Holding My Breath, Crossing My Fingers...

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet! That's a lotta cash but I'll get over it.

RDub...I'm starting to warm up to Suminski (I love Wiggins!) I'm hoping to get down to Maples soon and check out the renovations. I wanted to get down for the UCLA game but that didn't pan out with my schedule.
Count Down to Tuesday...

Tuesday marks the first day a WNBA player can sign. The big questions for the Monarchs:
  • Tan - why wasn't she cored? Does this mean she signed a max contract to stay here, or is something else in the works?
  • Will the Monarchs sign Sam or another unrestricted FA, which means they do not have to trade anyone?
  • DeMya - how high will other offers drive her price and can/will the Monarchs match it?
I am leaving town early tomorrow and will be gone the rest of the week so I won't be posting until next weekend.
Tuesday is going to be a very interesting day, I think. I've heard rumors out of Houston that Swoopes will be traded, for one thing.

As far as the Monarchs go -- as much as I looooooove the speculation, I don't think the roster will change all that much. Maybe they will give up one starter for an opportunity to get a shooter, but other than that, I don't see too much different. Depending on who they get, it could be good to keep the majority of players together for another shot at the championship. The loss to Seattle has to really burn, so why dilute it with a lot of newcomers?

I don't think its a matter of diluting it with a lot of newcomers, but I would really really like to see a shooter be brought to the team. We already have a solid team, but I think its time to change things up for the better of the team.

You know, I feel so out of the loop becasue I know nothing about the salary cap and dealings of the WNBA...but then again it took me years just to able to say I am familiar with the NBA's...

::stops and realizes how close we are to the start of a new season::

I think there are a lot of ways to go, and I agree with HM that I would like to see as little disruption of the old team as possible. Someone like Sam could make a big difference without giving up too much.

Rein, I assume you don't want the 135 page copy of the WNBA Collective Bagaining Agreement for some light reading, :rolleyes: but if you're ever interested in a good over-all lay-out of the CBA, this is a good site: http://womensbasketballonline.com/wnba/rosters/salary.html

I have to say I was surprised when I flew in last night and rushed to the computor for Monarchs news and there was none. I guess everyone is still weighing their options.
I'm willing to shake things up, we've been to the same place with the same team for 3 out of the last, what, 4 years? Are we a piece away or are we a team only good enough to push to a 3rd game of the WCF with essentially the players we have? In any event, its likely 2006 is going to bring bigger change with an expansion draft possibly and more players reaching some semblance of free agency, and one of the better draft classes. If this is a last shot with this final cast of characters may as well make it a good one.

I'm very disappointed (yet again) that the league can't manufacture some hot stove news worth talking about with free agency, trades or whathaveyou. I mean c'mon, they were supposed to have an Ackerman successor by now.....
okay folks the party has begun...Signed the Chinese players


Looks like Whiz signed the chinese players. Maybe I read the article wrong, but I think they are a small forward and a center. here is the link:


So if that is true... Are we not signing Sam???
And don't we have enough post players? Why sign a center?
And since they signed are they at the league minimum?

So what does this mean for the draft?
IMHO the draft is not all that deep.
Without us picking in the top 5, #6 is just as good as #36. So why not leverage that first round pick. Either for a shooter or for an additional first round pick next year. Later in the draft you get a nice little pick up. There are a lot of sleepers out there. I am still high on this kid out of USF named Toni Russell. And there are plenty more where she came from.

I guess I need to adjust my Salary cap list.
I think we can find somebody worth taking a look at with that 9th pick. I had heard that Whiz was in Houston recently(with most other WNBA scouts and coaches) looking at TCU's Sandora Irvin and Houston' s Sancho Lyttle when those two teams hooked up last weekend. Both are 4/5 types in the WNBA. I don't mind Whiz looking at more post players AS LONG AS he also picks up players who fit the criteria he said he sees a major need in for this team - a post player ala Vodichkova, a back up point guard behind Ticha, and a legitimate small forward with small forward skills, and more/better perimeter scorers.

