Kings @ Nuggets Game Thread

In February

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Which is why I said I was actually happy with Hawes taking the shot at the end of regulation instead of Martin
hell after so many times seeing martin "trying" to draw the foul at the end of the game, i'd almost rather have the ball in anybody's hands...even brockman
i usually defend kevin, and i think he had a decent game. but i hate when the give him the ball for a last second shot. he's soo NOT clutch. i know if it goes to him, what he's gonna do. try to draw the foul which never gets called :(

oh well, im upset we gave up our lead, but glad we kept it competative. i honestly thought we were gonna get blown out. this is the 3rd best team in the league 32-15 (21-3 at home) and we took them to overtime without evans. but probably coulda won in overtime WITH evans. either way, im bummed but not too angry
Hard to defend Kevin. Not the kind of shot a Leader takes. He should have taken it all the way to the rim and made an effort to MAKE a SHOT! Kevin is just NOT CLUTCH. THAT is a sad fact. He had a rough shooting night and he started making up for it by driving the hoop and getting to the line. BUT that CANT be your game winning plan! I'd rather have seen Casspi given a chance to create a shot posting up and maybe get up a SHOT. Hawes shooting a 15 foot fade away in regulation was just DUMB. I am certain that is not what Westphal drew up on the whiteboard. If Hawes does ANYTHING with the ball other than pass it, he better be heading TOWARD the basket, not AWAY! He ISN'T a friggin GUARD! And HAWES was having a good game, but what the H3LL was that ??

Fingers crossed that Petrie is scouring the NBA looking for a 2nd string center on a bench somewhere that can play defense at an NBA level and guard an opposing centers without double team help! Our defense would improve 1000% if we just didn't have to double team on every play every time every game because our center is unable to guard any other center in the league one on one because he is too thin to hold his ground. Petrie needs to come through and swing that trade to make the Kings competitive! It would make watching Kings Basketball SOOOO much more fun. Come ON PETRIE!! Pull the trigger !!
thats something i dont think can ever be fixed with JT, hes just too wild and clumsy.. and its sad cuz we wasted a high pick on him. I wish we had speights or randolph.
Isnt it too early to crush this guy just yet? He is extremely young still. He has talent. He needs time to get his game together. A year and 2 months are not enough time to say this guy is a bust. He is heading very quickly toward bust status, but there is still time for this kid to turn it around. It may be that the kid is just too much of a head case to get his act together and turn into a decent power forward. He is acting like a head case with his attitude and all the complaining to the refs. He went a month playing decent basketball then he all of a sudden just lost his MIND and his GAME.

I think the Kings will keep looking at JT till the end of the season and if he turns out to be an unsaveable headcase, then they can cut and run. If he turns it around and just slows the hell down and plays well, then maybe they still trade him before he losses his mind. I really do think he has a mental problem! How does a young player who has been told at least 1000 times not to say anything to the refs continue to yell at the refs? Why would anyone risk a job worth MILLIONS to yell at refs who get more and more pissed every time you blow up at them? What is really perplexing is that he IS GETTING CALLED FOR LEGITIMATE FOULS!! He reaches with his hands instead of moving his feet and the fouls they are calling are fouls they call on all players. If he doesn't shut up and play basketball, he deserves to lose the money and get run out of basketball.
Flopping in general shouldn’t get you the calls, but flopping or trying to get a weak attempt at getting a foul and then complaining at the end of the game shouldn’t get you the call either.

Kevin didn’t need to bring the ball up and since he did, he should have taken an assertive step and took it the hole. Why does he always do this? Kevin really should learn – after all these years in the NBA – that he’s not going to get those weak calls at the end of games. Just make the shot.

He should learn from Tyreke. Tyreke just grabs the ball and takes it all the way – he doesn’t look for the foul.
Isnt it too early to crush this guy just yet? He is extremely young still.
I don't understand why people keep saying this when some of his biggest problems don't get fixed with time.

Mental weakness: if a player has a focus issue, or mental approach issue, that's hard to adjust. Some players never adjust, and keep the same approach throughout their careers. Some guys have the lightbulb season with the aide of a certain mentor coach or player, but I don't see what just more time in the NBA will do to suddenly flip the switch in his mind. He needs to recognize what he's doing first before he can change it, and it doesn't seem like he fully understands how much he's limiting himself upstairs.

Court awareness: he seems blind to every defender except the one that is directly guarding him. He doesn't recognize double teams well, especially from the weak side. When you can't recognize defensive positions, how can you make smart decisions? Again, this is an aspect of the game which can't just be ironed out with time IMO.

Body control: fitness, conditioning, strength, etc can be developed. But coordination is possibly the most difficult. Again, some guys never develop it. JT is clumsy. His movements are often forced. His defensive troubles are partly due to this area, as are some of his foul troubles.

There are other issues, but these are some of the more outward issues that limit JT's effectiveness on the floor, and they happen to be issues that aren't quick fixes or can't be solved by just being in the NBA.
thats something i dont think can ever be fixed with JT, hes just too wild and clumsy.. and its sad cuz we wasted a high pick on him. I wish we had speights or randolph.
Same.. Speights was my man.. I wanted him or Randolph.. Ahh well..

That 2008 draft by Petrie was just garbage. As many good players came out we get a whining bum. Plus he didn't try to do anything to get those good players in the 2nd round that were going for cash or future picks..

Petrie's track record for decent drafting is spotty at best in recent years.
While I am also disappointed with JT, I think we must remember that he isn't going to be a star in the future. He has a lower ceiling than Hawes and is older as well. Earlier in the season he was putting up pretty good numbers for us, but when it's all said and done JT isn't going to be a major contributor on our team when we contend. He'll be a good hustle player of the bench, maybe give us bout 12/7 a game behind a true star PF.

But sometimes, I really just want to slap him.


Hall of Famer
Same.. Speights was my man.. I wanted him or Randolph.. Ahh well..

That 2008 draft by Petrie was just garbage. As many good players came out we get a whining bum. Plus he didn't try to do anything to get those good players in the 2nd round that were going for cash or future picks..

Petrie's track record for decent drafting is spotty at best in recent years.
I too wanted Speights, but so far he hasnt done as much as JT. He's younger I believe, and may have a higher ceiling. But I'm not exactly disappointed we passed on him.

JT always seems to get the better of the skinny Randolph. Of course, Randolph too is younger and has a MUCH higher ceiling. I do think his rebounding numbers are a bit inflated by Nellieball. But if the kid ever fills out he's gonna be a beast.

Besides the Douby fiasco I dont think Petrie's drafting has been bad. I mean, in the Hawes draft who went behind him that is a better player? ...Thad Young maybe, but the jury isnt out on Waffles. And this past draft has been one for the ages.

I tend to agree with Mac, JT isnt our PF of the future. He's our bench big of the future. His hack-a-lot, rebounding, energy game is perfect off the bench, especially since he's a PF/C. It will take some pressure off of him (a good thing), and I can see him putting up the occasional big night. I think we're getting our PF of the future this summer, via trade, FA, or draft.
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