Insider says there's unrest in Laker land...


Super Moderator Emeritus
By Chad Ford
ESPN Insider

Chad Ford's Chat Wrap with SportsNation on Thursday
What were the Lakers thinking this summer when they let Kobe Bryant dictate whom the team acquired in the offseason?

Everyone knows they were desperate to re-sign Bryant, but once you give up that type of power to a player, he isn't giving it back.

Since making his free agent power play this summer, Kobe already has helped exile Shaquille O'Neal, Gary Payton and Derek Fisher. Kareem Rush was given away last week for two second-round picks.

Tuesday, Bryant nailed the door shut on a Karl Malone return to the Lakers.

In a radio interview, Bryant said he didn't think Malone was coming back, then criticized the Mailman for leaving the team up in the air.

"It's not really fair to hold it over the guys' heads that are here," Bryant said. "The guys that we have here are working hard, practicing hard every day. It's kind of tough for them to be looking over their shoulder, wondering if he's going to come back and then everybody is going to disappear.

"It's really not fair for us to sit around and speculate how long this is going to go on. I mean, you can't sit up here and speculate for the remainder of the season whether or not he is going to come back. I mean, that's not fair to the guys that are working here."

" I get the feeling that everyone there is pretty miserable. I know [my client] wants out and he claims others do too. It's hard enough to have a coach on you all the time, but then when a player is doing it, too, it's just too much. "
-- An agent of an unhappy teammate of Kobe Bryant's
Oh, the hypocrisy. Wasn't it Bryant who held his impending free agency over the heads of the entire organization last year? Wasn't everyone looking over their shoulders wondering if Bryant was going to bolt to the Clippers? Maybe Malone isn't the player the Lakers need right now, but Bryant shouldn't be the one making that decision or delivering the message.

But that's not the worst of it.

What left Bryant's mouth after that speaks volumes about whose team this really is.

"They are here giving me 110 percent," Bryant said of his teammates.

Really? The Lakers are playing for Kobe now?

That wasn't a slip of the tongue. Two player agents who represent players on the Lakers and one league source told Insider that Bryant was ruling the Lakers with an iron fist, getting in players' faces and acting as if he owned the team. According to one agent, Bryant even threatened to trade his client if he didn't do things The Kobe Way.

"I get the feeling that everyone there is pretty miserable," one agent told Insider. "I know [my client] wants out, and he claims others do too. It's hard enough to have a coach on you all the time, but then when a player is doing it, too, it's just too much."

The Lakers need to be careful. Word is spreading quickly around the league that while Bryant is an awesome player, he's a terrible teammate. When the Lakers finally have some cap room to go out and lure free agents, what top-tier player is going to want to play there?

The Lakers responded to the whole Malone mess by stating that Bryant wasn't "speaking on behalf of the Lakers management or organization."

Bryant has a $136 million contract that says otherwise.

Where will the Mail be delivered next?

Malone claims he's close to 100 percent and wants to play again this season. Where might that be? A source close to Malone told Insider on Wednesday that the Spurs, Timberwolves and Heat are the three teams Malone has narrowed it down to.

Is Vince off the block?

An Achilles injury might hinder the Raptors' efforts to trade Vince Carter.
An injury to Vince Carter's Achilles might send his trade value into a freefall.
Carter strained his left Achilles' tendon Wednesday in the first minute of the second half in Toronto's game against the Pistons.

The injury highlights a growing concern among GMs that Carter isn't healthy enough to justify a trade. Several teams sent advance scouts to watch Carter play the past week, and at least two teams were concerned enough about his health that their trade interest immediately waned.

"He's got some serious tendinitis going on right now," one GM said. "Our scout came back and said that he's not going to be able to play like the old Vince Carter, so what's the point?"

GM Rob Babcock was in no mood to talk about it after the game.

"In a situation like this, we're concerned about a player's health," Babcock told the Toronto Star after the game. "The last thing you think about is the trade stuff."

The Truth about Pierce?

Paul Pierce is the latest star player to run into tough times with his team and his coach. Pierce has looked unhappy for weeks and lost it recently when head coach Doc Rivers pulled him out of a game.
Gary Payton added a few logs to the fire on Wednesday when he criticized how Pierce plays the game.

"He needs to make some changes, but it's been like four years that he's been taking those type of shots and stuff like that," Payton said in the Boston Herald. "Now he has to understand that that's got to go. He's getting a little deeper into his career - he's more than seven years deep - and those shots are not going to make it for you.

Paul Pierce (right) and Gary Payton's relationship might take a turn after the Glove's comments.
"You can be the man here scoring 20 or 30 points, but you're not going to win basketball games, you know what I'm saying? He's going to learn. I think he's going to have to learn the hard way. It's going to take somebody like myself to keep talking to him, but he'll get the picture.

