Holding My Breath, Crossing My Fingers...

Just a reminder that under league rules, players can be offered contracts beginning tomorrow through Jan. 31. Feb. 1 is the first day of signing.

The only given is that Coach Whiz has protected Yo and Tan, so they are each guaranteed the maximum salary of $89K, although he can sign and trade them (but Coach, if you're listening, DON'T!!! :eek: )
Sac Bee Story This Morning


Of interest:

"The Monarchs plan to invite several international players - considered rookie free agents - to Sacramento for tryouts."

This marks the first time we've really looked outside the U.S. for players.

"Whisenant already has one opening. Grooms, 34, is pregnant with her first child and will assume a new role as the Monarchs' East Coast scout, he said."

I didn't know we had an East Coast scout, but I guess that confirms what we suspected - the Lady will retire.

"Veterans with four or more years of experience are guaranteed a minimum of $45,427, a $1,747 raise over 2004...Financially, less-experienced players are very attractive to general managers because they cost substantially less. Players with three or fewer years of experience will make a minimum of $31,200 in 2005, 31 percent less than the four-year minimum...'The players who get squeezed are the older free agents,' Whisenant said. "I can get a rookie for about $20,000 less and let that younger player develop. If an older player is not a starter, they'll get cut back because of the dollars you need to pay your stars."

This does not bode well for Edna or Ruthie.

"In addition, starting forward DeMya Walker is a restricted free agent, which means the Monarchs have the right to match any outside offers...'In my mind, DeMya will be the one to go after,' Wiesel said. 'She jumps out at you. She's special as a player and a star of the future in the league.'...That's what worries Whisenant. 'I'm anxious to see how many teams will try to sign DeMya,' he said. 'They're going to drive up her price."

The problem is they may drive her price past anything the Monarchs can, or want, to pay.

Stay tuned...

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Homer Fan Since 1985
JD, I really appreciate you keeping us up-to-date on all the developments of the Monarchs and their players. Thank you, so much!!!! :)
Well here is a list of the Free Agents

Anyone on this list of interst to us Monarchs Fans???

Here are my potential wish list folks

Unrestricted Free Agent
PlayerMost Recent Roster Transaction
Adia Barnes Seattle (Wish List) Very good defender and nice 3pt shot
Tully Bevilaqua Seattle
Ruthie Bolton Sacramento
Alisa Burras Seattle
Edna Campbell Sacramento
Amisha Carter New York
Adrienne Goodson San Antonio
Lady Grooms Sacramento
Jessie Hicks San Antonio
Pollyanna Johns-Kimbrough Houston
LaTonya Johnson San Antonio
Tiffani Johnson Houston
Merlakia Jones Detroit
Nikki McCray Phoenix
Murriel Page Washington
Wendy Palmer Connecticut
Jocelyn Penn Washington
Tari Phillips New York
Jennifer Rizzotti Detroit
Sheri Sam Seattle (Wish List) Good shooter can fit in the Motion offense
Gwen Slaughter Minnesota
Tangela Smith Sacramento
Charlotte Smith-Taylor Charlotte
Mandisa Stevenson San Antonio
Jurgita Streimikyte Indiana
Andrea Stinson Charlotte
Stephanie White Indiana (Wish List) Good defender and can shoot
Michele Van Gorp Minnesota
Teresa Weatherspoon Los Angeles RESTRICTED FREE AGENTS

Restricted Free Agent
Player Team Transaction
Svetlana Abrosimova Minnesota
Janell Burse Seattle
Helen Darling Minnesota (Wish List) Need a steady Point guard
Simone Edwards Seattle
Shalonda Enis Charlotte
Kristi Harrower Minnesota
Niele Ivey Indiana
Lauren Jackson Seattle (Wish List) We can run a 4 post offense
Tamicha Jackson Washington
Amanda Lassiter Minnesota
Betty Lennox Seattle (Wish List) She can Create her own shot
Tynesha Lewis Charlotte
Clarisse Machanguana Connecticut
Semeka Randall San Antonio Retired on September 17
Kristin Rasmussen Indiana
Kelly Schumacher Indiana
Kate Starbird Indiana
Maria Stepanova Phoenix
Stacey Thomas Detroit
Alicia Thompson Seattle
Slobodanka Tuvic Phoenix
Kamila Vodichkova Seattle
Demya Walker Sacramento
Adrian Williams San Antonio
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Ditto on the thank you to JD!! :)

