Kings Bulls Wolves deadline deal:

Kings trade:


Kings receive:

Bulls trade:

Bulls receive:

Wolves trade:

Wolves receive:

Kings new roster for rest of season

C: Brad Miller, Justin Williams*, Vitaly Potapenko*
PF: PJ Brown*, Eddie Griffin, Michael Sweetney*
SF: Ron Artest, Corliss Williamson*, Francisco Garcia
SG: Kevin Martin, Quincy Douby
PG: Mike Bibby, John Salmons, Ronnie Price*

*Expiring contracts - Kings total salary for off-season would be approximately:


If we went into the off-season with that amount of money, we'd be able to spend 9-12 million on a free agent, barring any other trade before the deadline as well(possibly Bibby? or Brad?).


Kings get the ability to rebuild this off-season with cap space

Bulls get a necessary piece in a post player on the cheap for contracts they're looking to move anyways

Wolves undo their logjam at the Point and gain a little cap space in the process
Agreed. The PF position needs to be completely wiped out, and this would let us work with a clean slate. I think the deal may need to be sweetened slightly for Minny, and I think much depends on what the Bulls try to do in other respects on the deadline.

But in any case, a good start to rebuilding the frontcourt, and gets some capspace without having to move Bibby, Miller, and Artest--which still could be done in other deals.
Agreed. The PF position needs to be completely wiped out, and this would let us work with a clean slate. I think the deal may need to be sweetened slightly for Minny, and I think much depends on what the Bulls try to do in other respects on the deadline.

But in any case, a good start to rebuilding the frontcourt, and gets some capspace without having to move Bibby, Miller, and Artest--which still could be done in other deals.

FWIW, Minny fans on Real GM were all for the Hart/Thomas for Hudson/Griffin Idea.
FWIW, Minny fans on Real GM were all for the Hart/Thomas for Hudson/Griffin Idea.
I'd do that one...but not the 3 teamer...Sweetney? Are you kidding me?? That guy is overpaid, overweight garbage...we'd be better off with Kenny Thomas to take up space on our bench, and that's bad enough as it is.
I'd do that one...but not the 3 teamer...Sweetney? Are you kidding me?? That guy is overpaid, overweight garbage...we'd be better off with Kenny Thomas to take up space on our bench, and that's bad enough as it is.

What??? You'd want Hudson's contract over Sweetney/PJ Brown and Eddie Griffin? The point of the deal is to get the Kings in a position to truly rebuild through $ flexibility whether that is through FA or trades.
Kings trade:


Kings receive:

Bulls trade:

Bulls receive:

Wolves trade:

Wolves receive:

Kings new roster for rest of season

C: Brad Miller, Justin Williams*, Vitaly Potapenko*
PF: PJ Brown*, Eddie Griffin, Michael Sweetney*
SF: Ron Artest, Corliss Williamson*, Francisco Garcia
SG: Kevin Martin, Quincy Douby
PG: Mike Bibby, John Salmons, Ronnie Price*

*Expiring contracts - Kings total salary for off-season would be approximately:


If we went into the off-season with that amount of money, we'd be able to spend 9-12 million on a free agent, barring any other trade before the deadline as well(possibly Bibby? or Brad?).


Kings get the ability to rebuild this off-season with cap space

Bulls get a necessary piece in a post player on the cheap for contracts they're looking to move anyways

Wolves undo their logjam at the Point and gain a little cap space in the process

wow what an awesome trade for the wolves.. im sure they are salavating at the chance of getting kenny thomas and his contract.. and hart too.. wow 2 potential all stars in hart and thomas...this looks like a steal for the wolves


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Hey I'd do it in an instant. A lard bucket and a masturbating felon would at least keep it interesting. Kenny and god what a completely passionless duo of boredom. Bad enough to suck, but sucking while boring...nasty. But throw some twinkies and a few girlie mags out on the court and Sweetney and Griffin are at least amusing.
If getting KT and Hart is a decent trade for them, I want no part of the crap they'd have to be giving us back.
We're sending SAR to Chicago and in the process we basically receive expirings or near expirings in this deal...if you go read the original post, this would put the Kings at a 10+ million under the salary cap THIS off-season.

As for the sarcastic wolves comments, they get KT and Hart which is STILL a BIG upgrade over Hudson and Griffin. They have a logjam at Point and Kenny can at least rebound and play defense, Hudson's a chucker and he goes to Chi-town with Shareef for basically PJ/Sweetney.

I can see both the Bulls and Wolves going for this, and quite frankly, the Kings would be wise to take it in order to add some fresh blood to the team this summer either through free agency or trades.


Super Moderator Emeritus
You might be able to see the Bulls and the Timberwolves doing this, but I seriously doubt if they can...


Super Moderator Emeritus
I seriously doubt if the Bulls and the Timberwolves can/will see this happening because contrary to your explanation of why both teams would do the deals you've proposed I don't think it will happen.

I don't think the Bulls are interested in SAR, for one. They've invested a lot of time and effort into rebuilding and SAR isn't going to help them.

As far as the TWolves go, you've got to be kidding, right? Hart and Thomas? I'm sure that would just make Garnett's day. IT DOESN'T make them better!

I'm sure you think it's a great trade proposal which is why you posted it. Sorry I don't view it the same way.

And there is NO WAY Eddie Griffin will ever wear a Kings uniform. Ever.
I seriously doubt if the Bulls and the Timberwolves can/will see this happening because contrary to your explanation of why both teams would do the deals you've proposed I don't think it will happen.

