Kings @ Spurs Game Thread (Game 1)

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They think that they can use tony to wear us out and then rely on duncan + kings killers. not a bad strategy but i dont think it will work.
Rome said:
we lost, Parker with 16
Tony will slow down, as will the rest of the Spurs. We just need to attack at all times and in even a small lapse for them, we can create a large run.

We just have to keep attacking.
go kings!

the ginobili elbow was aggravating! 1st play and that's what happens? argh!

anyway, go kings!

please. someone. stop parker!!!!!!!

to many layups!


Hall of Famer
chelle said:
oh man. Parker is KILLING us. Why are we not doing as good of a job on him as we did last time. NOT EVEN CLOSE.
forget the last time. This is POs and that is why they are the champs. They have a simple game plan and it is working like a charm and ther just isn't much we can do
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