I got really excited for a minute and then I saw that I had neglected to scroll up into the "unrestricted" category. ::sigh:: I'm not even going think about any of the restricteds because the way I see it, if someone wants to let them go instead of matching an offer - their stock may be dropping. With that said, my eyebrow is raised at the opportunity to make a run at Abrosimova who might not be heavy in the Lynx' plans. If she could stay healthy she's got some pretty good offense and decent defense.

Depending on who we invite to camp from the International side...I might be interested in Sheri Sam. When she fell out of favor in Minnesota a couple of years ago, I would have been delighted to have her show up in camp last season.

I agree, either Ruthie or Edna is not coming back. It doesn't make business sense to keep them both unless one of them comes back with some offense - they essentially in my mind were serving the same purpose. Ruthie to me is the more "valuable" of the two because she rebounds.

With DeMya, the pay raise is fine, lock her up for a year or two and then use the core designation on her after that if she's still a hot commodity when the contract runs out. I would try to get her under contract for two years because Yo is likely to be retired by then so her contract would be off the books.
I'd go after Sheri Sam for the main reason that she always kills the Monarchs. I can still see her running up the court in a Miami Heat uniform with her finger to her lips to silence the crowd.

It's so hard to figure preseason roster juggling out, because a player can't be traded unless they are under contract, so everything has to do with money. I think unless a lot of hot players fall into the Monarchs hands, they will be able to sign Ruthie and Edna for the veteran minimum. They really aren't going to be highly sought by other teams.

I think Coach Mo scouted up a couple of shooting guards in China that are being invited to camp. Perhaps the players are sending back suggestions on EuroLeague players they are playing against this winter.

Yo...must stay!!!

Went to the Kings game the other evening. I happened to get on the House Party show. Michael interveiwed me, ''saying here's a long time Monarch's fan.''..I responded by saying...''Please tell coach Wiz & the Maloof's...not to trade YOLANDA GRIFFITH! I got my message across on the jumbo screen...sweet. I only hope someone was listening.

Yo'' has to be kept as a core player no matter who they offer us.
I would seriously consider giving up my courtside seat, should they let her go.
I realize we need some shooters & youth. Just the same we need to keep our leader! What do you all think?
I agree Shari Sam, would be a nice addition.
They are keeping Yo and Tangie

They have Cored Yolanda and Tangie and are taking their chances with the rest. I think they are really taking a chance with DeMya. Good post players are hard to come by and since she owns a house in Houston, That couse be an attractive offer to her.

I thought that Ticha was a Free agent but she hasn't showed up on the FA list.

And I guess all of the youngsters are under contract. Although I thought they said that everyone was a free agent. I guess I just listen to what I want to huh???

What what are the thoughts of bringing in a bunch of international players into camp???
I know the WNBA page has a list of restricted/unrestricted players, but the Bee article about possible trades said:

"Besides Griffith and Smith, the Monarchs' free agents include Ruthie Bolton, Lady Grooms, Edna Campbell and Ticha Penicheiro. Forward DeMya Walker is a restricted free agent, and the Monarchs can match any offer she may receive from another club."

Yo, Tan, Ticha and DeMya are the big question marks. I agree with MBF that it is unlikely Edna and Ruthie will both be back. I wonder if that is why Edna headed overseas? In her first game, she played 31 minutes, had 16 points, 3 rebounds, 3 TO and 2 steals. Maybe trying to show she still has some offense to go with her defense.