I don't think the Bulls are interested in SAR, for one. They've invested a lot of time and effort into rebuilding and SAR isn't going to help them.

As far as the TWolves go, you've got to be kidding, right? Hart and Thomas? I'm sure that would just make Garnett's day. IT DOESN'T make them better!

I'm sure you think it's a great trade proposal which is why you posted it. Sorry I don't view it the same way.

And there is NO WAY Eddie Griffin will ever wear a Kings uniform. Ever.
Probably so, but as far as the vast majority of their fans, the majority are all for it for both teams...I know management views things differently, but on the fans level, it makes sense from all 3 perspectives. Hudson is an utter waste on the Wolves and they'd move him for nearly anything, yes Kenny and Hart is an upgrade in their eyes.

They Bulls management DO have interest in SAR and may look at him as a consolation prize to Gasol, now whether they'll be willing to take Hudson to get SAR is the question at hand...


Super Moderator Emeritus
Probably so, but as far as the vast majority of their fans, the majority are all for it for both teams...I know management views things differently, but on the fans level, it makes sense from all 3 perspectives. Hudson is an utter waste on the Wolves and they'd move him for nearly anything, yes Kenny and Hart is an upgrade in their eyes.

They Bulls management DO have interest in SAR and may look at him as a consolation prize to Gasol, now whether they'll be willing to take Hudson to get SAR is the question at hand...
First, front offices do NOT make trades based upon whether or not a majority of fans want them to do so. And your trade proposal does NOT make any sense from this Kings' fan point of view.

You're making assumptions and presenting them as facts. Sorry but I'm not buying it. SAR as a consolation prize to Gasol? In what universe? If he was that good, we wouldn't even be having this discussion...


Hall of Famer
Hey I'd do it in an instant. A lard bucket and a masturbating felon would at least keep it interesting. Kenny and god what a completely passionless duo of boredom. Bad enough to suck, but sucking while boring...nasty. But throw some twinkies and a few girlie mags out on the court and Sweetney and Griffin are at least amusing.

Hey, you hit it right on the head...Doing something is better than what the comatose duo we have do...Even if that something is gluttony and lust.

First, front offices do NOT make trades based upon whether or not a majority of fans want them to do so. And your trade proposal does NOT make any sense from this Kings' fan point of view.
Well, it's a fan trade, after all. Front Offices really don't come into play here.

And this actually does make sense for the Kings because it puts us under the salary cap by unloading KT's contract.

You're making assumptions and presenting them as facts. Sorry but I'm not buying it. SAR as a consolation prize to Gasol? In what universe? If he was that good, we wouldn't even be having this discussion...
Woah, chill out. This trade makes sense for what each team's needs are, nothing more or less.

And despite contrary belief, SAR can be a force down low when allowed to. Gasol obviously would be more appealing to the Bulls, but since they have recently stated that they are unwilling to break up their core, Gasol may be unattainable and the Bulls still need post scoring in the worst way possible.

It's a fan trade. We speculate on what front offices would do to shore up their needs.
Jim Kozimor was on 1140 this morning and he mentioned a Chi-Sac trade involving SAR. There was no other specific names mentioned. However, it seems like there were talks taking place....
Jim Kozimor was on 1140 this morning and he mentioned a Chi-Sac trade involving SAR. There was no other specific names mentioned. However, it seems like there were talks taking place....
That may be as a result of this very brief mention in Peter Vecsey's column today:

Paxson has other ideas. Convinced time and youth, for the most part, are on his side, the Bulls VP is scouring the topography for a halfway decent post-up scorer (Shareef Abdur-Rahim?) unless, of course, someone like Zach Randolph suddenly comes on the market.
Kings trade:


Kings receive:

Bulls trade:

Bulls receive:

Wolves trade:

Wolves receive:

Kings new roster for rest of season

C: Brad Miller, Justin Williams*, Vitaly Potapenko*
PF: PJ Brown*, Eddie Griffin, Michael Sweetney*
SF: Ron Artest, Corliss Williamson*, Francisco Garcia
SG: Kevin Martin, Quincy Douby
PG: Mike Bibby, John Salmons, Ronnie Price*

*Expiring contracts - Kings total salary for off-season would be approximately:


If we went into the off-season with that amount of money, we'd be able to spend 9-12 million on a free agent, barring any other trade before the deadline as well(possibly Bibby? or Brad?).


Kings get the ability to rebuild this off-season with cap space

Bulls get a necessary piece in a post player on the cheap for contracts they're looking to move anyways

Wolves undo their logjam at the Point and gain a little cap space in the process

Awesome trade for the Kings. And I'll assume the T-Wolves just want to get rid of Griffin and Hudson by trading one bad contract for another.

But the Bulls, despite being infatuated with SAR, needs cap room to re-sign Nacioni. Hudson's bad contract prevents the Bulls from doing that.
"The 6-9 Abdur-Rahim, 30, used to be a consistent 20-point scorer for the Vancouver Grizzlies early in his career. This year he’s averaging 10.1 points and 5.2 rebounds for the Kings, who are barely alive in the Western Conference playoff race and may not mind trimming payroll."
"A combination of Michael Sweetney and Malik Allen, along with presumably a draft pick, would match salaries. Abdur-Rahim has three years left on his contract at a total of $18.6 million."