Kings Select in the 2008 NBA DRAFT??

Augustin is the fastest PG IMO actually. Lawson is a better leaper though and a little bit quicker though. Collison is athletic but lets not go and say he's more athletic than Augustin.

Augustin is going to be a hella good player. I'll take him over Collison or Lawson(I like both) 10 times out of 10, any day of the week. He's the best PG in the draft IMO.
Augustin is the fastest PG IMO actually. Lawson is a better leaper though and a little bit quicker though. Collison is athletic but lets not go and say he's more athletic than Augustin.

Augustin is going to be a hella good player. I'll take him over Collison or Lawson(I like both) 10 times out of 10, any day of the week. He's the best PG in the draft IMO.
You think he is better than Rose and Bayless?
You think he is better than Rose and Bayless?

Yeah he is a lot more skilled than either of those players. They are ranked above him because of raw talent/potential, size, and their athleticism for their size. He has better numbers than both though and he's a better leader than both. Rose is a questionable shooter, but he's really unselfish and can rebound with his size so he's gotten the comparison to guys like Kidd and Wade. Bayless can score for sure and he's 6'3'', he's got a nice J, but he's not nearly the leader or passer Augustin is. If he was then he would've gotten Arizona to advance and they would've had a better season because they're definitely really talented.

IMO Arizona was a really talented team. I mean Budinger is a good player who really would've benefited from a PG like Augustin that can pass really well and make plays, but I don't feel he and Bayless really meshed too well considering Bayless is a shoot 1st type of guy. I also think Jordan Hill would've done really well with a PG like Augustin, they would've been able to make a living with pick&rolls or driving and then DJ dishing to Hill. Bayless is more like Arenas and DJ's more like a Paul or Nash type of guy, even though neither player will probably turn out that well. So I do really think Arizona would've done better with a PG like Augustin.

Memphis I'll admit I haven't watched as much as I have of Arizona(cuz they're in the Pac 10). But I don't really feel like Rose is a polished player. He's going to be extremely good when he becomes a better shooter. Right now though Augustin's the better shooter and passer, of course D. Rose is the better defender(by a lot).

Right now though Augustin is the better player, the other two (Rose probably, I'm still not convinced Bayless will) will be better in the future if they reach their potential but I have no doubt whatsoever Augustin is going to be able to play. The guy is clutch, he can shoot, he can pass, he's an extremely good ball handler, he can slash, he's intelligent, he has pretty much every talent you want offensively. Defensively he'll probably never be a shutdown type of defender cuz he's not too tall but he'll be able to stick with the quicker PGs.


Hall of Famer
Funny you should say that because do you remember Ricky Minard? That's who he reminded me of when watching him.. Although Lee has a better outside game than Minard. They play surprisingly similar though.
Now that you mention it, yeah, he does remind me somewhat of Minard. Lee is a better shooter though. He's got a very quick release.
I don't think Collison is going to be able to finish at the NBA level, he also doesn't have much of an in between game either. He doesn't really create off the dribble like Augustin can. He's going to be a half court type role playing point guard.
The latest mock draft on shows DeAndre Jordan falling to us at 12. I think that would be a steal for us. Mock drafts had him going in the top 5 earlier in the year. He is a bit raw, but he's a 7 footer with rare athleticism, huge frame and explosive leaping ability. If he dedicates himself, he can be like Bynum or even Howard in a few years. No doubt, if the Kings are lucky enough to have him fall to them at 12 they would pick him, do you think he would be able to play along side Hawes? They could be our version of the twin towers.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
I don't think Collison is going to be able to finish at the NBA level, he also doesn't have much of an in between game either. He doesn't really create off the dribble like Augustin can. He's going to be a half court type role playing point guard.
I disagree. He's very good at finding ridiculous angles to make contested shots down low so I don't know why that wouldn't translate to finishing in the NBA. If by an "in between game" you mean moving to the open spot for a 12-14 foot jumper or a floater in the lane, he's got that, too. Clearly he's not going to be the kind of guy who can attack the basket with an NBA defense keying on him, but that takes a Kobe-type player. I wouldn't ask that out of Augustin either.

And, I wouldn't downplay the half court type PG abilities as the majority of possessions are half court possessions.

I haven't seen as much of Augustin as I would like, but what I've seen hasn't yet convinced me that he's better than Collison. I'm open to that conclusion, but right now they're a toss-up as far as I can tell.
Jordan was one of my picks before the year started. I wanted him for some time now. I had seen a couple of his "All American" games before going to college, and he played REAL well. Fast forward to college, and I wasn't that impressed. But he did suffer from a coach that wouldn't play him. Don't let his stats fool you because his last 3-4 games he didn't play much at all. A lot of his points come off of offensive rebounds turning into dunks... This year has worried me though. Jordan is explosive, but he lacks anything other than his explosiveness.