I also agree Sam is an interesting prospect (for self-defense purposes if nothing else ;) ). She is certainly a shooter. Since she's unrestricted, we could just go after her with money and don't have to trade. I just wouldn't want to give Seattle any of our weapons.

Foreign players bring a new angle because you can really pick up a gem who is otherwise unknown. Of course, it becomes a liability during Olympic years if she plays for a country that is an Olympic contender. Look at Houston without Arcain.

This process brings up a lot more questions than answers. It will be interesting to see how unrestricted free agency plays itself out. With such a small salary range, you may find certain players stay with their teams because of other factors. Someone mentioned Yo in an earlier post. She has a house in Sac and her daughter goes to school here. They may have been able to keep her without designating her a core player because it might not be worth it for her to move for the same salary somewhere else. If they don't offer Ticha top salary, is she going to leave over a few thousand dollars? I don't know. And those way past their game (like T-Spoon) and those that never found their game (like Kate Starbird) may find themselves watching the games on TV this season instead of on the bench. While free agency has given the players more freedom of choice than ever before, it is very clear the lions share of the power remains with the league and owners.
That is very True JD...

I do have some questions... Read in another forum that Ticha was cored By the Monarchs. I find that hard to believe but then I checked onn the the FA board.

No Yo and No Ticha... And I know he planned to core Yolanda

So could it be that Whiz actually decided to take his chances with Tangie or is it a Typo???

JD is the resident researcher, so I leave this very daunting task in Your capable hands.
Luv 13, all I know is what I read in the paper! Whiz was quoted in the Bee saying he would core Yo and Tan. But I believe it was Hoopmatron who brought up the excellent point of why wouldn't you core Tan and Ticha, and then just offer Yo top salary and a two-year (or whatever she wanted to play) contract? I can't imagine she would want to relocate and start over with another team for the same salary this late in her career. I would be shocked if he didn't core Tan. She is the cream of the unrestricted free agency market.
I think you have the flexibilty (whatever that means with this salary cap) to not have to core Tangela for the same reason you wouldn't core Ticha - are they really going to leave for a few thousand dollars more? The only reason why I could see not coring Tangela is if nobody's going to give you equal value for her in a trade - and if you think others you want to keep might not want to stay, or if you have a deal on the table for one of the players you cored. Did you have to make your core designations earlier than you did any other contract negotiations?

Re: Edna, I think it might be that, and to opportunity to make a lot more money than she would have gotten doing another stint in the NWBL. Because I remember she played in the NWBL last offseason and put up ridiculously astronomical numbers in the first half of that season and I remember getting excited about that translating once the WNBA season opened, and we never saw that.
Sheri Sam has my vote. She is a tough, hard nose player that has offensive skills and a three point shot. The small forward that the Monarchs have been looking for. But I can not see Seattle letting her leave. She was key to their championship run.
Sam is unrestricted, so unless she is designated a core player, she is free to sign anywhere. MBF, it makes sense you would have to designate core players before beginning negotiations, but I haven't seen that confirmed anywhere. I have tried to find a place where they would list the core players for each team, but have not found that either. Basically, we're all in the dark for now. I did see somewhere that they are considering changing the 30-second clock to 24 seconds.
I would also like to see Sheri on the Monarchs, however I think we'd have a better chance of getting Abrosimova or maybe even Amanda Lassiter. Both play on the Lynx (I believe) and both cost less than Sam. I don't quite remember, but wasn't Abrosimova injured this past season but came back to play sometime into the season? If she's recovered and the price is right, then I think she would be a good choice. Lassiter isn't exactly the greatest player, but she's a SF who can shoot the three, which again is something we don't have so I guess we can't be that picky.

From a Connecticut newspaper today, speaking about Taj MacWilliams-Franklin being named a core player (later in the article):

"The league's other core players designated this season: Margo Dydek (San Antonio), Vickie Johnson (New York), Ticha Penicheiro (Sacramento), Yolanda Griffith (Sacramento), Dawn Staley (Charlotte) and Natalie Williams (Indiana)."

