It's all Cousins' fault - 2K16-17

They were no question awful but I think 2-3 of them were make up calls for what they did to Whiteside earlier in the game (when he was guarding Cousins) which seems to also be completely ignored by some on the forum. If we are going to look at travels/fouls than we have to looks at both sides.

If the ref's don't take Whiteside out of the game for the first 3 quarters than maybe we never get close to the Heat for Cousins to make all the plays he did at the end where the refs decided the game.

The loss in no way was Cousins fault he's been excellent for the most part.
I'm calling BS on the Referees treating Whiteside roughly in the first three quarters. His footwork is very poor and he travels on almost every move he makes. He is a consistent fouler in his post defense. he has the advantage of the specter of Pat Riley and all his weight.

Whiteside cannot guard Boogie without fouling him and that is why he was on the bench.
Actually, it's the second time (out of only 5 games total).
Demarcus was inarguably worse against Atlanta in the 3rd.
I watched him closely and it was an embarrassment. It was so bad I seriously felt he was trying to throw the game. The very 1st possession of the half is utterly cringeworthy. He lazily doesn't follow Millsap out of the paint 6 ft, then when Millsap gets the pass, DMC hastily throws his body out there, Millsap drives past him for the easy score.
If a rookie did that, you'd be agog with his stupidity.
But when Demarcus does it, you're all "meh."

Seriously, Brick - let's have a real discussion for a second.
I would wager that you and me are two of the biggest Cousins supporters on this board over the years.
However, it seems that I have a limit to my patience about his whinyness that obliterates his reputation, demoralizes his franchise, and does not make him play better.

You apparently don't have any limit to your patience for his antics.
Or do you?

Is there any point at which you would say, "Enough is enough, Cuz! Get your ass up and run down the court and defend! Stop making it all about you and the refs, staring them down and punking them whenever possible! Just shut up, play, and dominate!"
Honestly, I've been Watching him closely this season and it actually made me question if he's trying to get traded or not.
His effort and attitude has been that bad at times this year...
I thought he was gonna come out gung Ho and guns blazin like he did for Michael Malones 2nd season, but for him to express this much frustration 5 games into the season is puzzling.
And the effort defensively...when I jus watch him....sometimes just choosing not to rotate and go for a block or charge.
Maybe he's tired from the olympics or simply not trying to pick up fouls. But even boxing out guys or going for rebounds - he hasn't been giving great effort.
And the anti-Cousins rhetoric gets more and more outlandish. If only Cousins could be more gritty and competitive like Draymond Green, also known for being tough on referees.
Game 1 - Pick a fight with Devin Booker
Game 2 - I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
Game 3 - Technical Foul. Fouls out, Runs up the stands throws mouthpiece and gets fined 25k
Game 4 - picks a fight with Dennis Schroeder
Game 5 - Technical Foul.
That's through 5 games, please tell me if Cousins' attitude has progressed or regressed.
6 fouls in the 4th Q. Half of those fouls are just completely ignored by some of the forum members here. It's almost like you don't like the Kings, because that alone chaps my behind. It seems like the priority for some is:
1. Hate on Cousins
2. Go Kings?
I don't understand...
I was mad that Cousins fouled out and that 6th foul call basically cost us the game.
I was pissed that the Kings lost.
So what... because I am a kings fans I ignore all of his faults?
Demarcus Cousins is god and can do no wrong?
I don't understand what your priority is....Is Demarcus never wrong? Should I ignore every bad thing he does?
No matter what he does, I should defend all his bad traits and boast about what he does well? - That will make me a good fan?
This is an honest question...
Honestly, I've been Watching him closely this season and it actually made me question if he's trying to get traded or not.
His effort and attitude has been that bad at times this year...
I thought he was gonna come out gung Ho and guns blazin like he did for Michael Malones 2nd season, but for him to express this much frustration 5 games into the season is puzzling.
And the effort defensively...when I jus watch him....sometimes just choosing not to rotate and go for a block or charge.
Maybe he's tired from the olympics or simply not trying to pick up fouls. But even boxing out guys or going for rebounds - he hasn't been giving great effort.
I'm sorry, I don't post all that often, but reading this thread makes me want to puke and this post is at the top of the list. I can understand getting frustrated watching Boogie complain and act animated to the refs, but to question his effort and suggest he's deliberately trying to throw things is either blind or agenda driven. SMH
I'm sorry, I don't post all that often, but reading this thread makes me want to puke and this post is at the top of the list. I can understand getting frustrated watching Boogie complain and act animated to the refs, but to question his effort and suggest he's deliberately trying to throw things is either blind or agenda driven. SMH
Go and watch the 3rd quarter vs the heat and tell me if you feel his effort was great and I'll shut up about it...I literally just watched him and his effort was disgusting....and then he was pulled by Dave joeger.
And I don't mean that I think he's trying to get traded, but his effort when watching him was that bad and his attitude 5 games into the season is the worse it's been in awhile, made me question what's wrong with him, does he hate the new coach?does he want out? Is he tired from the olympics?... I've understood as the season goes on and we're out of playoff contention yet again and it builds up...but for him to express this much frustration and immaturity 5 games into the season is embarrassing.
I don't understand...
I was mad that Cousins fouled out and that 6th foul call basically cost us the game.
I was pissed that the Kings lost.
So what... because I am a kings fans I ignore all of his faults?
Demarcus Cousins is god and can do no wrong?
I don't understand what your priority is....Is Demarcus never wrong? Should I ignore every bad thing he does?
No matter what he does, I should defend all his bad traits and boast about what he does well? - That will make me a good fan?
This is an honest question...
Yes, of course, that's what everyone is telling you to do. :rolleyes:

