Grades v. Thunder 02/08

Kings player of the game?

  • Kevin Martin

    Votes: 5 8.8%
  • Beno Udrih

    Votes: 44 77.2%
  • John Salmons

    Votes: 8 14.0%
  • Spencer Hawes

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Revenge is a dish best served cold, or so the Godfather says (and Khan quoting Klingons)...actually that phrase was originally introduced in the West in the novel Les Liaisons dangereuses, from which the movie Dangerous Liasons was adapted (actually the movie was adapated from the play based on the novel). Of course the actual root source of the whole thing is supposed to be an ancient Pashtun proverb...yes, the same Pashtuns who are now at the root of the Taliban/Al Quaeda problem in Afghanistan/southern Pakistan. No idea how the Klingons heard about it.

In any case, so OKC got its revenge, and combined with a surprising Washington victory, we are the champions...of the crap. Feel free to stand on our dunghill and crow ladies and gents. 11-41 = the worst record in the league with only 30 games to go. Epic.

Salmons ( B+ ) -- started off the game getting just lit up by Durant, who was going over and around him at will. Not a great sign when your only defender is getting smoked, but it may have largely been that size issue for Salmons as a SF again -- Durant is 6'9" and just went over him. Eventually began to knock down a few shots of his own other way, but as has been his pattern of late, saved most of the offense for the 4th quarter. Well, most of his own offense, because for 3/4 of the game he functioned like the PG we don't have, and had 10 assists in this one by the mid 3rd quarter. Started off the second half running the break nicely and dumping off passes to our young bigs on the run, forcing Scott Brooks to take an immediate timeout. Passing dried up after the third or would have had a career high in assists, but then it was John's 4th quarter scoring heroics again (to whatever degree ou can be a hero when we lose every night), as he canned big three after big three down the stretch including back to back monster threes in the final two minutes to keep us breathing.

Thompson ( C- ) -- in a rare turnaround, it was Jason's turn to play the weakest link while everybody else played pretty well. Think Green's quickness bothers him and in the early going got his shot blocked from behind, had an over the back call and was still having problems staying with Green on defense. Got back in foul trouble again just on over aggressive ticky tack stuff. Came out to start the 3rd quarter with a little mini burst, including a couple of boards and a hoop on the break courtesy of Salmons, but other than adunk near the end of the 3rd set up by Beno, that was pretty much it for Jason. Mikki played well in the 4th and ate a bunch fo minutes, there was some smallball, and when Jason was in, he didn't get much done. Of course on at least one play late in the game it would have helped if our selfish and none too bright guardline would have gotten the ball inside to him after Earl Watson ended up on him on a switch.

Hawes ( B+ ) -- looked comfortable as a starter early getting shots inside and out, but after getting posterized by Jeff Green on a switch on the perimeter where Green blew by him for the power dunk, largely disappeared for the remainder fo the half. Emerged after half as a major factor, moving without the ball and flying inside for dunks and follows. Dropped in a couple of post moves, although one of them was just over Durant, made some nice passes, and added a corner three. Biggest impediment to his game were fouls, and he had a couple of bad touch fouls from behind after he got beat leading to 3pt plays for the Thunder -- gotta just let him go at that point.

Martin ( B ) -- hit an early three but other than drawing a charge on the often out of control Earl Watson (think it was Watson) was not playing any D and was the first man swapped out for Cisco in the first quarter. Reemergd to come up with two quick transition hoops and a pair of FTs in the 2nd when we were almost down 20, but OKC quickly pushed the margin back out. Was steady in the thrid and early 4th, and OKC's attempt to guard him with Westbrook was again unsuccessful -- kid is quick but he isn't smart, and Kevin took advanatge of that repeatedly. Joined Beno in an uncommon dispaly of something approaching hustle on the boards. Another mistake in the clutch tonight, as Kevin tried to relive Webb's famous no timeouts mistake from the NCAA Final Four. You can't quite call it a big mistake because we were probably dead anyway, needing basically a three point tip in(!?) in order to tie it and send to to OT. But we never even got a shot at that miracle because Kevin couldn't figure out how to inbound it and instead tried to call a timeout..problem being that we were out of timeouts and he should have known that. Did not effect the outcome, but just another log on the where is Kevin's head in crunchtime inferno.

Udrih ( A ) -- I had few notes on Beno by halftime, and then look what happens. Best game in forever for Beno. Really lit it up in the 3rd, but for a long time it was all scoring and Salmons had 10 assists before our PG had 1 (and I noted the Bee's article on the game talking about how Coachie had installed his offense again and so Beno was just bringing the ball up over halfcourt, handing it off, and going off to spot up -- have mentioned before that the Princeton does not favor PGs). But when Beno did finally did start to pass he set up the young bigs repeatedly, and it included a nifty over the shoulder drop off in the lane for another Spencer conversion. Even the defense was a big step up from what we have seen, and feeling it, he hustled hard on the defensive glass as well. For a long stretch there it was basically him dueling with Durant (which is kind of like your girlfriend arm wrestling you, but still). The three point shot was dialed in all night long too, and he hit a huge 30 footer against the shot cluck to keep us alive late. These are the games that just make you scratch your head with Beno. He is clearly not this good, but then again somebody who can do this should never, ever, have 4pts 2ast nights, and yet he does with some regularity. In any case, with Jason Terry now out for our next opponent, and Beno having a big game, when better for Dallas to make a Beno trade than as we hit town tommorow?


