Kings and other Western Teams Vying for the 4-7 Seeds

Kings and other Western Teams Schedules and Predictions: Vying for the 4-7 Seeds

Denver will need to play pretty well to pass us, so I'll take a look at the Kings as well as Houston, Memphis and Dallas's up coming schedule. See if we can better figure out where the Kings are going and what seed is reasonable.


@ Warriors W-Warriors without Murphy tonight
@ Sacto L-Hopefully :) they can't sweep us.
Cleveland W - Cleveland is terrible on the Road
@ Detroit L - If Hamilton is Back, Detroit is very good at home
@ Boston L - Hottest team in the League as well as Denver
@ Philly W - I hope they lose but Philly isn't playing that well
@ Cleveland L - Cleveland defends it's home court pretty well
Orlando W - Orlando is struggling mightly
SA W - No Duncan, average team
Utah W - Utah is the 2nd worst team in the WC
Memphis W/L Matters what team shows up, Memphis is a good team.
@ Seattle - L Seattle is a good home team, could be an L if Allen is still ailing (He's hurt right now)
@ Portland - W
@ Lakers W/L Lakers play Dallas Tough
Seattle W - This is a toss up
@ Memphis W/L

9 Wins and
Lets say 7 Losses

That be a 53 win 29 Loss team. I think they could be as good as 55-27 but no better considering the injuries and the relatively tough schedule.


Cleveland - W Cleveland is bad on the Road
@ NO- W
@ SA - W
@ Utah - W
@ Porland - W
NO - W
Phx - W/L
@ GS - L
@ Lakers - W
@ Phx - L
@ Seattle - L
Memphis - W/L
Denver - L
Clippers - W
Seattle - W/L

Thats about 6 losses and 9 Wins for a 49 and 33 record which aint bad. They could go 11 and 4 I guess for a 51 and 31 record. They don't have Juwan and they haven't been shooting well lately but they play good D and Deke and playing well.


@ NJ - W
NO - W
@ Chicago - L - Chicago does well at home
Seattle - W/L
@ Milwaukee - W
Lakers - W - They own Kobe, 2 20+ point wins already this year and Lakers are getting worse and Worse
Denver - W/L - Denver is playing very well.
@ Toronto - W/L Toronto defends it's home court pretty well
Miami - L
Charlotte - W
@ Dallas - W/L
@ Houston - W/L
@ Denver - L
@ SA - W - Grizzles play SA well to begin with and if no TD, should be a W
SA - W
Dallas - W/L

There schedule looked terrible but with TD going down it isn't nearly as bad. 9 Wins and 7 Losses seems reasonable, could go as high as maybe 12 and 4. 11 and 5 gets them 49 wins. 47-35 is similar to the other records.


@ Denver - L
Philly W
@ Detroit - L
Cleveland - W
Minne - W
Seattle - W/L
@ Portland - W
Lakers - W
@ LA - W/L
@ Phx - L
@ Utah - W
Phx - W/L

8 Wins and 5 Losses would be grand. We have big breaks and only 1 back to back. We have a 4 DAY REST between the 10th and the 15th of April.

So I think it's going to Look like this (Hopefully)

Dallas - 53 wins 29 Losses
Kings - 50 wins 32 Losses (Only 5 worse than Last year)
Houston - 49 wins 33 Losses
Memphis - 47 wins 35 Losses

Getting 6th Seed wouldn't be all that bad. Denver could also come up but they would have to blister. Honestly our schedule is the most favorable of the 4 teams. We have 6 or so pretty tough games but I think we have a couple of gimmes too.
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hows about we look at denvers schedule also...:

LAL - W ( lakers are sucking)
SAC - W (sorry to say, but denver is playing REALLY well)
@Phoenix - W (could easily be a loss
@Utah - W (not doing well this year)
SA - W (no duncan)
@Portland - W (easily)
@Memphis - L (could easily be a win, but i dont think they will go 4-0 on a
4 game road trip)
@New Orleans - W (ya...)
@Minnesota - W (they're done this season)
SEA - W (in a slump)
GS - W (i could see this being a loss, depending on who is healthy for GS)
NO - W (again, ya..)
@Houston - L (houston seems like they're gonna have a very good end of
the season, and its home for them so...)
@Phoenix - L (its at phoenix, it wont be easy
Portland - W (get them in gear for the playoofs)

thats only speculation and for all we know this george karl thing is gonna wear off and their gonna start losing more games...but with that their 13-3 and that could very well be 11-5/12-4 or go with taht case they are 49 and 33

if we look at bigred's standings..

Dallas - 53 wins 29 Losses
Kings - 50 wins 32 Losses (Only 5 worse than Last year)
Denver - 49 wins 33 losses (if denver wins their last game, they will hold the tiebreaker)
Houston - 49 wins 33 Losses
Memphis - 47 wins 35 Losses

the kings better be careful if they odnt wanna lose that 5 seed...altho it wouldnt be that bad to end up 6 and play seattle or possibly SA if they lose a bunch of games...or at worse, get back to 7 and do the same.....i deffinetly dont wanna lose games tho, i wanna go into the playoffs
There are hardly any gimmes in the NBA. We have lost to crap all year. But in comparison to other teams schedules are's isnt that bad. 7 at home 6 on the road isn't bad either. Dallas still has 10 games on the road.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Man, of our remaining games, 10 are against teams int he playoffs race, only 2 not (Portland/Utah). That's why picking up last night's gimme game was so important. Very few gimmes ahead.

