Keegan Murray

I have nothing against Keegan and he should be important player in this season, but I think media is creating "saviour", just to have something to root for or to believe in...
Kings media does this every year. Fox, Bagley, Davion, Hali, Murray…

They’ll continue to do so until they do, indeed, find one. #Tank4Victor
I have nothing against Keegan and he should be important player in this season, but I think media is creating "saviour", just to have something to root for or to believe in...
It's just marketing. The fans are most excited about him right now so that is what they push. He represents the possibility of change for the franchise and that helps sell tickets. Nothing against Fox, Barnes, Davion, etc. but that's just going to conjure up the same images of losing 50+ games every year.
It's just marketing. The fans are most excited about him right now so that is what they push. He represents the possibility of change for the franchise and that helps sell tickets. Nothing against Fox, Barnes, Davion, etc. but that's just going to conjure up the same images of losing 50+ games every year.
Plus, the kids will always play with the shiny new toy.


Hall of Famer

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
wow i didn't get to watch friday because i was out of town. so i was following box score. it did and currenlty has keegan playing 4 min and getting 5 points lol. so did alex len really have 17pts or not. this is crazy;/g/11t7f8pfny;3;/m/05jvx;tb2;fp;1;;;
For some reason, the NBA had massive league-wide issues with game data on Friday night, and all the live boxscores were nonsense. Google apparently has cached one of the nonsense box scores. If you go directly to ESPN/ they now have a corrected box score up. Murray didn't play; no, Len didn't score 17.


Hall of Famer
For some reason, the NBA had massive league-wide issues with game data on Friday night, and all the live boxscores were nonsense. Google apparently has cached one of the nonsense box scores. If you go directly to ESPN/ they now have a corrected box score up. Murray didn't play; no, Len didn't score 17.
wow thats a large difference for alex len 17pts vs 1pt lol


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I just want him healthy, i dont care if he missed one or 3 games.

I was a wreck for 2 weeks post covid.
I had bronchitis like symptoms for about 2 weeks after I got into the negative. It was very different than the during COVID ailment. I took a bike ride on my cruise around Ibiza and anything resembling a hill kicked my butt. But then it was gone. Really he should be fine in no time, there's no sense rushing him onto the court where he could compensate and hurt something else.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I imagine I had the most recent omicron, although I did catch it stateside (most likely on an airplane) before going to England where it was raging like wildfire when I arrived. To the best of my knowledge, despite it ripping through the vaccinated it was also the most mild variant to date. Though an acquaintance-friend who also went to the UK right after me has had 2 months of long haul.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I imagine I had the most recent omicron, although I did catch it stateside (most likely on an airplane) before going to England where it was raging like wildfire when I arrived. To the best of my knowledge, despite it ripping through the vaccinated it was also the most mild variant to date. Though an acquaintance-friend who also went to the UK right after me has had 2 months of long haul.
My son and I had it in May (before our summer vacation trip). We didn't catch it again after that, and the symptoms were generally mild with some lingering cough and tiredness (not severe, but noticeable, for a month or so after). My wife didn't get it in May but did catch it in London in late June (was going gangbusters there at the time, including affecting airport travel, etc., due to lack of workers) and she was pretty wiped out for three days in Paris before starting to feel better. She was definitely feeling lingering tiredness/fatigue for a couple months after.

It's no joke, and we were all glad our symptoms were generally mild overall (my wife had the worst effects, but even then never severe). We were all vaccinated and I think that definitely helped keep the symptoms more "manageable".

Hopefully he's back to normal quickly but it could linger a bit based on our experiences....
My son and I had it in May (before our summer vacation trip). We didn't catch it again after that, and the symptoms were generally mild with some lingering cough and tiredness (not severe, but noticeable, for a month or so after). My wife didn't get it in May but did catch it in London in late June (was going gangbusters there at the time, including affecting airport travel, etc., due to lack of workers) and she was pretty wiped out for three days in Paris before starting to feel better. She was definitely feeling lingering tiredness/fatigue for a couple months after.

It's no joke, and we were all glad our symptoms were generally mild overall (my wife had the worst effects, but even then never severe). We were all vaccinated and I think that definitely helped keep the symptoms more "manageable".

Hopefully he's back to normal quickly but it could linger a bit based on our experiences....
I got it at the end of August and was laid up for 4 days, would have been able to resume hooping again after 7 or 8. Wife got it 3 days after me and was laid up for 5 days. While it was nice to spend time with her finally doing nothing, it was horrible. I probably couldn't have actually played a game for 2 weeks. But then again I'm old lol.