EDIT: You see Love went to #10.. Ugh.. Wish they bowed out early :(
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Jordan was one of my picks before the year started. I wanted him for some time now. I had seen a couple of his "All American" games before going to college, and he played REAL well. Fast forward to college, and I wasn't that impressed. But he did suffer from a coach that wouldn't play him. Don't let his stats fool you because his last 3-4 games he didn't play much at all. A lot of his points come off of offensive rebounds turning into dunks... This year has worried me though. Jordan is explosive, but he lacks anything other than his explosiveness.

EDIT: You see Love went to #10.. Ugh.. Wish they bowed out early :(

I think what really screwed Jordan over is that coaching staff. They don't know how to teach a big man how to play, and he should've been a starter but they wouldn't play him. They were more convinced with winning than developing an NBA prospect, which IMO screwed them over because if he would've been a bit better I think that could've pushed them over UCLA. I think he'll be a good player in the NBA though, more assistant coaches and players that will actually mentor him(like Brad has helped Spencer this year).
Yah, that's why I didn't like what I saw. I didn't get to see him much, and when I did he was on the pine. He is explosive though, and if we were drafting on pure potential and he was available at #10 I would take him.. He was so talented in highschool... I have his stats somewhere. I will try to dig them up.
Ty Lawson
No doubt about it

Next Bobby Jackson

Quick,possibly fastest in college right now, athletic, and has some leaping ability

Think he would be a great back up point next year
The latest mock draft on shows DeAndre Jordan falling to us at 12. I think that would be a steal for us. Mock drafts had him going in the top 5 earlier in the year. He is a bit raw, but he's a 7 footer with rare athleticism, huge frame and explosive leaping ability. If he dedicates himself, he can be like Bynum or even Howard in a few years. No doubt, if the Kings are lucky enough to have him fall to them at 12 they would pick him, do you think he would be able to play along side Hawes? They could be our version of the twin towers.
Players like DeAndre Jordan scare me. Out of the lottery, I'd say this guy has the highest likelihood of being a bust. I have not been impressed with the level of play he's displayed at Texas A&M. He's the definition of a long-term project and I don't see consistent effort on the court. His motor reminds me of a big man taken in a recent lottery ...dare I say Patrick O'Bryant?

Granted, O'Bryant hasn't fullly shown what he's capable of, but it seems like he's still quite a ways from being any benefit to a team (look at his paltry D-League stats for example - not lottery-pick caliber).

At this point, I don't think that Jordan is worth the risk - even for a small 2-year contract that most rooks get. It'll be interesting to see what develops as he (likely) declares and works out for lottery-bound teams.
Jordan played well in highschool though.. His college stats are not doing him justice.

Jordan averaged 26.1 points, 15.2 rebounds and 8.1 blocks per game as a senior. This was for a good school, playing a lot of elite teams. IMO If he stayed in college one more year he might be #1 overall or close to it. So if he falls to #12 we might have a deal.
ugh.. no reason to take Randolph other than his "buzz" went up because some scout saw him play in a game (which is more than most of us have seen) and decided he had some upside.

I am totally against this guy from what I got from the LSU fans that watch every game. They say he's not ready for the NBA. He's not very good on the offensive end.. Bleh.
There is no doubt about it. If Jordan falls to our pick, we take him. You can say blah blah-blah about a PG or whatever prospect you want, but this kid is a freak with Dwight Howard upside. You just don't pass on that. And that is why I don't think he will fall to us. But if he does.....

I'd take a year of Earl Boykins (if we didn't sign Beno) and wait to draft a PG next year -without pause- if we had the chance at Jordan.

You want to know how to go from the weakest PF/C combos in the league, to one with bright future and all without a top 3 pick? Draft Hawes and Jordan. Draft 'em young and stick with 'em a little longer.


Hall of Famer
There is no doubt about it. If Jordan falls to our pick, we take him. You can say blah blah-blah about a PG or whatever prospect you want, but this kid is a freak with Dwight Howard upside. You just don't pass on that. And that is why I don't think he will fall to us. But if he does.....

I'd take a year of Earl Boykins (if we didn't sign Beno) and wait to draft a PG next year -without pause- if we had the chance at Jordan.

You want to know how to go from the weakest PF/C combos in the league, to one with bright future and all without a top 3 pick? Draft Hawes and Jordan. Draft 'em young and stick with 'em a little longer.
On this, I think we agree.


jordan would be nice... if the sonics get the #2 pick and take rose they might be willing to trade one of their pgs(ridnour/watson). if we cant resign beno i wouldnt mind trading salmons for either one... especially if the kings are so high on resigning artest...

luke or earl

cant be any worse than what we have right now...