An honest question....are you currently living in sacramento or have a history with the city? I'm legitimately curious. I no longer live in sac but grew up there. Was a fanatic from day one. Unfortunately, college and work took me away just when we started our "glory years" in the early 2000's, but I remained a fan. I remained a fan when they took a deep dive into oblivion over the last 10 years. I've lived in the bay area and now seattle. So you ask, why the hell would I keep following this loser of a team? Because I am a Sacramentan at heart. And why would I put up with all of Cousins' behavior issues? You know why? Because Demarcus legitimately seems to love Sacramento just as I do. He feels like "one of us". He's doing great things in the community and, and oh, by the way he's also a top 10 player in the league that possibly will go down as a hall of famer. He has put up with so much crap in his career here. Some of it self imposed, but the vast majority due to an unbelievably inept organization. You don't think he could have gone to the organization before this year and requested a trade? He could have done that privately or publicly and the vast majority of the country would think he's justified. But he didn't. Because he loves the city and he wants to succeed here. Could that change tomorrow? Maybe. Probably? But as of right now he's a Sacramentan. That makes me super proud of him and the city, just like I'm proud of the Golden 1 and all the attention it's given the city. Am I going to give him a free pass on some of the crap he pulls on the court that annoys me? Damn right.
I good to see this board is already in mid-season form of looking for something/someone to blame all the world's troubles on. Lots of straw-manning and hyperbole going on in this thread. We have to remember that we're only 5 games into the season, we have a brutal schedule to start, and still - this team looks much better than last year's squad. We are in every game so far, we've come back from double-digit deficits, we're competing most of the time. Nobody (I hope) expected us to turn into a well-oiled machine overnight. I think we need to appreciate the good about this team a bit more and focus on the bad a bit less. Remember when last year everyone was like "just give me a team that hustles and I don't care about the score"? Well, here we have exactly that (again, for the most part) yet we still are actively seeking out blemishes in individual players' performance.

DMC is the best player we have, this team will only go as far as he can take it, and we wouldn't be in the position to win games if not for him - don't think anyone can argue that. So let's leave "omg, his technical cost us a point in a tie game" silliness to Grant Napear and focus on the 30 points that got us to that point. Cuz's shortcomings are an extension of what makes him great - we have to live with that, but to claim that his attitude has regressed is a bit of a stretch this early in the season (small sample and all that).

On topic - it's pretty clear to me that refs treat DMC differently than just about any other big in the game. He definitely isn't doing himself any favors with constant complaining, but I'd imagine it would be very difficult to keep one's composure when your persecution complex is being validated night in and night out, so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Let's give coach Joerger a bit more time to establish rapport with Cuz (remember, it took a year for Malone) and let's appreciate the good about him (and the team) a bit more.
More silliness.

