Kings @ Rockets Game Thread

WTF moment of the game

  • rebounding

    Votes: 17 40.5%
  • transition defense aka Russel westbrook memorial

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Hawes 0 rb half time

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • ending quarters, halfs, games

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • kingd lockdown defense - limited Thunder to 67% from field in the 1st half

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Thunder 4 on 1 fast break

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Beno's no look pass to Jerry and Grant

    Votes: 5 11.9%

  • Total voters
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Hall of Famer
When you reach across a guy and make contact it's a foul, especially when you're winning by 2. You obviously don't know basketball very well.
That was minimal contact at most, not something to call with the game on the line. I have seen much more contact go uncalled in the last 2 mins. If you think that was clearly a foul, and should be called 10 out of 10 times, especially with the game on the line, you clearly have not watched much basketball.


That was minimal contact at most, not something to call with the game on the line. I have seen much more contact go uncalled in the last 2 mins. If you think that was clearly a foul, and should be called 10 out of 10 times, especially with the game on the line, you clearly have not watched much basketball.
When the team is down by 2 in that situation they will (and should) get a 50-50 call like that. I'm not saying it was a HUGE foul, but it was a foul, especially in that game situation.
Wasn't the same play. He never made contact with Arenas before he stole the ball. He made contact with Brooks before he stole it. Quit whining.
Lol. He had that same kind of steal on George Hill in the Spurs game also. But its all good you obviously weren't watching the same game I was. If Tyreke would have stole that you wouldn't say a word about it being a foul and would probably be praising Reke for it.


Hall of Famer
When the team is down by 2 in that situation they will (and should) get a 50-50 call like that. I'm not saying it was a HUGE foul, but it was a foul, especially in that game situation.
If you want to call it questionable, I would agree. When you say "clearly", I don't agree at all. Not with all the non-calls I have seen wih games on the line.
It looks like David Andersen got away with a moving screen on that last play, which is why Brooks was so open.

Congratulations on the win, Kings fans. With Landry gone, the Rockets lost their best post player and best fourth quarter player and best offensive rebounder and best finisher around the basket. I'm happy to see that you guys appreciate all the great things he can do.
That game was straight FUGLY !!! But a win is a win! I guess we'll take it. We should just talk about the positives. Great game by Landry and Garcia had a good game too. He really shut Martin down especially in the second half. Landry must really be happy with his comeback game! He really took it to his old team (22/10). Hawes had 10 rebounds, that's a plus! But it was an ugly game to watch. Good shooters making horrible shots.

'Reke's worst game by far. Battier has a way of making people look bad with his defense. Tyreke needs to learn from this game and have a plan "B" ready for when this happens. He REALLY needs to work on his outside shot. 4-22 was not all missed layups. I hope Tyreke remembers this game when Houston comes to Arco later this year. Maybe have something special ready for Mr Battier...

In all honesty, im just glad the Kings are wining games again. The Kings have played some good basketball these last 4 or 5 games!. Houston is a pretty good team. I'll bet they are thinking twice about giving up Landry for K-Mart. 2 guards that can score are way easier to find than power forwards that get stronger in the fourth quarter! And Dorsey looks like a mini superman. Martin is too easy to shut down. Landry is just the player we needed inside to give us some balance. Especially with Hawes being a perimeter player. Love the way Landry plays around the rim! for his size, he dominates bigger players.

How is it a player like Landry is 6'9" and can score inside but Hawes at 7'1" can not? I think height is overrated in the NBA. Good players score no matter what their height. And 7' doesn't guarantee anything.
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He didn't do it alone which is why the rockets as a team did the best out of any team guarding tyreke...they doubled while still closing all driving lanes and passing lanes and are the only team I've seen force Tyreke to take as many jump shots as he did...I'm hoping that shooting performance makes him work even harder on his jumper.


Super Moderator Emeritus
He didn't do it alone which is why the rockets as a team did the best out of any team guarding tyreke...they doubled while still closing all driving lanes and passing lanes and are the only team I've seen force Tyreke to take as many jump shots as he did...I'm hoping that shooting performance makes him work even harder on his jumper.
And you know why the Rockets were able to do that? Because their coach can coach defense...

And yes, that's said with a certain sardonic tone since one of the biggest complaints about Adelman back in the day was his inability to coach defense.

As far as Reke goes, I have no doubt at all that he'll take away some valuable lessons from tonight's game and adjust his game accordingly. The guy continues to amaze me with his ability to adapt and change.

It's a good night to be a Kings fan.

And you know why the Rockets were able to do that? Because their coach can coach defense...

And yes, that's said with a certain sardonic tone since one of the biggest complaints about Adelman back in the day was his inability to coach defense.

As far as Reke goes, I have no doubt at all that he'll take away some valuable lessons from tonight's game and adjust his game accordingly. The guy continues to amaze me with his ability to adapt and change.

It's a good night to be a Kings fan.

That is one of the stupidest, dumbest, most dense, pea brained misconceptions about Adelman. It was even present when we were good, even amongst our own fans! We were actually the best defensive team in the NBA for at least one whole year and near the top for several. You don't look at points allowed, because we scored so much and had a high FG%. What you look at is opponents FG%. We were at the top or near the top for several years under Adelman. The man is one of the best coaches in the history of the game.

You don't have to be a grind it out half court offensive coach to be a good defensive coach.

And yes, VF, I agree, it is good night to be a Kings fan!
Great ugly grind out slow down win for these guys. I watched the game on the Houston feed and all the commentators were talking about Landry this Landry that. He was a HUGE part of that team this year, he made them miss their lack of height by just playing with hustle.

This is one of my favorite wins of the year because we did it ugly, the game was boring too watch at some spots and that's how I like it. These are the kind of wins these guys should love these are some tough guys, so they should get these tough wins.

Reke did get shut down completely tonight, he needs to live by that free throw line jumper. When watching how people sag off on him they leave that free throw line jumper wide every time and he has that shake move that frees him up, he should master that first.

I loved Cisco tonight I forgot how clutch he was since he was out all year, I love his calmness when shooting jumpers, just a great roleplayer he would fit in on ANY top teams bench.

Friday we got Dallas and it's gonna be a tough one to watch, but if the guys stick with the theme of this trip and stay in these games we might be able to steal one.
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