On a more positive note, should we survive the stretch, we should be good and warmed up for the playoffs.
I predict

Dallas: 52-30
@ Warriors L
@ Sacto W
Cleveland W
@ Detroit L
@ Boston L
@ Philly W
@ Cleveland L
Orlando W
Utah W
Memphis L
@ Seattle L
@ Portland W
@ Lakers L
Seattle W
@ Memphis L

Houston: 51-31
Cleveland W
@ NO W
@ SA L
@ Utah W
@ Porland W
Phx W
@ GS W
@ Lakers L
@ Phx L
@ Seattle L
Memphis W
Denver W
Clippers W
Seattle W

Sacramento 49-33
Dallas L
@ Denver L
Philly W
@ Detroit L
Cleveland W
Minne W
Seattle W
@ Portland W
Lakers W
@ LA L
@ Phx L
@ Utah W
Phx L

Denver 47-35
@Phoenix L
@Utah W
@Portland W
@Memphis W
@New Orleans W
@Minnesota W
@Houston L
@Phoenix L
Portland W

Memphis 46-36
@ NJ L
@ Chicago L
Seattle L
@ Milwaukee W
Lakers W
Denver L
@ Toronto W
Miami L
Charlotte W
@ Dallas W
@ Houston L
@ Denver L
@ SA L
Dallas W

then..... (winners in bold)
Phoenix Memphis
San Antonio Denver
Seattle Sacramento
Dallas Houston

Phoenix Houston
Sacramento Denver

Houston Sacramento
Houston Miami

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^Interesting, Houston and Miami in Final? Kings in WCF? ;)

Looks like Nuggets might climb in the Playoff seeding??

"That's why you throw the ball up and play 48 mins of basketball." ~ Grant Napear
Take a look back:


@ Warriors W-Warriors without Murphy tonight
@ Sacto L-Hopefully :) they can't sweep us.
Cleveland W - Cleveland is terrible on the Road
@ Detroit L - If Hamilton is Back, Detroit is very good at home
@ Boston L - Hottest team in the League as well as Denver
@ Philly W - I hope they lose but Philly isn't playing that well
@ Cleveland L - Cleveland defends it's home court pretty well
Orlando W - Orlando is struggling mightly
SA W - No Duncan, average team
Utah W - Utah is the 2nd worst team in the WC
Memphis W/L Matters what team shows up, Memphis is a good team.
@ Seattle - L Seattle is a good home team, could be an L if Allen is still ailing (He's hurt right now)
@ Portland - W
@ Lakers W/L Lakers play Dallas Tough
Seattle W - This is a toss up
@ Memphis W/L

9 Wins and
Lets say 7 Losses

That be a 53 win 29 Loss team. I think they could be as good as 55-27 but no better considering the injuries and the relatively tough schedule.


Cleveland - W Cleveland is bad on the Road
@ NO- W
@ SA - W
@ Utah - W
@ Portland - W
NO - W
Phx - W/L
@ GS - L
@ Lakers - W
@ Phx - L
@ Seattle - L
Memphis - W/L
Denver - L
Clippers - W
Seattle - W/L

Thats about 6 losses and 9 Wins for a 49 and 33 record which aint bad. They could go 11 and 4 I guess for a 51 and 31 record. They don't have Juwan and they haven't been shooting well lately but they play good D and Deke and playing well.


@ NJ - W
NO - W
@ Chicago - L - Chicago does well at home
Seattle - W/L --L
@ Milwaukee - W
Lakers - W - They own Kobe, 2 20+ point wins already this year and Lakers are getting worse and Worse
Denver - W/L - Denver is playing very well.
@ Toronto - W/L Toronto defends it's home court pretty well
Miami - L
Charlotte - W
@ Dallas - W/L
@ Houston - W/L
@ Denver - L
@ SA - W - Grizzles play SA well to begin with and if no TD, should be a W
SA - W
Dallas - W/L

There schedule looked terrible but with TD going down it isn't nearly as bad. 9 Wins and 7 Losses seems reasonable, could go as high as maybe 12 and 4. 11 and 5 gets them 49 wins. 47-35 is similar to the other records.


@ Denver - L
Philly W
@ Detroit - L
Cleveland - W
Minne - W
Seattle - W/L
@ Portland - W
Lakers - W
@ LA - W/L
@ Phx - L
@ Utah - W
Phx - W/L

Black are Correct
Wrong are in Italics

So far in my predictions I am 10-3. Memphis is doing slightly worse. I messed up on 1 each on Houston and Dallas. But pretty much everything is going to my plan :).
bigbadred00 said:
So far in my predictions I am 10-3. Memphis is doing slightly worse. I messed up on 1 each on Houston and Dallas. But pretty much everything is going to my plan :).
Can you make the Kings win all their games?
Heh. That'd wouldn't be a solid prediction then. I love the Kings, but without being healthy...all our games...tough end of hte season schedule. Will have to see :).