"I know he doesn't feel good after these games. I know he doesn't. So he's going to look at it and he's going to figure out what's going on."

All of that negativity has spawned a number of trade rumors. However, don't put too much stock in them.

Celtics sources say they have no interest in trading Pierce - Payton will be long gone before Pierce is, they claim. And Pierce's agent, Jeff Schwartz, told Insider on Wednesday that Pierce wants to stay in Boston.

"He's happy in Boston," Schwartz said. "He wants to stay there. There is some frustration because Paul doesn't like to lose, but he thinks things are starting to turn around in Boston."

Chad Ford covers the NBA for ESPN Insider.
He's emulating Jordan again, copying what MJ was like as a Washington Wizard. Who's going to be the Laker's "Kwame Brown"? Who'll be their "Rip Hamilton"?

Very interesting.
#4 said:
He's emulating Jordan again, copying what MJ was like as a Washington Wizard. Who's going to be the Laker's "Kwame Brown"? Who'll be their "Rip Hamilton"?

Very interesting.
Or maybe he's trying to be like Kevin Garnett, maybe he'll sucker punch Sasha in a few days for scoring on him.
Damage Control

Bryant stunned by Malone's reaction

Associated Press

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. (AP) - Kobe Bryant would love to have Karl Malone back with the Los Angeles Lakers, and believes comments he made in a recent radio interview were misunderstood.

Lakers' Kobe Bryant clarifies his recent comments about Karl Malone.
Bryant also said Wednesday that he tried to call Malone "and square it all out."

Malone's agent, Dwight Manley, said Tuesday that his client had ruled out a return to the Lakers because of what Bryant said in the radio interview and what the agent called "recent personal attacks made in private."

Bryant said he was shocked by Malone's reaction.

"I meant nothing by it. It wasn't directed toward him (?)," Bryant said after the Lakers' shootaround. "I'd love to have him back here, everybody would. If he wants to come back and play, the door's always open.

"This is the type of place he should enjoy playing. I'm happy to hear he's 100 percent. And in no way what I said was directed toward him or a personal attack. If he's felt some type of way about that, then I apologize."

But Bryant also said: "It is what it is, and I want to move on with the team we have here." (?)

Manley said Malone was "furious" and "felt very disrespected" after hearing of an account of what Bryant told XTRA radio in an interview Monday.

Bryant told the radio station he didn't think that Malone, who underwent surgery on his right knee last summer, would return to the Lakers, calling it "just intuition." Bryant also said the uncertainty wasn't fair to his teammates.

"I think he took what I said the wrong way," Bryant said Wednesday. "Maybe he didn't hear it, maybe he ran off with what somebody else was saying. If I felt like (Malone) was a distraction, I would have said it. I didn't say anything like that."

Malone told KCBS-TV late Tuesday that he didn't "want to be anyone's distraction."

Bryant said his relationship with Malone has "always been cool."

"If Karl comes back, it will be a tremendous addition," Bryant said. "But if he doesn't, I'm fine rolling with the guys we have here. It's his decision if he wants to come back."

Bryant didn't appear upset or agitated Wednesday.

"Everything I've been through, you just shrug it off," he said. "I don't hold grudges, I don't hold anger or resentment toward anybody. I've been through a lot. You forgive and move on. If Karl comes back, great. If he doesn't, that's fine, too."

Lakers coach Rudy Tomjanovich defended Bryant.

"I believe Kobe said it was a misunderstanding," Tomjanovich said. "And we've always felt the same way, that the red carpet is out for (Malone) if he wants to come back. He deserves to make a decision at the end of a great career.

"We have not talked at all. It's unfortunate negativity came out of it. But I don't think there's one ounce of negativity around here about Karl Malone."

The 41-year-old Malone told the Lakers on Oct. 1 he wasn't ready to play. But he didn't rule out returning at some point this season or later.

Manley said Tuesday that Malone had fully recovered from his surgery and would address his future in the next month or so.

Shaquille O'Neal, Malone's teammate last season in Los Angeles and a good friend of the power forward, would not speculate as to whether his current team - the Miami Heat - and general manager Pat Riley - would pursue Malone.

"I'm sure he'll call if he's interested," O'Neal said before Miami's game at Milwaukee on Wednesday night. "And, maybe Mr. Riley will be interested. And, I can do my part with the general managerial skills that I possess. I can do my part to help, but it's totally up to Coach Riley." O'Neal said he hasn't lobbied for Malone to join the Heat. "Whenever guys like us talk, it's never about basketball," he said. "It's just about the families, the kids and about life. It's never about basketball. It's never about coming back. Karl's a great guy and I know he went through a tough injury last year, so basketball is probably the last thing on his mind."


