Kenny/Corliss for Odom/Cook?



poor lakers....

hey what do you guys think about a kenny/corliss for odom/cook trade? thats a nice sunsesque line up.... bibby/mobley/peja/odom/miller... okay, maybe not sunsesque, but sunsuperior....

not to help the lakers out or anything, i just like odoms game.... always have since his days with the clippers.... it could work..... with bobby(house)/evans(martin)/cook/darius/skinner off the bench.... that'd be nice... i'd still rather trade them for boozer but its another option....
I'm not sure about the numbers, or if LA would do it, but anyway I'm tired of trading guys to the Lakers, It just seems so... Dirty.
I think this would be a win-win for both teams. I agree that Odom would fit in nicely. Not to mention his obvious frustration with his team's current leader. I'm sure we're gonna see a lot of trade scenarios such as this one bounced around once the post-season comes around. Never hurts to dream a little!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
eh...I'd do it, but the Lakers wouldn't. And not sure it would solve much for us anyway.

Just as an aside -- this rush to imitate the Suns is a little sad. They've never won anything, and are built like a team that never will. They will have to prove there is a new paradigm in the NBA -- and one that does not favor defense and rebounding in the playoffs, before any would be elite team should be imitating them.
Odom would fit in nicely with our guys ( I think ) but I'm becoming a BIG Kenny Thomas fan. I used to love the guy when he played in college at New Mexico! He seems to be finding a real niche in our high post offense. He takes the ball to the rack with surprising strenth and quickness. His face-up game is awesome. He can knock down jumpers and free throws. And he is really strong on the boards. His only real weakness is passing but an offseason with the guys should fix that. I don't know if he has been playing over his head or if he just found a home. I like to think that GP just knows what guys fit our system and our organization! To answer the question I would probably pass on that trade. But if GP made it I would have faith!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
teamdimechampionship said:
Odom would fit in nicely with our guys ( I think ) but I'm becoming a BIG Kenny Thomas fan. I used to love the guy when he played in college at New Mexico! He seems to be finding a real niche in our high post offense. He takes the ball to the rack with surprising strenth and quickness. His face-up game is awesome. He can knock down jumpers and free throws. And he is really strong on the boards. His only real weakness is passing but an offseason with the guys should fix that. I don't know if he has been playing over his head or if he just found a home. I like to think that GP just knows what guys fit our system and our organization! To answer the question I would probably pass on that trade. But if GP made it I would have faith!
Can't guard big guys or block a shot is the other weakness. There's a reason our interior defense is so bad despite having guys with attitude in there. Attitude but no size = still can't stop people in the paint.
Bricklayer said:
Can't guard big guys or block a shot is the other weakness. There's a reason our interior defense is so bad despite having guys with attitude in there. Attitude but no size = still can't stop people in the paint.
True....but a lot of the guys that he can't guard are practically unguardable. Amare,Timmy,KG, etc... all need to be doubled. And the fact that our guards can't stop anybody from getting penetration doesn't help either.
I agree with Brick, in fact I think it would make us a worse rebounding team, more like when Webber was here. Still...I'd bet rent money that Odom would explode if he played on a ball-sharing team like the Kings.


Bricklayer said:
eh...I'd do it, but the Lakers wouldn't. And not sure it would solve much for us anyway.

Just as an aside -- this rush to imitate the Suns is a little sad. They've never won anything, and are built like a team that never will. They will have to prove there is a new paradigm in the NBA -- and one that does not favor defense and rebounding in the playoffs, before any would be elite team should be imitating them.
thats why i later dubbed it sunsuperior.... he wouldnt block any shots but we are used to that... he'd easily get 10 rebounds a game and we'd still have skinner coming off the bench.... no one can really guard duncan or kg.... but who else is that dominant that he cant guard? dirk? thats what peja is for.... plus he's quiker than duncan which could be used to our advantage.... boozer is still my top trade choice but i like odoms game... he would be a good fit with this team especially if we can trade mobley for something a little better.... c'mon artest..... or maybe even hedo.... that'd be a sick line up...


thats one tall line up... especially if we could somehow trade somene for jaric.... that'd be a championship waiting to happen ... bobby and cook for jaric, n'daiye and chalmers..... kings in 2006 baby
kingfan4life said:
i dunno guys... i'm thinking i like the kings how they are right now. how bout we see what they can do before ruling them out?
yeah..i mean they just got they r doin a pretty darn good job...I can see if they were stinkin it up out there, which they r not......i just like the Kings how they r now :)


kingsgurl87 said:
yeah..i mean they just got they r doin a pretty darn good job...I can see if they were stinkin it up out there, which they r not......i just like the Kings how they r now :)
webber had 3 triple doubles almost 4.... right before we traded him... he was doing pretty well....

Odom has never proved anything and neither has cook!

