i need to SCREAM!!!

well i won't actually scream, but you get the idea.

so heres the deal,

i get out of school to haul *** to babysitting ( leaving school early in the process) and the ONE time i have my car up in the city, in a not so bad part of town, to drvie home, and i get a nast surprise

broken window. it's the smallest window, but still. then i notice NO BACKPACK which had my WALLET, my CD player, some of my fav clothes, and bunch of other personally stuff, my bag of other clothes with my favorite jeans that actually fit all of it GONE!!!!!!!!!!!

what a NIGHTMARE!!! of curse i was in tears. so embarassing, i burst into tears at the babysittee's house, but the mom was real cool, gave me the phone, said take your time. i called the bank, and everything else i could get a hold of. so tommorrow it's off to costco etc to get new cards. and up to the police station to file a report.

man i am PISSED. not just for the stuff like the clothes, the little stuff. my star wars midnight movie ticket. my bonds 700 HR ticket with the cool seal on it. my cavalia ticket, stuff that means something to ME. i can replace the jeans. i can't replace the other stuff

man i will DIE if my CD's were in there. i'm pretty sure i left those at home, but that would be anohter 500 bucks gone... not to mention what it's going to cost to fix the window ( i only have liabilty on my car)

* ends venting*

burn in HELL whoever did this!!!!!!!!! *shakes fists*
When I lived in San Rafael, I had a bunch of friends in the city, so that's where I spent most of my time.

One friend of mine had a killer apartment, but it was in a horrendous part of town. Just awful. I was in the habbit of making sure that there was nothing -- NOTHING -- left in my car whenever I was there. If I had anything, I either carried it with me, or made sure it was out of view and/or locked in the glove box.

The one time I didn't do that (I only left my jacket in the car, but about five inches of one sleeve was sticking out from under the front seat) someone broke into my car and stole my jacket. Brand new, super warm, GORTEX filled jacket that I'd just taken camping, for the record.

I have always hated driving in San Francisco. They have great public transportation for a reason.
Man! I'm so sorry that happened to you Even! That just sucks! You feel so violated knowing someone out there has your personal stuff....
Being an American overseas the Base commanders are constantly telling us not to leave ANYTHING in our cars because being US military makes us a target for thieves who want military gear and now I just do it automatically no matter what neighborhood I'm in.
Sorry Evenstar, that sucks. I don't leave anything in my car unless it's locked in my trunk and that's only when extremely necessary and definitely nothing valuable.
Evenstar,sorry to hear this .What kind of car is it,Imay be able to help on the glass and/or installation,let me know,I work for Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep.
SIR HENRY 8 said:
Evenstar,sorry to hear this .What kind of car is it,Imay be able to help on the glass and/or installation,let me know,I work for Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep.
awww thanks :)

my dad is going to fix the car for me ( it's what he does for a living) but thanks for the offer, that was very nice.

i filed a police report today, doubtful anything will be recovered. but still, i'll hold out some hope. thank GAWD!!!!!!!!!!! my CD's wereN'T in the car, i got home today and saw them under the bed, and i breathed a huge sigh of relief

ugh, i had to get up at freaking 6 in the moring to get a new license. what a pain in the butt!.
This has happened to me at least 4 times. Most of the time there wasn't even anything in the car to steal, but when there was (the first time) they cleaned me out. It's highly unlikely you'll find anything, so I wouldn't count on it. That can really ruin a bad day.
Wow sorry to hear about that. I know how you feel. It is a complete personal violation. It makes you sad, scared and angry at the same time.

My father was a police officer in Novato for 25 years. We happened to live there as well for that time. My car got broken into in front of our house and I had EVERYTHING in it. 3 leather jackets, my CD player, all my CD's, my very expensive camera. Everything was taken. I spend so much time in the car that everything was in there. Anyway, about 1 week later my father gets a disturbing the peace call in the part of Novato that is the seediest part.
He gets there and all he hears is some guys talking and listening to music in their car. He walks up to them and sees one of the guys wearing one of my jackets. He askes them to get out of the car and asks this guy where he got his jacket. The guy replied in broken English that he got it in San Rafael 2 weeks ago. My father asks again, and the guys says someone gave it to him. Then my father proceeds to tell the guys that it is my jacket and that he bought it for me in Italy the year prior. The guys looks caught, so my dad asks him to take him to his house. Now up to now, these guys have no idea that my father speaks 4 languages. One of them happens to be Spanish, but they didn't know that. (Dad was born and raised in Italy and learned English, Spanish and French) Sooooo, the guy takes my dad to this apartment and when the door opens and a little old lady is there, the guy says to her in Spanish "tell this cop I live here". Well my dad in turn says IN SPANISH, "mam, you will not tell me that, because if you do I will have INS over here in less than 5 minutes." Needless to say it shocked the s*** out of the lady and the guy. The lady immediately told my dad he lived downstairs. My father recovered my camera, CD player and 2 jackets.
Now, if ANY other police officer went out to that call, they would've never known that was my jacket the guy had on. It just so happens my dad got the call. They even wrote it up in the newspaper that local dad/cop finds daughters stolen possesions. For what was not recovered the guys had to pay resititution. It was a pretty unfortunate experience, but I was lucky.
Whoa, having a pair of jeans stolen that actually fit....honey you're screwed. Seriously, I hope that you get back all the things you love times ten. :)