Cisco ( B- ) -- in with energy and immediately made a strip of a ball under the hoop, played better defense on Durant than John was able to, and again, the superior lenth helped. But Durant got it going again down the stretch of the 2nd as OKC opened it back up. Storng second quarter on offense, but in the second half spent most of his energy trying to contain Durant on the other end. Tried to play the hero at the end and quick shot the game winning three point attempt, clanking it badly. From the post game stuff, did not sound like that was the shot Natt was looking for out of the timeout.

Williams ( INC ) -- 2nd man in back before his family in his hometown -- BTW, did you see his dad? Ever wonder where Sheldon got that body from, now you know. Do not mess. But the son gave little during his short first half stint, and soon it was Mikki taking over the backup big man minutes. If I was Natt I might take the back exit rather than chance meeting Sheldon's pops after benching his kid.

Moore ( B ) -- built on the Webb retirment game for his second straight solid outing. Played a two man game with Kevin in the early 4th, and was back to moving without the ball for those dunks. Strong 4th quarter stint keeping Jason on the bench through play rather than seniority.

Brown ( INC ) -- even without BJax available, barely got to touch the floor on Beno's big night. Think he still has not recovered from the bad big minute struggles from last weekend
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With this loss and the Wizards win I now pronounce you the worst team in the league. 11-41 .212%. Congratulations on having the worst front line in the NBA. Thompson and Hawes excluded of course.

Note to Petrie: Please sign Hedo and David Lee if they opt out.
Words cannot describe how ready i am for this season to be over and feel the excitement of the lottery and subsequent draft. I just hope all this pain isn't for nothing....


Super Moderator Emeritus
Tonight's game showed effort and hustle. They just aren't very good. They are, however, showing some spark of the potential to get better.

People wanted them to have lins. Well, this was a lin. And it didn't hurt that much, at least not to my way of thinking.

I'll support them with this kind of effort for the rest of the season. As long as they look like they're at least trying, that's all I ask.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
we need to have the second or third worse record...we won't get the #1 if we're the worst team! doh.

That's ok, not sure I want the #1 (its Blake Griffin, another PF). But if you have the worst record, you can sink no lower than #4, and that's the real key ina year like this. If LeBron's out there, you want #1, but in this season, I just want to make sure we are in the sweet spot to get one of those top guys.
That's ok, not sure I want the #1 (its Blake Griffin, another PF). But if you have the worst record, you can sink no lower than #4, and that's the real key ina year like this. If LeBron's out there, you want #1, but in this season, I just want to make sure we are in the sweet spot to get one of those top guys.
I don't mind taking Blake. You don't pass up a stud because you have a competent player already. Think the Pistons passing up Melo to take Darko because they had Tayshaun. Now, there is no guarantee Blake is going to be Melo, but I think you take him if you get #1 and let the pieces sort themselves out.

Maybe you slide JT down to three for awhile (sort of like a Okur/Boozer/AK front line), or maybe you solidify your 3 man big rotation for years with Spencer/Blake/JT all manning the 4/5. I think you take him if he is there, and get a PG the next year (we will have high lottery for at least one more year)...
Maybe you slide JT down to three for awhile (sort of like a Okur/Boozer/AK front line), or maybe you solidify your 3 man big rotation for years with Spencer/Blake/JT all manning the 4/5. I think you take him if he is there, and get a PG the next year (we will have high lottery for at least one more year)...
Ya, if we could then I would love to pick up Griffin and then next year get Wall or Rubio.

Not going to happen but it would sure be nice.
Our guys showed great heart tonight. They didn't give up despite being down 19 on the road. They (for once this year) came out in the 3rd quarter and actually looked like they had a gameplan. - and hey, it worked.

Beno was his 07-08 self, Spence was aggresive and Salmons was clutch. We came up short but there's really not much else to ask for.

--> BTW, I voted for Beno simply because of his 40-ft 3 ptr.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I cannot help but hope the events of Feb. 6 were eye-openers for our current Kings. I know they were totally blown away by Arco and the fans and the reception we gave to Scot, Doug and Vlade in addition to the incredible outpouring of affection and respect for #4. And I hope they had a chance to talk to our Warrior Kings, to hear even a few words of advice from the guys who earned our never-ending gratitude by putting it all out there on the court. Webb said it best when he said we stuck by him. We Kings fans are a unique group. It's all about effort and heart. If they show that every night, they'll have us back in the seats win or lose.

Of all the young players, I think Spencer and Jason were the most impressed by what they saw and heard. It made them hungry, I think, and it might have been the best possible thing that could have happened for them. They've gotten a taste - and I think they both want more. I want to believe that what we saw in OKC tonight was a result of what they saw in Arco.
Yeah, I think what makes Kings fans the most angry is when players like John Salmons, Beno Udrih, and even Kevin Martin don't give it their all every minute, every game. I know we aren't going to get anywhere this season, but that doesn't mean to stop putting in the same effort.
That's ok, not sure I want the #1 (its Blake Griffin, another PF). But if you have the worst record, you can sink no lower than #4, and that's the real key ina year like this. If LeBron's out there, you want #1, but in this season, I just want to make sure we are in the sweet spot to get one of those top guys.
Not to mention the side benefit of having the first pick of the second round. I know some people will roll their eyes at that, but there are always some good players that drop.


Not to mention the side benefit of having the first pick of the second round. I know some people will roll their eyes at that, but there are always some good players that drop.
thats true... it really hadnt dawned on me that we would get the 1st pick of the 2nd round as well. that could be useful...
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