Fox has great legspeed and looks willing to harass his man, quick hands too - I like his defensive potential. Even though he was playing against stronger guys, he didn't back down and he continued to attack the basket. And I especially liked the way he communicated with his teammates - very vocal, very confident but not over the top. Wasn't out there to prove, that this is his team now and to rub that in everyones face. Encouraged his teammates and admitted mistakes.
Jackson was playing within himself. Looked like the smartest guy out there and rarely made bad plays. Just solid, unspectacular but effective.
So all in all 2 out of 3 rooks looked like they belong.
Our sophomores looked poor. Buddy forced way too much and his handles are still a thing to worry about. Malachi was looking completely lost and like the game was moving way too fast for him - passed a couple of good looks only to dribble into a contested jumper or force a drive. Skal just didn't play his game at all and Papa did make the same little mistakes as last season like taking unnecessary dribbles or bringing the ball down.
With sophomores you expect them to dominate the competition in SL. But none of our guys did that. In fact both Fox and Jackson outplayed them and made better decisions. And this is something that worries me. I can live with missed shots, but the decisionmaking should be on a different level after one year of NBA experience. The sophomores should be the guys leading the charge in SL. But in our case I felt more comfortable with Fox making decisions, than with Buddy or let alone Skal, Malachi or Papa.
Just one game though so I'm trying to not read too much into it.
Biggest complaint of the night:
The coaching staff - please tell me, this is just our SL approach to the game to give our bigs some touches. Please tell me we aren't trying to establish an offense, that puts Skal, Papa and Willie in post up ISO's or let them initiate the offense out of the post. Please don't do that. In this case the Zbo signing absolutely makes sense, because he is a guy able to teach how to post up and how to make plays out of the post. And I wouldn't like that one bit.
We are a team with bigs, who have great legspeed and can get up in traffic. Skal, Willie, Giles (only from what I've seen on YT) and even Papa are tailormade to be finishers in the pick&roll. And that's the way the league goes nowadays. Forcing them to post up and for the team to play from there, is just wasting their potential. It made sense with DMC. It makes sense with Zbo. But I don't want to watch Skal trying to back down guys 40lbs heavier, or want to endure Papa's clunky and predictable post moves, that always end in a right handed hook.
Skal suddenly looked like he belonged, when Fox ran pick&roll with him and he could just catch and finish strong. That's his game. Heck if he is able to shoot like I expect him to be, he can pretty much finish from everywhere on the floor and playing with a guy like that is every PG's dream.
Of course you want our bigs to develop some kind of postgame. Nothing wrong with that. It can give us a bucket here and there, when the opponent locks our guards down.
But please for the love of god, tell me Joerger isn't going to force these kids into an oldfashioned inside-out system, when we have dynamic guards and athletic bigs at our disposal.
Let Hill run the show and let him teach Fox how to do it on the NBA level. Let everyone else play from there.
Loved the Cooley chants from the SAC crowd. The guy really deserved it.