I think the kings are looking good and would never want odom or another power forward who only shoots 3 pointers
The only player that I see fitting into our team and instantly solving our defense/rebounding/blocking issues is Tyson Chandler. He is 7'2'' with even bigger wingspan, rebounding machine, gives up his body tirelessly on screens and swats away anything in the paint that is not a dunk. He is not an offensive weapon and as such he fits perfectly with our potent scorers: does not demand the ball and provides all the hustle. Unfortunately, I don't see a way for us to pry him away from Chicago and I am afraid that we will continue to rebuild as it will take one of our stars to get something in return.

We want get something for nothing, or better player/contracts in exchange for one or more of our new guys.
bozzwell said:
The only player that I see fitting into our team and instantly solving our defense/rebounding/blocking issues is Tyson Chandler. He is 7'2'' with even bigger wingspan, rebounding machine, gives up his body tirelessly on screens and swats away anything in the paint that is not a dunk. He is not an offensive weapon and as such he fits perfectly with our potent scorers: does not demand the ball and provides all the hustle. Unfortunately, I don't see a way for us to pry him away from Chicago and I am afraid that we will continue to rebuild as it will take one of our stars to get something in return.

We want get something for nothing, or better player/contracts in exchange for one or more of our new guys.
That's a nice description of Tyson Chandler, but didn't he just recently miss some games because of a irregular heart beat?
Diehard Jim said:

Odom has never proved anything and neither has cook!

I think the kings are looking good and would never want odom or another power forward who only shoots 3 pointers
I agree! Why would we want either one of those guys? Odom hasn't shown much other discipline problems and injuries. Great skills, but not worth the risk. Cook...that's funny...I guess if you have to throw SOMEONE into that deal...
D-Mass said:
I agree! Why would we want either one of those guys? Odom hasn't shown much other discipline problems and injuries. Great skills, but not worth the risk. Cook...that's funny...I guess if you have to throw SOMEONE into that deal...
I agree also


Super Moderator
Staff member
The Lakers need a guy who can defend the low post, or score in the blocks, or especially both. They don't need an undersized PF taking elbow jumpers. Maybe they'd have some interest in Skinner, but clearly Lamar Odom has a LOT more value than Brian.

I think there's a 50-50 shot of the Lakers dealing either Butler or Odom, but the Kings don't need either one enough to give up what it would take to land them in a trade. Not to mention that LO is NOT a natural PF. He can play the position, but he is much more comfortable creating mismatches as a SF. Banging for rebounds with his frame is always going to lead to him wearing down late in the season.

Peja for Odom? The Lakers would consider it, and so would the Kings, but in the end it doesn't really fix either team's problems without creating new ones.

Finally, as well as K9 has played of late, I doubt many GMs will be calling Petrie with offers since his contract is still pretty close to radioactive.
Maybe someone can answer this question for me, Why in the hell would you want odom? has this guy ever been on a winning team? heck he could not even help the usa team win any more than a bronze. I think that is the only winning team he has been on and people are considering trading for him?

I have followed odom since his high school days and he has always been an enigma, but has never lived up to any of his hype. he has had his flashes, but the flashes are less than his struggles.

I say be happy with what the kings got going right now, and wait and see what happens once we get brad and bobby back before you want to go and trade for someone who most likely would not help this team!

Personally I think Kenny is a perfect fit for this kings team, he may be a little undersized, but the guy plays all out and has a nose for rebounds.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I Phantom said:
I would hate that trade for many reasons, the biggest one being that Brian Cook is probably the biggest piece of crap in the league. Cook has shocked the hell out of me by becoming a very useful player this year. Kind of reminds me of Terry Mills, and creates a lot of matchup problems out there as a reserve.

As for Odom -- its a talent thing. He's big, athletic, multi-skilled, a top 10 reboudner in the league despite not being a true PF, can in fact block shots and finsih inside. He is not a superstar player, but he's a young guy (25?) who can do just about everything on the court, and maybe just needs a little push to become something really special. Responded very well to Riley last year with the Heat (where he and Wade led the Heat turnaround and playoff run). KTs pretty much maxed out his talent, and he still isn't as good as Odom. And he can't do anything about his height. And Odom still has a ton of room to grow. It would be well worth the minimal risk. But from LAs perspective there is no reason for them to do it for the same reasons. If you have two guys who cna put up siomilar numbers, but one of them has the potential to do far better while the other is busting his *** just to maintain, you take the over-talented guy who can create for teammates and cross your fingers. Worst case, you're just as good. Best case the guy turns into 20-10-5 and you're wearing a perma-grin.


Diehard Jim said:
Maybe someone can answer this question for me, Why in the hell would you want odom? has this guy ever been on a winning team? heck he could not even help the usa team win any more than a bronze. I think that is the only winning team he has been on and people are considering trading for him?

I have followed odom since his high school days and he has always been an enigma, but has never lived up to any of his hype. he has had his flashes, but the flashes are less than his struggles.
so by that logic, you wouldnt want lebron or duncan either?

and doesnt the second part describe webber with absolute perfection?