How Ironic with Peja



yeah he can't rebound blah blah he grabed 12 boards tonight without C-webb which he did well last season and HOW IRONIC HE SCORES 30 PTS first time since C-webbs return remember with C-webbs return peja did not score over 30 points SINCE!

anyway don't want to get flamed here that im a peja homer but there is somthing Ironic here if you see the patern.
I could care less about his stats, what matters is the win.

As far as scoring, I will point out the obvious that with cwebb out, Peja is going to touch the ball more and become the primary scoring option. As far as rebounds, if Peja can get that many rebounds in this game, I don't think anyone other than Peja knows the answer to that. Could be the same reason he disappears during the playoffs, some sort of mental thing.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Ironic? Is this going to be like that other thread you created, when you said that something was "interesting," and it really wasn't? :|

What's so "ironic" about it?
Stojakovic does NOT disappear during the playoffs. Defenses put a lot more pressure on him; that's the difference. Besides, the people that are successful at guarding him have absolutely ZERO production on offense.

I'm assuming you're referring to definition 3a.

"3 a (1) : incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result (2) : an event or result marked by such incongruity"

There was nothing incongruous about this. In the absence of our star players, the rest of the team has a history of stepping up. It's one of the reasons why the Kings are so highly regarded througout the league.
Obviously without CWebb in the lineup, Pedja gets more touches and opportunities to score and rebound but that doesn't mean he should have nights where he has just 1 rebound. He needs to be just as aggressive and provide hustle even when Webb is playing. It seems that when CWebb is playing our players (not just Pedja) use that as an excuse to take a backseat. That being said, I'm proud of Pedja's contribution on the boards and hustle tonight which just proves that he isn't incapable of contributing is these aspects. And as to whether it is "ironic" or not that Pedja scored 30 in CWebb's absence? No it isn't because that's only 1 more point than he scored the game against Memphis (29), and 3 more points more than the last game (27) with Cwebb in the lineup.
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gixxerR6 said:
yeah he can't rebound blah blah he grabed 12 boards tonight without C-webb which he did well last season and HOW IRONIC HE SCORES 30 PTS first time since C-webbs return remember with C-webbs return peja did not score over 30 points SINCE!

anyway don't want to get flamed here that im a peja homer but there is somthing Ironic here if you see the patern.
Yeah...:mad: I wanted to write same thing....
Ummm ok....Obvious Peja Homer's;)

If Peja didnt get 30 I would have asked the fans in ARCO to tar and feather him! Peja did what he was supposed to do.... Score more and rebound.... He did a hell of a great job. Hes a great player. Great players step up when they have too.....

Now if he'll do it in the playoffs.......:p
Peja played well. Ofcours with CWebb out, everyone should step up and grab more rebounds (especially the ones that Webb would normaly get). Peja stepped up his game tonight and the stats show it. Not to put him down, but some of his rebounds, the ball just happened to bounce to him and it didn't take too much effort. On other occasions he really hussled and fought for rebounds. All this goes to tell you that with or without Webb Peja should try hard(er) to grab rebounds and his game will be appreciated so much more (and people won't look at him as just a shooter, but an all around player).

I don't think it is fair to make it seem that Webber is the one restricting Peja from having great games. Just think what can happen when both of them are on the court at the same time and they both have monster games :)
gixxerR6 said:
HOW IRONIC HE SCORES 30 PTS first time since C-webbs return remember with C-webbs return peja did not score over 30 points SINCE!
He scored 27pts the game before, with Webber playing. I don't think 3 extra points makes that much difference (unless it was a really close game :) )
1. You should appluad Peja for having the presence of mind to know with Webb out he had to contribute more in all areas of the game. Nothing more, nothing less. This is what should be expected from him. Missing wide open easy shots? Inexplicable--espescially if people want to tout him as a great player and the best shooter on the planet. The previous season high of a whopping 6 rebounds? Embarrassing for a guy who is 6'10

2. What Heuge said.

3. As I said in another pot, what I find interesting and bit a ironic is no one making a peep when Mike Bibby continuosuly takes shot after shot and misses shot after shot...Funny how that works.
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Hall of Famer
It is very simple. Pedja has proven last season what he is capable in therms of putting up numbers when he has more touches. Eerybody knows that. It is also clear that with the player out who dominates the ball there are more opportunities for other to showcase their skills. Basically, if You are surprise in what happened tonight in therms of stats - You have not watched Kings for a long time. For an all star to have a 30 - 12 night should be normal.

Yes, Webber will grab some of the rebounds and take some of the shots that other players would have otherwise but the question here is - Do You want to win or Do You want to put such numbers every night. Kings ( that includes Pedja) can beat most of the teams with Webber out because thay ae talented enough. They can not win it all without him. The way he is playing this season - this discussion is very useless. He has been nothing but great in almost all games he played.

