Greg Maddux

Sorry for starting all these Cubs threads, but Maddux deserves one.

40 years old, 4-0 record to start the season (first time he won his first 4 starts) and he has 0.99 ERA. Did I say he is 40 years old?

He is currently the only reason why I am doubting if Cubs are cursed or not :)
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I absolutely love Maddux, even if he did give me headaches during his first go-around as a Cub! :p I followed his career when he went to Atlanta and got the pitching under control and went nuts the day I read he was coming back to Chicago.
Maddux with another win!!! First time in his career to start the season with 5-0!! First pitcher this year to get 5 wins. Did I say he is 40 years old? :)
Maddux declined after the great start, but big blame for that goes to the sucky Cubs team.

Thanks Greg for being a class act and best of luck in LA.