Cousins this season has shut down LaMarcus Aldridge, Karl Anthony Towns, Paul Milsap and Hassan Whiteside (at least until the refs decided Hassan could take 5 or 6 steps to get a shot off). On a much improved defensive team he's still a -.3.3 On/Off defender (as well as a +21.2 on the offensive side, giving him a Curryesque +24.5 On/Off thus far). His PER sits at 27.6, which would be a career high. And we've hung tough in every game of the season thus far.

Option A remains a childish fantasy, Unless someone wants to sack up and call for a "flexible pieces" trade, any such plan involves years of mandatory losing at an extreme rate while trying to find another kiddie star to replace the one we gave away.

Option B sounds fun, and is likely in the process of happening.

But I choose option C: The Sacramento Kings Winning with Demarcus Cousins' Size 16 Sneaker rammed down the throat of his haters as they gag in frustration.

P.S. yes, both Cuz and Rudy started the 3rd quarter flatter than pancakes on defense and that is almost certainly why Joerger subbed them out, as he should have. its also about Exhibit Only of that happening this year with Cuz.
His one on one defense in isolations is fantastic, his defense guarding pick and rolls is poor and the reason he was moved to the bench in the Olympics, I think thats the point he was trying to make. He was pretty good at pick and roll defense in the Malone days, not sure about reason for regression. At the end of the Minnesota game Thibs was exclusively running Wiggins/Towns pick and roll until Joerger switched Barnes onto Towns and we were able to handle it better.
The people who watched all the Olympics game can correct me if I'm wrong, but my impression is that Olympic Cousins didn't act out at all. It's Kings Cousins that acts out. Yes? No?
There he is surrounded by elite talent and coached by elite coaches, another fish in the pond representing his country. Here he is the Megaladon of the Sacramento Kings.


Hall of Famer
I don't understand...
I was mad that Cousins fouled out and that 6th foul call basically cost us the game.
I was pissed that the Kings lost.
So what... because I am a kings fans I ignore all of his faults?
Demarcus Cousins is god and can do no wrong?
I don't understand what your priority is....Is Demarcus never wrong? Should I ignore every bad thing he does?
No matter what he does, I should defend all his bad traits and boast about what he does well? - That will make me a good fan?
This is an honest question...
I think the guy carries the team and this year Rudy is also a big piece. I think others cost us way more than Cousins. I wish Cousins could keep it in control better but he doesn't and I accept it as who he is. I don't believe he destroys team morale as these are professionals and not middle school or high school kids. I don't go into each game thread ready to jump on any one player in particular unlike many others here who just go on there and bang that tired drum. I think those who believe that Cousins is the main reason for our bad seasons are way off base and have an axe to grind because they just can't stand be it. I've read your posts, couldn't disagree with you more and that is fine, you can click ignore, you wouldn't be the first.
I think the guy carries the team and this year Rudy is also a big piece. I think others cost us way more than Cousins. I wish Cousins could keep it in control better but he doesn't and I accept it as who he is. I don't believe he destroys team morale as these are professionals and not middle school or high school kids. I don't go into each game thread ready to jump on any one player in particular unlike many others here who just go on there and bang that tired drum. I think those who believe that Cousins is the main reason for our bad seasons are way off base and have an axe to grind because they just can't stand be it. I've read your posts, couldn't disagree with you more and that is fine, you can click ignore, you wouldn't be the first.
I am fairly confident in saying Cousins isn't the main reason for our bad seasons, but he also isn't a reason for our good ones, because we haven't had any. I thought we could put all this past us, and I was looking forward to cheering for a Kings team this year, Cousins-led or not. But it looks like both pro and anti Cousins rhetoric hasn't changed here at all. Hey, someone wanna give me the lowdown on Cousins' shooting 3s and starting his offense from the perimeter, even under Joerger, and how that compares with Karl?
Yes, of course, that's what everyone is telling you to do. :rolleyes:

