KHTK - Interest in E Jordan


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
#31 just kind of sad. I think in many ways the worst thing that could ever happened to the Maloofs is winning that WNBA title. Now all of a sudden they think they are the shiznit and have got it all figured out. After all a family friend won a title in the WNBA, I mean, what more do you need? :rolleyes:

That's not an opinion on whether Whisenant can coach or not, as I truly don't know. It is an opinion on Whisenant being roughly as completely unqualified a candidate as you could dig up, and perhaps the delusional nature of our owners. No NBA coaching experience at all, on any level. Claim to fame coaching women's basketball for a couple if years, and basically having the one good year. What an incredible risk that would be.
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Wouldn't mind Whiz. He seems like a very good coach, and one that his players love. Queens chants? Winning could take care of that. Very easily.
Kings113 said:
I'm not buying this "Artest going crazy on coach" stuff. Just don't see it happening now, maybe with 1 or 2 guys (Musselman/Nellie).
Because he is a King??????

Seriousy if you have followed Artest's NBA career then you would realise that he has had coach run ins at Chicago and Indiana. Just because he is a King doesn't make him any less volatile as he has proven to be in the past. As long as Artest gets his way he will be OK. As soon as you start getting on him for something he will crack. I am happy to be proven wrong and as much as I love him as a player and what he has done for the Kings, I don't trust him as far as I can throw him.
I have followed and learned about him pretty extensively. But I've seen a different and maturing Artest on and off the court since 2005 (demanded the trade because he realized it just wasn't going to work after all in Indy). I think it continues, thus how I feel.
SacTownKid said:
And what happens if Ron doesn't like the coach? Well, I'll tell you, Ron will get what Ron wants. That coach will be g-o-n-e.
had ron gotten what ron wanted, adelman would be back next season...