I said I wouldn't mind a loss to Atlanta, and I stand by that!
Quite the epic blowout though. Glad I didn't bother with watching the 2nd half.
Vlade was clearly going full Hinkie post Cuz. I knew before the season started that this was how the year was going to go. I may just be checking boxscores from here on out.
Lets all just pray that the Vlade/Vivek braintrust doesn't trade our pick for a rental of Paul George or Melo.
The main problem is, that Vlade didnt go full Hinkie at all. Hinkie was very good in selling his cap space to teams desperate for a change. Vlade just used it on vets, because he wanted to push his "Culture matters" Agenda.
Hinkies main fault was, that he was so open about the process, obviously never even thinking about the League stepping in to save its brand.
The 76ers played hard, even during the ugliest years of the process. Thats mainly on the coaching staff, but also on Hinkie, because he understood, that he needed to bring in Players, who had something left to prove.