An honest question....are you currently living in sacramento or have a history with the city? I'm legitimately curious. I no longer live in sac but grew up there. Was a fanatic from day one. Unfortunately, college and work took me away just when we started our "glory years" in the early 2000's, but I remained a fan. I remained a fan when they took a deep dive into oblivion over the last 10 years. I've lived in the bay area and now seattle. So you ask, why the hell would I keep following this loser of a team? Because I am a Sacramentan at heart. And why would I put up with all of Cousins' behavior issues? You know why? Because Demarcus legitimately seems to love Sacramento just as I do. He feels like "one of us". He's doing great things in the community and, and oh, by the way he's also a top 10 player in the league that possibly will go down as a hall of famer. He has put up with so much crap in his career here. Some of it self imposed, but the vast majority due to an unbelievably inept organization. You don't think he could have gone to the organization before this year and requested a trade? He could have done that privately or publicly and the vast majority of the country would think he's justified. But he didn't. Because he loves the city and he wants to succeed here. Could that change tomorrow? Maybe. Probably? But as of right now he's a Sacramentan. That makes me super proud of him and the city, just like I'm proud of the Golden 1 and all the attention it's given the city. Am I going to give him a free pass on some of the crap he pulls on the court that annoys me? Damn right.
This post is a joke...So your response is to question my history as a Kings fans? I was born and raised in SAC...have been a Kings fans all my life.
I'm not questioning anyone's fandom, the question was simple and I guess you answered it - and proves my point of someone who's delusional.
I can be a fan Of the kings and still criticize ....
How the maloofs were at the end of their tenure here.
How Viveks tenure as owner so far has been embarrassing at times.
How Pete delessandro was a horrible GM for letting Isaiah Thomas go.
Who ever fired Michael Malone, made one of the biggest mistakes in kings history.
How immature Cousins' attitude has been for most of his time here.
To me your attitude sounds like a Donald Trump quote " I can shoot somebody and not lose voters"
I didn't ask you or anyone else why they would "keep following this loser of a team"
I asked simply because I am a fan should not look at someone's faults and only what they do well?
Should I never criticize anyone apart of the Kings? Darren Collison is suspended for domestic violence but since he's part of the Kings that's OK?
Again that's delusional to ignore bad things and only focus on good things to create whatever satisfaction you want.
For me, I want the kings to win. Period. - IMO that's what a real fan of a team wants.
You can be a Demarcus Cousins fan. I'll be a Sacramento Kings fan.[/quote]
I'm as big a fan of Cousins as anyone but he does half ass it a lot and because of it he will probably never enter that stratosphere of elite stars that contest for championships year in and year out.

Take a look at the first 3 games against the Suns, Spurs and TWolves. Cousins was in the game, engaged and ready to fight from the get go.

Then go back and take a look at the last 2 against the Hawks and Heat. Cousins started those games lazy, giving next to no effort on offense or defense which had a big hand in us giving up a ton of points in the first quarter and first half. He had a huge advantage on Muscala and Millsap plenty of times but just never really tried to capitalize on it. He started out better against the Heat because you can tell he wants to put Whiteside in his place but the intensity from the first few games was not there and it showed as we fell behind for the majority of the game until he started to put in more effort and Gay started to knock down shots. The guy is so talented that he can half ass it and still be one of the top players in the game but his lack of consistency from the opening tip to the buzzer will always be his demise until he starts engaging himself for the full 48 minutes. Giving up 2 points off the opening tip is just as important as giving them up on a buzzer beater that beats you by 1. Put in the work in the beginning and you avoid those situations at the end of the game.