The post player ala Vodichkova is not Chantelle Anderson. Chantelle can come in and pick up fouls, but they are rarely good fouls. So if she has some polite competition in camp that works for me. Lyttle or Irvin would be a nice alternative to Anderson. Tan White would be a nice addition at the 2 spot, but at the rate she's playing she is not going to drop to 9th.

The more I thought about the purported number Sam is asking for, the less favorably I view that signing. Is Sheri Sam worth max dollars on this team? She was the 3rd option in Seattle. Is she a higher option here?

Does DeMya or Tangela become an attractive option to Houston now that they will likely be without Tina Thompson for at least the first half of the season?
Luv13, thanks for the update! I have to say I'm a little surprised with the signing of the two Chinese players. I read the article to say that Sui is a small forward and league MVP, Miao is a guard and the "Queen of Points". Certainly looks promising on paper, however it seems like they won't be here until after the Asian championship in June? I believe they will play for the league minimum since they are not drafted, which is good for the cap.

OK, here is what I have:

We know Yo and Ticha are core players, so that’s $89K each. I assume Tan would be the same, so there is $267K.

Still under contract for this season Chantelle ($41,600), Kara ($38,480), Brunson ($34,333) and Mendiola ($31,312) and Maiga ($31,200) for a total of $176,925.

Now add the two new Chinese players at $31,200 each, for a total of $62,400.

Running total: 10 players, $506,325. Now you have a cap range of $99,375 to $166,675 left to spend on your last two players, remembering one player will always have to be on the injured list with the flu or plantar fascitis.

There seems to be cap room for Sam (I believe she was asking in the range of $70K and up), DeMya, Ruthie, Edna or another veteran, and we still have a draft pick to consider. I agree with MBF about Chantelle. I have not been impressed. I'd rather have DeMya's attitude than Chantelle's height any day, although I agree that Houston might be one of many teams interested in DeMya.

Hopefully there will be more information in the Bee tomorrow.
A quick update (assuming my conversation of kilograms and centimeters is correct)

Miao is listed as a shooting guard, is 23 years old, 5'9" and 149 pounds.

Sui is 26 years old, 5'11" and 158 pounds.

According to the newspaper: "There is an important career boost for China's Sui Feifei, who signed with the WNBA's Sacramento Monarchs on Tuesday...Sui will leave for America in April and join the Sacramento Monarchs at training camp, ahead of the season start in May."

Good news that she'll be in camp. But signed Tuesday? I agree with MBF - the league (and Monarchs) need to be a little more on the ball in stirring up some interest in the upcoming season.
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Keep Dwalk

I would also rather have DeMya's attitude than Chantelle's height anyday. Wait, let me rephrase that... :p I would rather have DeMya period. :cool: (no dis intended)
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Here's an interesting article from FullCourtPress. It is a subscription website, and I highly recommend it. I've only quoted a few paragraphs, which I think doesn't violate any copyright laws, and I do encourage you to subscribe...


"A few weeks ago, the Sacramento Monarchs reported the team would grant core status and pay the maximum salary ($89,000) to Yolanda Griffith and Tangela Smith. This left point guard Ticha Penicheiro open on the free agent market. Word on the street is that Van Chancellor was going to offer Penicheiro the maximum salary to play for the Houston Comets. Subsequently, Sacramento decided to give core status to Griffith and Penicheiro, again paying both players the maximum salary. It appears the team is going to re-sign Smith to a maximum salary, as well as match any maximum offers for DeMya Walker.
Does core status mean the players will remain with the Monarchs throughout the season? Stay tuned. Carol Blazejowski of the New York Liberty is very interested in Yolanda Griffith. The Liberty has cored Vickie Johnson and Blaze is considering offering Johnson, Shameka Christon and possibly something else (the draft pick?) to Sacramento to land Griffith. Will Sacramento bite?"

Personally, I don't think getting the entire Liberty roster would be enough for giving up Yo, much less this trade, but if Whisenant is serious about getting younger, he might go for this -- although Vickie Johnson isn't all that young.