Here's the link for the whole story:
Now that surprises me, but there must be a reason. I still think one of the cored players is apt to be traded. Core-designating them gets them under contract quicker, though.

There's been some discussion on the ESPN board that Holdsclaw has asked for a trade. That might be an interesting choice, although I've been coveting Abrosimova for years....


Who out there is worth 89k??? Who will trade 89K worth of players for Ticha? I have to assume that someone has spoke of a deal for her. Because coring her doesn't make sense to me. And now that you have removed the options of her testing the free-agent market, we might have been able to get her for less.

I agree that Not coring Yo would have been a smarter gamble because she is closer to retirement. She was gonna get offered top dollar anyway, and even if it wasn't top dollar it would have been close enough for her to stay. Or no one would have offered enough for her to leave.
I think Tangie on the other hand will garner Big money. And not protecting her is a serious risk.

I just wonder who we can lurer. Cause I do not believe the Chinese girls are going to be the answer. Beside the language and the culture shock, the M's play a special way and I think they will need time to adjust to that.

Final thought:

The draft is not looking to deep this year.
After the first 5 picks it is a crapshoot at best. #7 is as good as #40 will be. So why bother drafting in the first round. Offer that as Trade Bait to someone who can use the pick to improve. In the form of a player, and or a Draft spot for next year. PHX got 4 draft picks in a very deep draft this past year. And the following draft could prove to be much more productive to the M's.
Invite the International players into camp as free agents since he is so sold on going international and then if they make the team, you can keep them for the bare minimum.

2005 Is this... The Year of the Queens???

Go Monarchs
HoopMatron, I think you are right. There has to be a deal in the works, and from the change of designated core players, it makes me think it's Ticha.

There was a time I would have jumped at Svet, but I think she may be a risk with her propensity for injury. Holdsclaw is a risk of another sort, but her numbers in the off-season are great, and maybe a change of scenery is all she needs.

I hope Tan being removed means that they have agreed to sign her to a maximum, four-year contract. I can't imagine Whiz would just leave her hanging out there, and with todays news of an expansion team in Tan's home town of Chicago in 2006, it's all the more reason to get her tied down here long-term.

If Tangela has been signed to a contract and its a long term deal, I'm happy - but I can't quite say I'm tied to her over the duration of that contract. I'll wait until the offseason to see how she, Maiga and Brunson played in 2005. I want to see the Tangela Smith I saw for a good chunk of the postseason for the ENITRE season in 2005. As tiring as it is to watch Ticha not shoot, I'm nearing that waiting for Tangela to play like the allstar she should be already for an entire season. No more "Where's Tangela?" questions - I'm done with that especially with the money she is commanding. (Ah...the women's game has progressed, I have made my first complaint about somebody needing to play up to their salary level)

I'm fearful of the expansion draft because somebody from this roster is going to get snagged, especially if Whiz gets this team younger this offseason - if its like the last draft where you only can protect 6 players through the first round.
One more thing before I forget...I recognize the waving flag with the big S and tree is that you Stanford4Life? :)

If I remember, I may trek down to Cupertino to see the NWBL entry play - Jackie Stiles is back playing again for Lubbock so I want to see her (if I haven't already missed my opportunity) and Lassiter I believe is on the San Jose roster. I'm not sold on her yet - she's way too inconsistent. I'm intrigued by the foreign scouting that Whiz is doing and would like to see if we can go the cheap route. I might use our 1st round pick to lure a trade with someone or try to get another combo guard. Seems to me that the point guards this draft are much more undersized than they have been.
Yes MBF, this is(was) Stanford4Life :) Maybe I should move back to that screen name with the ladies playing some great ball. Well, speaking of Stanford...I'm hoping the Monarchs take a look at Kelly Suminski. She's playing great alongside Candace Wiggins and if the Cardinal get far into the tournament maybe she'll get noticed and her stock will rise up some. She could be a nice role player of the bench.
OK, here we go.....


