Hoopsworld: Why the Kings should have relocated


Super Moderator Emeritus
Good grief...


It was truly one of the NBA’s feel-good stories of the summer. The Kings were all but picking out curtains in Seattle, but at the last minute the city of Sacramento swooped in with a counter-proposal that allowed the team to stay put. All those bell-ringing Kings fans could rest easy knowing that their home town heroes would be back in action for the foreseeable future.

The conversation has changed in recent weeks, however, from how miraculous it is that the team isn’t moving to how to make sense out of its mess of a roster. The reality that the Kings are just not a very good basketball team is settling back in just in time for the run-up to ticket sales for the new season.
No offense to Bill Ingram, Senior NBA Editor at Hoopsworld, but he might have taken a peek at the statistics for season ticket sales thus far before writing this drivel. Read the whole article only if you have a strong stomach for stupid.

Capt. Factorial

ceterum censeo delendum esse Argentum
Staff member
No offense to Bill Ingram, Senior NBA Editor at Hoopsworld, but he might have taken a peek at the statistics for season ticket sales thus far before writing this drivel. Read the whole article only if you have a strong stomach for stupid.
Oh goodie! Another addition to my "writer not worth reading" list!
I will take your word for it. Thanks for reading it and giving the warning so I don't have to.

This sounds like another spin job from the marketing dept of Microsoft.



Hall of Famer
Fortunately the last laugh will be by us. I see no point to the article unless the writer is from Seattle. The premise seems to be, that if the Kings stay in Sacramento, they remain terrible, but if they relocate to Seattle, they become immediate contenders. Apparently the basketball gods have ordained it. Very little logic behind the article, and sadly, everything I've written about it, is too much about very little. Please let the season start soon!
This one is from Hoopsworld, not HoopsHype. ;)
Which is why I do not visit Hoopsworld.com on a regular basis, and stick to Hoopshype.com.

Hoopshype.com, IMHO, is arguably the best basketball site out there for rumors, articles, interviews, etc. I love it!!!!

The article in discussion is just plain ludicrous. How anyone can support this idiot in his claims is beyond me, but I am sure some nut case in Seattle is doing just that, with a big smile on his or her face.

KINGS 4 LIFE!!!!!!!
If you are going to write a basketball article, shouldn't you have a passing familiarity with the CBA and a team's salary cap?

They could have made some hard decisions, like jettisoning DeMarcus Cousins and using him to unload unwanted contracts like those of John Salmons and Jimmer Fredette, for example.
RealGM ballboys aren't even that bad.


Super Moderator Emeritus
If you are going to write a basketball article, shouldn't you have a passing familiarity with the CBA and a team's salary cap?

RealGM ballboys aren't even that bad.
Nah. Just like you don't need to know that Sacramento (and not Vivek) is going to own the new arena to argue about how bad the arena deal is for Sacramento. ;)