The first thing I thought about when I heard Tina Thompson was pregnant was who the Comets would go after, and Ticha is Van Chancellor's type of point guard -- just get the ball to the shooters and get out of the way. Interesting that they were going after her so hard, and the Monarchs blinked.

HoopMatron said:
"A few weeks ago, the Sacramento Monarchs reported the team would grant core status and pay the maximum salary ($89,000) to Yolanda Griffith and Tangela Smith. This left point guard Ticha Penicheiro open on the free agent market. Word on the street is that Van Chancellor was going to offer Penicheiro the maximum salary to play for the Houston Comets. Subsequently, Sacramento decided to give core status to Griffith and Penicheiro, again paying both players the maximum salary. It appears the team is going to re-sign Smith to a maximum salary, as well as match any maximum offers for DeMya Walker.
Does core status mean the players will remain with the Monarchs throughout the season? Stay tuned. Carol Blazejowski of the New York Liberty is very interested in Yolanda Griffith. The Liberty has cored Vickie Johnson and Blaze is considering offering Johnson, Shameka Christon and possibly something else (the draft pick?) to Sacramento to land Griffith. Will Sacramento bite?"

Personally, I don't think getting the entire Liberty roster would be enough for giving up Yo, much less this trade, but if Whisenant is serious about getting younger, he might go for this -- although Vickie Johnson isn't all that young.

The first thing I thought about when I heard Tina Thompson was pregnant was who the Comets would go after, and Ticha is Van Chancellor's type of point guard -- just get the ball to the shooters and get out of the way. Interesting that they were going after her so hard, and the Monarchs blinked.


You know...

Sometimes I think Whiz has SUCKER stamped on his forehead.

The success of this team has been in the post. Tangie had a great post season. DeMya is cominig along really nice. And Yo is just Yo. They should have been the priority. If you ask me, if Van wanted Ticha that bad he could have had her. I wish her well. I really don't have a problem moving Kara to the point. We would have a lot more cap room to work with and a better opportunity with a point that could shoot the ball.

Now as it stands by coring Ticha, she is difficult to move at best. Yeah getting Sheryl would be the ultimate pick up in a Trade with Ticha. But we wouldn't be that lucky would we.

Does anyone else feel like we are on a rudderless ship??? Cause I have no idea where we are going.
HoopMatron, thanks for the news. It at least explains the change in the core designation.

On the first issue of coring Ticha, it makes me wonder whether the Monarchs were not willing to pay the max, or whether Ticha wanted to go. If they were not willing to pay the max, why core her unless Whiz is leveraging a multi-player trade? Or was it just fear that Van would woo her away? Did they not talk to Ticha's agent? I assume Tan somehow let them know she would stay for the max. I can't imagine they would risk letting Tan go for Ticha unless they knew she would stay.

On the issue of the N.Y. trade...NO, NO, NO!!! I agree with HM that getting the whole Liberty team is not enough for Yo.

The "getting younger" issue is pretty moot at this point. The five oldest players are Ruthie (37), Edna (36), Lady (34) Yo (34) and Ticha (30). Lady isn't coming back. I don't think the developments bode well for Ruthie and/or Edna.

Luv 13, I am not going to defend Ticha's lack of offense prowess, but she is a very good defensive player with great court vision. Would you balk at a line-up of Yo, Tan, DeMya, Sam, Ticha, Kara, Maiga, Brunson, Mendiola along with our new Chinese secret weapons? I could get excited about that!
The idea of a Ticha-for-Swoopes trade is pretty interesting to me, but since Tina Thompson has turned up pregnant, I have a hard time thinking Houston will let Swoopes go no matter how much she wants out of there. I'm also having a hard time picturing Swoopes wanting to play here -- she's a Texan through and through.

Wouldn't that make for a great line up, though? Yo, Tangela, DeMya, Sheryl and Kara. That's a team that could definitely take on Seattle.


Well yeah JD I can get excited about it. I just want to know who will be the back-up point? Mendiola??? One of the Chinese girls? A rookie? And I noticed that Anderson is missing from your equation. So since she is under contract do we trade her for a back-up point. Or for a draft pick? Or did you just forget about her altogether.