We like to crap on Rudy Gay for being lazy and not seeming like he's putting forth much effort but I've seen a different Rudy Gay this year. It's especially apparent in the last couple road games where Cousins was half assing it and Gay was putting forth good, solid effort from the get go.
This post is a joke...So your response is to question my history as a Kings fans? I was born and raised in SAC...have been a Kings fans all my life.
I'm not questioning anyone's fandom, the question was simple and I guess you answered it - and proves my point of someone who's delusional.
I can be a fan Of the kings and still criticize ....
How the maloofs were at the end of their tenure here.
How Viveks tenure as owner so far has been embarrassing at times.
How Pete delessandro was a horrible GM for letting Isaiah Thomas go.
Who ever fired Michael Malone, made one of the biggest mistakes in kings history.
How immature Cousins' attitude has been for most of his time here.
To me your attitude sounds like a Donald Trump quote " I can shoot somebody and not lose voters"
I didn't ask you or anyone else why they would "keep following this loser of a team"
I asked simply because I am a fan should not look at someone's faults and only what they do well?
Should I never criticize anyone apart of the Kings? Darren Collison is suspended for domestic violence but since he's part of the Kings that's OK?
Again that's delusional to ignore bad things and only focus on good things to create whatever satisfaction you want.
For me, I want the kings to win. Period. - IMO that's what a real fan of a team wants.
You can be a Demarcus Cousins fan. I'll be a Sacramento Kings fan.

Not questioning your loyalty to the kings. I think you're dead wrong in your assessment of his loyalty and in questioning that he's not giving effort to get traded. You asked a question and I told you why I love Boogie, but to each his own....
I think the guy carries the team and this year Rudy is also a big piece. I think others cost us way more than Cousins. I wish Cousins could keep it in control better but he doesn't and I accept it as who he is. I don't believe he destroys team morale as these are professionals and not middle school or high school kids. I don't go into each game thread ready to jump on any one player in particular unlike many others here who just go on there and bang that tired drum. I think those who believe that Cousins is the main reason for our bad seasons are way off base and have an axe to grind because they just can't stand be it. I've read your posts, couldn't disagree with you more and that is fine, you can click ignore, you wouldn't be the first.
Think about it like if its in your work environment, if there was a guy that was great at his job but was constantly nagging and complaining, yelling at your manager from clock in time to clock out time, would it not rub you the wrong way? I find it hard to believe that at least on the court some teammates don't get annoyed with Cousin's antics. Especially him being so good and coddled by the organization that you can't really do much to confront issues with him.
I think the guy carries the team and this year Rudy is also a big piece. I think others cost us way more than Cousins. I wish Cousins could keep it in control better but he doesn't and I accept it as who he is. I don't believe he destroys team morale as these are professionals and not middle school or high school kids. I don't go into each game thread ready to jump on any one player in particular unlike many others here who just go on there and bang that tired drum. I think those who believe that Cousins is the main reason for our bad seasons are way off base and have an axe to grind because they just can't stand be it. I've read your posts, couldn't disagree with you more and that is fine, you can click ignore, you wouldn't be the first.
It's fitting you bring up the ignore button, cus that's what you and some fans like to do with Cousins' faults.
Hey! I agree that Cousins carries this team.
I wish Cousins could keep it in control better too and I also accept who he is.(while hoping he can still mature)
I disagree that he doesn't destroy team morale.
I also don't think Cousins is the main reason for our bad seasons.
And yet I will still praise Cousins for the good he does for the team.
And will criticize him when he does things that are not good for the team.
Like With Cousins I won't hit the ignore. But like with Cousins you may have already. Cool.
Not questioning your loyalty to the kings. I think you're dead wrong in your assessment of his loyalty and in questioning that he's not giving effort to get traded. You asked a question and I told you why I love Boogie, but to each his own....[/quote]
I didn't ask anyone why they like boogie. It's fine that you do. I like boogie too.
Cousins misses floor time because of his fouling. He has to reduce that significantly. But losses being his fault? No, they've been team losses. Let's play ball!
Not questioning your loyalty to the kings. I think you're dead wrong in your assessment of his loyalty and in questioning that he's not giving effort to get traded. You asked a question and I told you why I love Boogie, but to each his own....
I didn't ask anyone why they like boogie. It's fine that you do. I like boogie too.[/quote]