Hall of Famer
HndsmCelt said:
Has anyone who had delt with Kobe either on or off the court had anything nice to say about him afterwards?
The person who sold him that 4 mill $ ring he bought his wife
If Vlade can't sort this out and bring some peace to the Laker organization......

I don't feel bad for Lakers, I could care less. I do feel bad for Vlade having to be on sucha a team to finish his career, but then again it was his choice.

Go Kings.
Lamar_Odom said:
All of a sudden, Insider ESPN and Chad Ford has credibility because he's nailing Kobe. Interesting.
I thought the same thing when reading. But, as a Laker fan, you got to admit that there is some truth to the article.
Let's be honest, the Lakers went from contender to lottery. There is unrest in Lakerland, even if Chad "I'm wrong" Ford has brought it up.
Heuge said:
I thought the same thing when reading. But, as a Laker fan, you got to admit that there is some truth to the article.
Let's be honest, the Lakers went from contender to lottery. There is unrest in Lakerland, even if Chad "I'm wrong" Ford has brought it up.
Chad Ford didn't say anything that we don't already know. He's just adding some of his "gossipish" material to muddle to puddle.

As far as the 110% thing, he is the leader of that team. That's where he's coming from. He leads and they are giving him a 110% effort in return. I don't understand why a lot of "experts" can't see through that.

As a Laker fan, I knew from the start that the Lakers are not going to contend this year. Everything they come up with is a plus.

On the other hand, I can see how Karl could have taken what Kobe said out of context. Kobe could have done without what he said. He came to the interview unprepared and got caught by a cunning reporter.


Hall of Famer
Lamar_Odom said:
All of a sudden, Insider ESPN and Chad Ford has credibility because he's nailing Kobe. Interesting.
Chad is not quoting "inside sources" this time. Chad is recycling the smae quotes we have all seen elase wehre and NO ONE is deneying. Chad did not invent the Shaq trade, the PJ book or Malone's comments. Are you trying to tell us that all is well in Laker Land. That Loosing the most domant center in the game (btw to apreciate Shaqs influnce dont look at his numbers look at the Skippers new little buddie's) was part of a bigger plan for success? That chassing off PJ with a stick was a smart move to make room for the paly making genius of Ruddy "lalmost lost my head to a Laker" Tomavitch? That not sending invinting messages to a valualbe PF was smart, that letting Kobe chase him off is brilliant? Lets face it if Kobe WANTED Malone to paly in lavender and yellow again he could, oh I don't know... said so? Please Help me out here I am confused at what the Lakers big picture is.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The only possible Ford manufacturing job here is the whole "unnamed agent" thing, which...well who knows. Nobody would admit to it of course. And I found the implication that the player or players were mad at Kobe yelling at them IN ADDITION TO Rudy T doing so, to be...odd.
Yeah, this is Chad Ford we’re talking about. Remember, this was the only other person outside of Ailene Voisin that was able to “corroborate” Voisin’s articles about the Kings shopping Webber over the summer. Supposedly, this was based on Ford's "sources in Sacramento" or something like that, which probably means he read a Voisin article in the Bee and regurgitated it like he actually had a source.

I don't doubt that Kobe is hard on his teammates, he has said as much in interviews. But really, from what we know, this isn't anything different than what any leader of a team is supposed to do. Would anyone here get on Webber's case for blasting his teammates for, say, not putting forth effort on the basketball court? Of course not, Webber is the Kings' best player and a hard worker, he'd have every right to do it.
KA_2 said:
Yeah, this is Chad Ford we’re talking about. Remember, this was the only other person outside of Ailene Voisin that was able to “corroborate” Voisin’s articles about the Kings shopping Webber over the summer. Supposedly, this was based on Ford's "sources in Sacramento" or something like that, which probably means he read a Voisin article in the Bee and regurgitated it like he actually had a source.

I don't doubt that Kobe is hard on his teammates, he has said as much in interviews. But really, from what we know, this isn't anything different than what any leader of a team is supposed to do. Would anyone here get on Webber's case for blasting his teammates for, say, not putting forth effort on the basketball court? Of course not, Webber is the Kings' best player and a hard worker, he'd have every right to do it.
i guess you haven't read many posts here especially during the offseason..

i'm definitely not one who would blast him, but a lot of people would or have already..
LMM said:
i guess you haven't read many posts here especially during the offseason..

i'm definitely not one who would blast him, but a lot of people would or have already..
I'm talking about the non-Peja homers, of course. ;)

But not just Webber, any leader. I know for a fact that the top 20 greatest all time leaders all blasted their teammates in some form or another, some much harsher than anything Kobe ever did (to the best of my knowledge that is, I’ve only been to a couple Laker practices before).