The Sam thing could be cool. Hope we can close the deal. But something tells me if we sign Sam then Maiga may be gone.

There are still so many questions...

I still think the rudders are stuck but I am Still holding My Breath and Crossing my fingers...

Go Monarchs...
HoopMatron said:
The idea of a Ticha-for-Swoopes trade is pretty interesting to me, but since Tina Thompson has turned up pregnant, I have a hard time thinking Houston will let Swoopes go no matter how much she wants out of there. I'm also having a hard time picturing Swoopes wanting to play here -- she's a Texan through and through.

Wouldn't that make for a great line up, though? Yo, Tangela, DeMya, Sheryl and Kara. That's a team that could definitely take on Seattle.

Uhhh.. Yeah

That would be an amazing lineup, and imagine the effect she would have on the young guards.

Now That Is Something To Get Excited About
Luv13fan said:
I just want to know who will be the back-up point?
Same as last season - Kara.

And I noticed that Anderson is missing from your equation. So since she is under contract do we trade her for a back-up point. Or for a draft pick? Or did you just forget about her altogether.
I would love to trade her for a draft pick, or trade her and our draft pick for a higher draft pick or decent role player. Worst case scenario, she can be the designated IR.

I still think the rudders are stuck
I'm not completely clear on what you mean by this, but until the dust settles on signings, draft and trades, I think it's too early to make any assumptions.

HoopMatron said:
The idea of a Ticha-for-Swoopes trade is pretty interesting to me, but since Tina Thompson has turned up pregnant, I have a hard time thinking Houston will let Swoopes go no matter how much she wants out of there.
This is interesting, but I don't see it for the same reason you don't - Houston won't let Swoopes go. It would have to be a multi-player deal that might fill some of Houston's other holes. It also goes against the Monarchs "get younger" philosophy, but you never know.
I'd rather the back up point not be solely Kara. I'm not sure Mendiola gets her minutes there tho, she may slide more into the 2guard spot behind Kara.

I think Whiz has more up his sleeve (or maybe I'm hoping he does) and the Chinese players aren't the extent of his signings.

We may keep Anderson if Whiz doesn't find a rebounding banger somewhere. I gotta believe that somebody out there needs a 6'6" backup center whose range in limited to the low blocks. (Hellloooooooooooo Charlotte???!?!?!?!?)

I'm not all that intrigued with a Swoopes deal. First of all the last thing I'd want to give Houston is a decent point guard, secondly I know people think Van's nuts, but is he really nutso enough to trade Sacramento a piece it needs let alone a player who would want nothing better than to rub his face in it? There's just something about trading for Sheryl that makes me uneasy - can't quite put a finger on it...I don't know if its the Diva thing, or the "how much longer will she want to play" thing, or the "can her body hold up" thing. I dunno.

Now the deal for Yo intrigues me. Although I wish it weren't Yo, I'm intrigued by Johnson and Christon and a pick. I see it as loaded coming back Sacramento's way. You're trading two players for each other who may not play more than 1-2 years, you get back on top of that a mid round pick plus Christon who is probably a Maiga clone with a little less defense but a solid perimeter shot. (hmmm, well so much for the clone part)What I saw of Christon last year, she was streaky - until I think that forgettable game Sacramento played @ MSG. If I felt Tangela would show up for the entire season and not make spot appearances, I'd bite the bullet and part with Yo. But I haven't seen it in the 8 years Tangela's been in the league so I'd have to hesitate on that one.
I think I am gonna be sick...

I read this on another board. This is not confirmed yet but...

Tomorrow the Mercury will announce that they have made an offer for DeMya Walker.

Now I am really holding my Breath. I wonder how much the Merc have to work with. Considering Most of their play makers are under the 4 year mark, I bet they have a grip of Cap space.

Match the offer Whiz...
The Post is Set

I am totally sad to see Edna go, but we all wish her well.

But DeMya has been Reaquired and Tangie has been Resigned.

So I am feeling really secure.

My guess is since Tangie is off the market, the Free Agent Frenzy is about to begin.

We have Fei Fei and they Don't.:p

Go Monarchs