Pedja is very well aware that he could lead the league in scoring by playing for Hawks, Bulls, Hornets, Bobcats etc. If that is what he wants - his contract is up soon. If he wants to win ...

For serbs that do not get to see many kings games - Webber has been looking for Pedja a lot since the Phoenix game. In fact if You want to find anyone in the team who might be somewhat reluctant to pass to Pedja - look at Bibby. Not only he is the worst defensive player on this planet but also lately he has not been shooting well but he was shooting a lot. He is more focusing on himself lately forcing a 2 man game way too much ( easiest way for him to get a shot ). Once he gets it together - the whole team will improve even more.
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ReinadelosReys said:
1. You should appluad Peja for having the presence of mind to know with Webb out he had to contribute more in all areas of the game. Nothing more, nothing less. This is what should be expected from him.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

ReinadelosReys said:
3. As I said in another pot, what I find interesting and bit a ironic is no one making a peep when Mike Bibby continuosuly takes shot after shot and misses shot after shot...Funny how that works
Or that Bibby cannot defend anyone.
piksi said:
It is very simple. Pedja has proven last season what he is capable in therms of putting up numbers when he has more touches. Eerybody knows that. It is also clear that with the player out who dominates the ball there are more opportunities for other to showcase their skills. Basically, if You are surprise in what happened tonight in therms of stats - You have not watched Kings for a long time. For an all star to have a 30 - 12 night should be normal.

Yes, Webber will grab some of the rebounds and take some of the shots that other players would have otherwise but the question here is - Do You want to win or Do You want to put such numbers every night. Kings ( that includes Pedja) can beat most of the teams with Webber out because thay ae talented enough. They can not win it all without him. The way he is playing this season - this discussion is very useless. He has been nothing but great in almost all games he played.

Pedja is very well aware that he could lead the league in scoring by playing for Hawks, Bulls, Hornets, Bobcats etc. If that is what he wants - his contract is up soon. If he wants to win ...

For serbs that do not get to see many kings games - Webber has been looking for Pedja a lot since the Phoenix game. In fact if You want to find anyone in the team who might be somewhat reluctant to pass to Pedja - look at Bibby. Not only he is the worst defensive player on this planet but also lately he has not been shooting well but he was shooting a lot. He is more focusing on himself lately forcing a 2 man game way too much ( easiest way for him to get a shot ). Once he gets it together - the whole team will improve even more.
Pretty much sums up everything I was thinking. In case some of you forgot, this is a TEAM effort.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
What a pathetic thread. The sad part is that in their desperate attempts to make excuses for their hero, Peja homers almost inevitably end up making him look like a petty pouting weenie who is bad teammate -- rarely if ever have I seen a player who only gives full effort when he gets to be "the man" lauded. Indeed, we normally call those players malcontents and cancers.

Fortunately for Peja, there is a more conventional and laudable explantion than that of a prima donna only playing hard when he gets to be the man.

All across the league, on EVERY team which has an injured star, the numbers of the remaining players go up. Who would have thought? And on the Kings in particular, we have ALWAYS had excess talent amongst our starters. People have always stepped up and covered for the absence of key players. And that is of course a good thing. Unless your main concern is your favorite player putting up numbers rather than winning that is. Peja's numbers are irrelevant unless they lead to a Kings victory. Peja is on our roster to serve this team, not the other way around. Last night we needed more from him, and he responded. Good for him.

Last night we were hurting and several of our guys stepped up. It was a terrible team, an expansion team composed of everybody's 10th-12th men last year, so legendary performances were not exactly needed. But several of our guys stepped up, and good for them. That's what they SHOULD do. That is a GOOD thing. There is no reason to taint a good thing with a smallness that Peja hopefully does not share.

P.S. Peja's rebounding is impossible to make excuses for -- before last night he had actually sunk down into the bottom 50 players in the league in per48 min rebounding. At 6'9" on an awful rebounding team thbat needs EVERY rebounder it can find. Just terrible. And his lack of effort there has been unacceptable -- NO player prevents Peja from being a man and giving effort. Here's hoping that last night helps him remember how it is done. He won't grab 12 every night, but at this point just a return to a nice mediocre 6 a night would be enough, and anything more would be gravy.
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I like peja and cwebb, I refuse to be forced to choose a side. We are starting to sound like the laker kobe/shaq era.
Peja has scored 29 points a couple times now WITH Webber in the lineup. He beat his season high 29 points by 1, that's right 1 whole point last night. Boy that one extra point for Peja is sure worth having Webber out of the lineup huh? :confused:


Hall of Famer
TheSerbianQueen said:
Why did this even turn into an argument.
I guess Pedja's people vs. Webb's people is never going to end, ha?

