This board is hilarious.
Let's all talk about the Kings having _____ without talking about _____!
Who is out with _____? How do they test for ____? I don't know. If a player is asymptomatic, but positive with ____ should they be withheld from play? Are these "should" questions of _____ even allowed on this board? It's a value judgment; what can I tell you? I don't know. Is this the new variant of _____ or one or both of the older variants? Is the new variant of _____ more deadly, less deadly, more contagious? I don't know? How does this ______ compare to what we used to know at the flu, given the new variant and that most of the populace has been vaccinated? Should players be withheld from play if they are positive but asymptomatic for the flu? I just don't know.