is pretty soft...we all know how Nash is...Q is probably the biggest whiner on that team and Joe Johnson arguably the nicest guy in the entire league...he won't do I say LETS THROWN THEM DOWN...where's Brad when its time to get NASTY...figures on the least we have the guy that owns the nickname....hopefully he channels his college days and/or his Pistons days and really brings it tonight


I can't wait for the game...but I also can;t wait for that Rox vs Nuggz matchup Im glad its coming on at 7:30 so i can smoothly transition into the Kings game at 10 woohoo!!
BTW people we are no longer using the word that starts with an "i" and ends with a "d" pertaining to the Kings....we need the good karma and the constant jinxing doesn't help


Homer Fan Since 1985
We are, however, allowed to use "owie" and "boo-boo". ;) I got this information from VF21 and Reina, and they are both great sources of info.
VF21 said:
Cat did pretty good last night, leading the team in ASSISTS!!!!!

Come on, you guys need to cut him some slack and give him credit for wanting to adapt to our system.


Did you understand the significance of my first sentence?

Cuttino Mobley led the Kings with TEN assists.

I don't care that much about numbers. What I saw was a ton of standing around by the Kings. Usually because Mobley was just dribbling way too much; not accomplishing anything. As much as he brought up the ball last night he better have ten assists! I would rather see the ball in Mike's hands more and let Cuttino worry about scoring. We can beat the Lakers with Mobley playing a lot of "point guard" but not many teams. Other than that Mobley is playing great. I've always liked Cuttino ever since college. He was just dribbling with no purpose way too much last night. A great offense is effecient. No wasted movement, do everything for a reason. For example: cut to the hoop to score, not just to cut to the hoop, set a screen to get the guy open, not just to set a screen. That's when we are at our best!:D


Hall of Famer
ReinadelosReys said:
While we are at it, I don't think we should use the word "curse" any more...its giving it too much credit. I like " Karmic inhibitor"....

;) :D

I thought - the word for that was - Finley


Super Moderator Emeritus
teamdimechampionship said:
I don't care that much about numbers. What I saw was a ton of standing around by the Kings. Usually because Mobley was just dribbling way too much; not accomplishing anything. As much as he brought up the ball last night he better have ten assists! I would rather see the ball in Mike's hands more and let Cuttino worry about scoring. We can beat the Lakers with Mobley playing a lot of "point guard" but not many teams. Other than that Mobley is playing great. I've always liked Cuttino ever since college. He was just dribbling with no purpose way too much last night. A great offense is effecient. No wasted movement, do everything for a reason. For example: cut to the hoop to score, not just to cut to the hoop, set a screen to get the guy open, not just to set a screen. That's when we are at our best!:D
So Cat gets criticized for doing the right thing at the appropriate time against the right opponent?

Mobley played point guard because our premiere shooting option went out with a "turnip" and Mike pretty much filled the role of small forward as far as scoring options go.

I didn't see Mobley dribbling too much, except for maybe a couple of times and I'm not going to fault ANY player for trying to wait for a play to develop, especially when it meant he wasn't just jacking up a shot.

The "great offense" concept is just that - a concept. The team, once again, was having to re-invent itself on the fly DURING THE GAME and I think they did a pretty blasted good job of it.

I'm sorry, but I'm really getting tired of all the people (and this is a general statement, tdc, and not addressed at you) who can't simply enjoy the win and how well our new guys are fitting in without always having to find something to criticize. I LOVE THIS TEAM! THEY WON!
VF21 said:
So Cat gets criticized for doing the right thing at the appropriate time against the right opponent?

Mobley played point guard because our premiere shooting option went out with a "turnip" and Mike pretty much filled the role of small forward as far as scoring options go.

I didn't see Mobley dribbling too much, except for maybe a couple of times and I'm not going to fault ANY player for trying to wait for a play to develop, especially when it meant he wasn't just jacking up a shot.

The "great offense" concept is just that - a concept. The team, once again, was having to re-invent itself on the fly DURING THE GAME and I think they did a pretty blasted good job of it.

I'm sorry, but I'm really getting tired of all the people (and this is a general statement, tdc, and not addressed at you) who can't simply enjoy the win and how well our new guys are fitting in without always having to find something to criticize. I LOVE THIS TEAM! THEY WON!
my sentiments exactly...
VF21 said:
So Cat gets criticized for doing the right thing at the appropriate time against the right opponent?

Mobley played point guard because our premiere shooting option went out with a "turnip" and Mike pretty much filled the role of small forward as far as scoring options go.

I didn't see Mobley dribbling too much, except for maybe a couple of times and I'm not going to fault ANY player for trying to wait for a play to develop, especially when it meant he wasn't just jacking up a shot.

The "great offense" concept is just that - a concept. The team, once again, was having to re-invent itself on the fly DURING THE GAME and I think they did a pretty blasted good job of it.

I'm sorry, but I'm really getting tired of all the people (and this is a general statement, tdc, and not addressed at you) who can't simply enjoy the win and how well our new guys are fitting in without always having to find something to criticize. I LOVE THIS TEAM! THEY WON!
I loved last night's win! Just can't keep from thinking about the playoffs which start in a week!


Homer Fan Since 1985
teamdimechampionship said:
I loved last night's win! Just can't keep from thinking about the playoffs which start in a week!
The playoffs will take care of themselves when the time comes. Today, we worry about tonights game.


Super Moderator Emeritus
And if Mike isn't open? The Lakers were actually attempting to guard Bibby pretty intensively towards the end, which is when I saw Cat dribbling more while he waited for Bibby to get open.

I'm frustrated a lot, too, because it seems Kings fans have become whiners. Used to criticizing people without real justification and expecting perfection at all times.

Those guys are human. They're going to make an occasional error or do something that some of us don't think was right. It's just aggravating to me to see how quickly some (and again I'm speaking in general terms) fans have decided that Cuttino Mobley is always doing something wrong.

I trust Geoff Petrie. He brought Cuttino here knowing the type of player he is, and I think Cat deserves at least some credit for changing his game even a bit in his attempts to do what the team needs him to do.

Still speaking in general terms, I read some posts and it sounds like people think Cat thinks he's above the team and I certainly don't think that's the case. He's very happy to be here and he certainly wants to do the best he can to contribute.

VF21 drags soap box off...and goes to play Mah Jong.
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