Storm unlikely to keep Sam

By Jayda Evans

Seattle Times staff reporter

Sheri Sam wants more than Seattle can afford.

As many as five WNBA teams are ready to sign Storm forward Sheri Sam when contracts can be finalized Tuesday. According to sources, the Sacramento Monarchs are leading the race for the unrestricted free agent.

The Monarchs covet the 6-foot forward because of her shooting ability, the prime reason Storm coach Anne Donovan traded Seattle's No. 6 pick in the draft to Minnesota for Sam and center Janell Burse last season.

But Sam had her worst statistical season in the league, averaging 9.1 points on 41.2 percent shooting. Sam was really off in the WNBA Finals, missing 14 of 19 attempts in the three-game championship run. She's currently in Kazan, Russia, playing in the same league as Storm teammates Sue Bird and Kamila Vodichkova.

Donovan said she made qualifying offers to her six restricted free agents, including Finals MVP Betty Lennox, and made it clear that she wanted her entire team to return. But the league's $673,000 salary cap makes that scenario unlikely. Sam, 30, is entering free agency for the first time in her six-year career, and she would like to receive a two-year deal worth between $70,000 and $89,000, the league maximum for veterans.

The Monarchs are close to those figures, and Sam resides in the Bay Area during the offseason. Meanwhile, the Storm is already paying Bird the league maximum and wants to re-sign All-Star Lauren Jackson for the same. Lennox, a 5-8 guard, also jumped up in price after averaging 22.3 points in the Finals.

If the Storm paid Jackson and Lennox the maximum, the team would have about $375,000 to spread among the remaining eight unsigned players. That most likely leaves too little for veterans such as Sam, Vodichkova, Adia Barnes and Tully Bevilaqua. "(Sheri) would have to want to take a pay cut to come (to Seattle), and I don't think that's the case," said Mike Cound, Sam's agent. "She wasn't unhappy in Seattle. She'd love to come back. But why should she have to be the one to take a pay cut? She wants to wait to see what develops there, though. But we're not viewing it as likely. It's a prioritizing thing, and right now the money isn't being prioritized to her."

Donovan mentioned Lennox as being a key signing to help determine how the rest of the roster would fill out. The coach left for a weeklong trip to Australia yesterday with Karen Bryant, the team's chief operating officer. They plan to meet with Jackson and Bevilaqua, who is playing for the Canberra Capitals in the Women's National Basketball League.

Although there are plenty of high-profile free agents available, such as Monarchs forward Tangela Smith, Donovan doesn't expect to be involved in those talks due to money restrictions. She has determined her core players and anticipates signing them. She said she would fill holes after that. "They know where we stand," Donovan said of unrestricted free agents Sam, Barnes, and Bevilaqua. "They all know we want them back. But when it's a difference between $5,000 and $10,000 and you're not making a ton of money to begin with ... "

Well then.....looks like the face of our team could be getting a major makeover....I like Sam too....She ALWAYS torched the Monarchs....
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Update on Sam

Headline from today's Seattle Times: "Storm unlikely to keep Sam"

"As many as five WNBA teams are ready to sign Storm forward Sheri Sam when contracts can be finalized Tuesday. According to sources, the Sacramento Monarchs are leading the race for the unrestricted free agent...Sam, 30, is entering free agency for the first time in her six-year career, and she would like to receive a two-year deal worth between $70,000 and $89,000, the league maximum for veterans. The Monarchs are close to those figures, and Sam resides in the Bay Area during the offseason..."

Here's the link: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/cgi-bin/PrintStory.pl?document_id=2002156320&zsection_id=2002120016&slug=storm21&date=20050121

A quick check of her off-season stats in Russia show in four games she is averaging 32 min., 15.8 pts., 6.3 rebounds and 2.8 steals a game.

If this is only money, then we can probably pull this off without giving up one of our starters.