Kings out of the picture for Iverson...

Laugh and joke all you want, do you think it hurts me in any sense? I'm just passing on some information I thought you'd find interesting. Has VF21 revealed her sources yet? Didn't think so. That is why they are called sources.
Laugh and joke all you want, do you think it hurts me in any sense? I'm just passing on some information I thought you'd find interesting. Has VF21 revealed her sources yet? Didn't think so. That is why they are called sources.
I'm not trying to hurt you. I just think that if you're going to post things like that, you need to give some kind of reasonable source.

I don't know VF21, but I asked for her source also. I think other people know her here, though, and she apparently has some connection.

And "that's why they are called sources?" Uh, no. Look up the word source. I think you mean "unnamed source" or something. In which case, I'd toss this whole thing out as nonsense.

Do you really think Philly would want Mike Bibby and risk losing him in order to keep Henry on their staff? I don't think so. It's silly.
Unfortunately, I think it is time to move I wish it werent true, but I guess I have to come to the realization that we arent going anywhere this least with the current roster the way it is now.
I don't know VF21, but I asked for her source also. I think other people know her here, though, and she apparently has some connection.
The same connection that said Whis was the new Kings coach?

Do you really think Philly would want Mike Bibby and risk losing him in order to keep Henry on their staff? I don't think so. It's silly.
Do you really think Mike Bibby would want to be reunited with Henry? I don't think so. It's silly.
her sources are usually wrong, i remeber when she said she had a friend at the hospital that said peja was there taking a physical like a week before the artest trade happened, thats why there called sources, until we hear something publicly then its all speculation
her sources are usually wrong, i remeber when she said she had a friend at the hospital that said peja was there taking a physical like a week before the artest trade happened, thats why there called sources, until we hear something publicly then its all speculation
I don't know her and I wasn't here then, so I can't say.

But "that's why there (they're!) called sources"... no. That's why they are called "unreliable sources".

I'm looking for "reliable sources".
Well... I find it unforutnate that the Maloofs said "We are not going forward" which means they did pursue it. Therefore saying "Yeah Bibby, we were trying to trade you." Great...
Which leads to an interesting situation. How does Bibby react now? What do the Maloofs do with him? How soon is he traded? Should be some great times for us Kings fans!:(
Bibby is playing in an option year. He will play hard. Either the Kings will trade him, or Bibby will opt-out, or nothing will happen.
The same connection that said Whis was the new Kings coach?
1) That's a little unfair since it still appears that the Maloofs were going in that direction and changed their mind. The source was probably correct

2) VF21 has posted a gazillion times, often with good info from sources not every one has access to.

If you have a source, that's cool. This is a perfect place to post it. However, you were posting things like "I've been hearing..." which is pretty confusing - could be another message board, article, etc. If you've got some info, just say "I've got a source close to Philly/Sac/the Press that gave me x info." You won't get crap here if you put it that way...especially if the source turns out to be right at least once and you have a fair number of posts here.
her sources are usually wrong, i remeber when she said she had a friend at the hospital that said peja was there taking a physical like a week before the artest trade happened, thats why there called sources, until we hear something publicly then its all speculation
Her sources are usually extremely'd be smart to listen and discern. And welcome to the board. Way to make an impact. :rolleyes:


Super Moderator Emeritus
her sources are usually wrong, i remeber when she said she had a friend at the hospital that said peja was there taking a physical like a week before the artest trade happened, thats why there called sources, until we hear something publicly then its all speculation

Nope, wasn't me. Never said that. Ever.

If you don't want to believe my comments, fine. But please - to go to the length of making up something I said so you could show it was wrong is just silly.


Super Moderator Emeritus
If you want to continue to discuss the topic at hand, everyone, feel free to do so. If, however, you want to take potshots at me, it's not gonna fly. This isn't that kind of board...
If you want to continue to discuss the topic at hand, everyone, feel free to do so. If, however, you want to take potshots at me, it's not gonna fly. This isn't that kind of board...
Mine wasn't a shot at you in the slightest sense. I was just pointing out that sometimes certain information can be incorrect even from often reliable sources, sorry that I used you as an example.
actually not new to this board at all, i just never posted. i believe you did say that cause i remeber or try to remeber all or your big comments but i could be wrong, anyways its not a shot at you, its just these are all rumors until we hear something offical and since youwont state your source, i dont think bloomberg is, sorry if i offended you in any way


Super Moderator Emeritus
actually not new to this board at all, i just never posted. i believe you did say that cause i remeber or try to remeber all or your big comments but i could be wrong, anyways its not a shot at you, its just these are all rumors until we hear something offical and since youwont state your source, i dont think bloomberg is, sorry if i offended you in any way
Hey, believe whatever you wish. You're totally wrong about the hospital thing. And what I've posted is not a rumor. If you don't believe it, that's your choice. If I did have a source, though, would I still have that source if I said who it was?

You might want to think about it a bit.

At this point, as I've said above, it would be nice if people went back to the topic at hand.


Super Moderator Emeritus
your right its just confusing when eze's site thathas 3 sources, say the deal is not dead, and you with your source say it is
No skin off my nose what ezekielbear may choose to post. I've shared what I heard. At this point, I'll just refrain from doing so in the future.

EDIT: I'll continue to post stuff I think some of our members might be interested in. Whether or not you choose to believe it is, of course, up to you.
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