Kings @ Nuggets Game Thread

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The sooner this team gets a bench the better. Our bench has been sucking it up pretty badly so far.

We need some player off the bench that can at least hold the margin. Whenever our benchers come in we lose all the momentum and it goes downhill from there.


we look like the worst team in the nba right now, at least the bobcats give effort and have a decent record. :mad:
Kings gave up early in the 4th quarter. I managed to stick it out a few minutes longer then realized they weren't going to start trying again.


Hall of Famer
3 quarters od decent ball just is not enough... I guess we could blame this on the back to back or the altitude but this team just lacks any defensive presence what so ever and the offense is streaky.



What's that definition of insane again?

Doing the same thing over and over again expecting the outcome to change

We've run the same offensive play over and over and over. It's not working. It didn't work the previous night nor the night before.

The play I'm talking about is the high post player looking for the cutter or open player. It's a play that works in the 1st QTR once or twice, but it fails after that and we end up doing nothing and burning clock.

Yet, we KEEP running it. It's driving me nuts.
Where was the jump ball in that?

I can't completely blame the refs for all the calls that they've made or haven't made because the Kings have made their fair share of mistakes

BUT.....there have been some complete BS calls/non-calls this game
AleksandarN said:
We have no athletic players on our team. We have no athletes. All we have flat footed slugs out there.
That's the bottom's a tale of two teams right now: the starters and the bench. Our scorers can't run, and our runners can't score.
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