Fair enough. I guess I was still responding to your previous insinuation that he was potentially dogging it and looking to get traded. I think that's completely wrong. The dude loves sac and that's the point I was trying to make. Nobody is requiring you to overlook what you think of as his faults, but at the same time I'm going to defend his integrity and commitment to the team (not that he really needs it) when I see it attacked. I think it's ludicrous for people to be jumping on him for the Heat game in particular, given the crazy officiating.
It's fitting you bring up the ignore button, cus that's what you and some fans like to do with Cousins' faults.
Hey! I agree that Cousins carries this team.
I wish Cousins could keep it in control better too and I also accept who he is.(while hoping he can still mature)
I disagree that he doesn't destroy team morale.
I also don't think Cousins is the main reason for our bad seasons.
And yet I will still praise Cousins for the good he does for the team.
And will criticize him when he does things that are not good for the team.
Like With Cousins I won't hit the ignore. But like with Cousins you may have already. Cool.
I think if Cousins stopped whining and complaining after every call and focused on the game for 48 minutes it would be the difference from a 35 win team to a 50 win team, with the team as currently constructed. He is that talented that if he just corrected his one major flaw he instantly enters the category of "if he's on your team you win 50 games". It not only boosts his game but teammates will give more effort when they see their best player giving it his all for the team. That doesn't excuse the bad drafting, revolving doors of players, coaches and front office personnel of the franchise, but its the one thing that seems like can be adressed in the here and now, its up to Demarcus because I think its pretty clear this is a do or die season for him in SAC.
His one on one defense in isolations is fantastic, his defense guarding pick and rolls is poor and the reason he was moved to the bench in the Olympics, I think thats the point he was trying to make. He was pretty good at pick and roll defense in the Malone days, not sure about reason for regression. At the end of the Minnesota game Thibs was exclusively running Wiggins/Towns pick and roll until Joerger switched Barnes onto Towns and we were able to handle it better.
Every player has his strengths and weaknesses.
I wonder what people are expecting out of DMC. Will his efforts ever be enough to stop the severe criticism of his personality? Do we truly expect him to carry a team of mid to low tier veterans all by himself, while being a model citizen Every night?
This is literally the only fanbase I know, which goes ballistic at their star player every time the team loses.

I'm more in the "DMC isnt perfect, so we need to figure out ways to cover his mistakes" Camp. And those weaknesses you mentioned are way more severe than his anger and demeanor on the court. I hope Coach Joerger and Vlade find a solution for those weaknesses.
In the meantime I can't help but wonder, why his demeanor is the thing most fans worry about and not the weaker parts or his game or the fact, that we build our offense on a 260 lbs guy, who will throw his body directly into the fire and will leave us at an disadvantage, when he doesn't score or gets the call, not because his demeanor, but because he ends up underneath or behind the basket after a fullforce drive and isnt fast enough to get back in time.
I didn't ask anyone why they like boogie. It's fine that you do. I like boogie too.
Fair enough. I guess I was still responding to your previous insinuation that he was potentially dogging it and looking to get traded. I think that's completely wrong. The dude loves sac and that's the point I was trying to make. Nobody is requiring you to overlook what you think of as his faults, but at the same time I'm going to defend his integrity and commitment to the team (not that he really needs it) when I skee it attacked. I think it's ludicrous for people to be jumping on him for the Heat game in particular, given the crazy officiating.[/quote]
He had zero fouls going into the 3rd quarter. I still question his effort on his defensive rotations. I agree with the officiating.
Fair enough. I guess I was still responding to your previous insinuation that he was potentially dogging it and looking to get traded. I think that's completely wrong. The dude loves sac and that's the point I was trying to make. Nobody is requiring you to overlook what you think of as his faults, but at the same time I'm going to defend his integrity and commitment to the team (not that he really needs it) when I skee it attacked. I think it's ludicrous for people to be jumping on him for the Heat game in particular, given the crazy officiating.
He had zero fouls going into the 3rd quarter. I still question his effort on his defensive rotations. I agree with the officiating.[/quote]

o_O so I think you're saying, no fouls going into the 3rd = bad cousins defense. Officiating good = deserved to foul out in the 4th. but....oh, nevermind....