I did not realize I had to choose between them. Now I feel so bifircated!
DocHolliday said:
Peja has scored 29 points a couple times now WITH Webber in the lineup. He beat his season high 29 points by 1, that's right 1 whole point last night. Boy that one extra point for Peja is sure worth having Webber out of the lineup huh? :confused:
and that last point came on a technical, didn't it?


Super Moderator Emeritus
gixxerR6 said:
yeah he can't rebound blah blah he grabed 12 boards tonight without C-webb which he did well last season and HOW IRONIC HE SCORES 30 PTS first time since C-webbs return remember with C-webbs return peja did not score over 30 points SINCE!

anyway don't want to get flamed here that im a peja homer but there is somthing Ironic here if you see the patern.
1. You won't get flamed here because flaming is not allowed, per se.
2. Your points are pretty much blind to the truth. Pedja and Webber have been playing together for a long time. They will continue to do so, complementing each other's games.
3. There is nothing ironic about Pedja having a good game against the expansion team Charlotte Bobcats, regardless of who else was or was not on the court. If he hadn't been able to do well, I would really have been worried.
4. Did you watch the game? Did you see how many times Webber cheered his teammates - INCLUDING PEDJA - when they made a good play?
5. gixxerR6 - There are boards that like this kind of drivel. Kingsfans isn't, quite frankly, one of them. Perhaps would be better suited to your tastes? This is We support our entire team. The whole Pedja-Webber scenario, blown up out of all proportion by the media to begin with, is OLD news. They are very happy to be producing TOGETHER and hope TOGETHER to get the Kings to the WCF and possibly further. THAT is what's important, not who scores the most points on any given night. It's a TEAM effort, and I'm awfully glad we have Webber AND Pedja on our team, along with Brad, Mike, Doug, Bobby, Tag, Darius, Kevin, Eric, Maurice and Matt. It's TEAM!!!
They had Tamar Slay and Keith Bogans trying to guard him most of the game, the 30 and 12 doesn't surprise me or carry much significance. He put up big numbers against marginal players, that's all.
DocHolliday said:
Peja has scored 29 points a couple times now WITH Webber in the lineup. He beat his season high 29 points by 1, that's right 1 whole point last night. Boy that one extra point for Peja is sure worth having Webber out of the lineup huh? :confused:
For real.

The thing that's funny is that Peja was stuck on 29 for a few minutes but Bickerstaff did him a favor and got a technical foul arguing some unimportant call and Peja made a free throw off that to get his 30th point.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Personally, I was very pleased to see Pedja perform well at both ends of the court because it's something he's capable of doing and it will REALLY pay dividends further into the season and during the playoffs. What saddens me is that his performance is somewhat tainted in the eyes of some because of the need for some Pedja apologists to crow about how his scoring and rebounding was only possible without one of his teammates on the court.

Pedja went out and did what he should do, along with Bobby, Darius, Brad and Tag. The others contributed, although to a lesser extent. It was a WIN! That is what is truly important. A win is a win is a win...

If I may, I'd like to remind fellow members that PEDJA hasn't said any of this stuff. It's all been brought up by a few of his countrymen who seem to feel it's more important for him to be first than anything else. That's sad...Pedja put forth an excellent effort and I commend him for it. I fully expect to see more of it in the future, WITH Webber. Pedja isn't nearly as petty as some of these posters would have us believe.

GO KINGS - ALL of them!!!!!
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i'm surprised peja didn't have a bigger game considering who the opponent was. vs an expansion team playing without 2 starters, shouldn't he have gone for a new career high? ;)

i was also more impressed that he finally got his 6'10 butt on the boards then the scoring. peja always scores. rebounding is nice. NOW if we could only get this type of effort out of him EVERYNIGHT with webber playing, well we'd probably be at least middle of the pack in rebounding, not near the bottom in the league ( which is embarrassing considering that our frontline is 7 feet, 6'11, and 6'10. our PG is outrebounding out SF. yikes!)

and mike bibby, could you come home soon??? we miss you!!!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Evenstar said:
( which is embarrassing considering that our frontline is 7 feet, 6'11, and 6'10. our PG is outrebounding out SF. yikes!)
Man, they keep on growing. :)

probably legitimately closer to 6'11", 6'9", 6'9". But still, when your SF is not only as tall as your PF, but built to boot, you shouldn't have to worry about him being outrebounded by Earl Boynkins.

Our frontline numbers SHOULD be:

Miler -- 10
Webb -- 10
Peja -- 6

that's not even ideal. that's just what they SHOULD be given their history.

unfortunately we are getting closer to:

Miller -- 8
Webb -- 10
Peja -- 4

And that's just kind of sad.