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I think if Cousins stopped whining and complaining after every call and focused on the game for 48 minutes it would be the difference from a 35 win team to a 50 win team,
Wow. :eek: And I thought I thought Cuz was talented. I mean, basically you are saying he's Top 10 All-Time without the complaining. Its kind of a backhand way to compliment a guy but I'm sure his agent thanks you. :)

Charles Barkley spent years winning less than that on a lost Philly franchise (5 out of 6 years in the late 80s/early 90s), and he's Top 20 all time.
Moses Malone actually won an MVP winning 42 I think it was. Top 20.
after his MVP, KG's Wolves went into a tailspin and he spent years winning 20-30 something games until the Boston trade. Top 20ish
after Sampson's knees disintegrated, Hakeem spent half a decade out in the sub-50 win wilderness before the MVP years. Maybe just outside Top 10 now.
Big O spent much of his career winning less than 50. Top 20 guy.
Ewing was sub 50 wins 5 of his first 6 seasons

Realistically, few of the Top 10 guys themselves even ever put the theory to the test. Magic Johnson never had to prove he could do that, nor Larry Bird, nor Bill Russell. They were always on stacked teams.

DeMarcus Cousins scored 1748 points last year. He gave up 16 points to technicals. I doubt every technical cost us a game.

He's also carrying a +24.5 On/Off right now, with all the complaining. Its virtually impossible to improve on such a massive number (indeed it will almost surely drop to more reasonable levels as the season goes on). For comparison Steph won MVP last year with an insane +22.2. This year LeBron is at a +9.5, Westbrook +18.1, Davis -7.7(!), and Harden...well Harden is at an even more comic book level +38.7.

The problem with complaining about Cuz's demeanor has never been the observation that his demeanor is bad, its in making the all too human mistake of wildly WILDY overstating its importance and missing the forest for the trees. Its focusing in on the supermodel's pimple and posting "2/10 Would Not Bang". I too wish he'd use some Clearisil, but pimple's are a fact of life.
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He had zero fouls going into the 3rd quarter. I still question his effort on his defensive rotations. I agree with the officiating.
o_O so I think you're saying, no fouls going into the 3rd = bad cousins defense. Officiating good = deserved to foul out in the 4th. but....oh, nevermind....[/quote]
Uhm...I'm saying I sat there and watched Demarcus Cousins exclusively and his effort on defense was offensive in the 3rd quarter. - Dave Joeger Agreed.
And I will say starting center should have zero fouls going into the 2nd half, if they are trying Super hard on defense.
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Wow. :eek: And I thought I thought Cuz was talented. I mean, basically you are saying he's Top 10 All-Time without the complaining. Its kind of a backhand way to compliment a guy but I'm sure his agent thanks you. :)

Charles Barkley spent years winning less than that on a lost Philly franchise (5 out of 6 years in the late 80s/early 90s), and he's Top 20 all time.
Moses Malone actually won an MVP winning 42 I think it was. Top 20.
after his MVP, KG's Wolves went into a tailspin and he spent years winning 20-30 something games until the Boston trade. Top 20ish
after Sampson's knees disintegrated, Hakeem spent half a decade out in the sub-50 win wilderness before the MVP years. Maybe just outside Top 10 now.
Big O spent much of his career winning less than 50. Top 10 guy.
Ewing was sub 50 wins 5 of his first 6 seasons

Realistically, few of the Top 10 guys themselves even ever put the theory to the test. Magic Johnson never had to prove he could do that, nor Larry Bird, nor Bill Russell. They were always on stacked teams.

DeMarcus Cousins scored 1748 points last year. He gave up 16 points to technicals. I doubt every technical cost us a game.

He's also carrying a +24.5 On/Off right now, with all the complaining. Its virtually impossible to improve on such a massive number (indeed it will almost surely drop to more reasonable levels as the season goes on). For comparison Steph won MVP last year with an insane +22.2. This year LeBron is at a +9.5, Westbrook +18.1, Davis -7.7(!), and Harden...well Harden is at an even more comic book level +38.7.

The problem with complaining about Cuz's demeanor has never been the observation that his demeanor is bad, its in making the all too human mistake of wildly WILDY overstating its importance and missing the forest for the trees.
Pretty much, if you stick the brain of say a Chris Paul into the body and talent of Demarcus Cousins you have a top 5 current player without question. Your stats are nice but just sitting back and observing things you can notice thr human variables that affect things. Paul is basically Cousins in that he is a fiery competitor, complains to the refs, key with him is he knows when and how to do it and he doesnt let referee calls and other players take him off of his game. Cousins mentally is walking on stilts and can lose balance at any given moment.