Grades v. Pistons 03/06

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Peja ( D+ ) -- this is a tough one. Fact is for most of the night tonight Peja did not play like a star. Not a first option. Not a second option. Missed a ton of absolute gimmes around the hoop with incredibly soft layup attmepts. On that scale this game would be an unmitigated disaster, and Tayshaun Prince appears to be another defender who might just be better at defense than Peja is at offense. But as for the overall game, there was mitigation -- Peja played a better team game than he is wont to, used the attention drawn to him to set up people with passes, occasionally came into the paint to help on the glass (this is Peja -- VERY ocasionally ;) ), and in general helped here and there despite the ugly offensive struggles. And what little offense he did provide was actually well timed -- a couple of open shots in the second half helped us keep the heat on the Pistons. In a typical Peja game if he shoots 4-15 he's likely pretty much useless out there, but tonight he was making some contributions beyond the shooting. Not enough for a really good grade, but certainly enough to avoid being flunked. ;)
Songaila ( A- ) -- came out scorching in this one from the perimeter and was actually our dominant player in the first quarter (not many times you'll hear that one), and yet may not even have been our best PF of the night. Minutes were severely limited by foul trouble, but after sitting on the bench for a long long stretch returned in the 4th and immediately started hitting again. Did not help on the glass however, and Ben Wallace began to routinely tip balls over him on the offensive side of the floor. Really kind of played the game like a SF -- no match inside for the Detroit shotblockers, so he didn't bother to go down in there except for one nice drive and dunk. Just hung out at 18-20 feet and hit nearly everything he put up -- Detroit never did have an answer.
Skinner ( A- ) -- battled inside all night long against the two Wallaces and held his own + got stronger as the game went along. Felt that early on he wasn't as effective as his numbers and the flat Pistons were just missing easy gimmes inside and fumbling boards. But as the game progressed, the numbers started to really count, and Brian was making a real difference in there as we held them off.
Evans ( B+ ) -- strong game for Mo, although he struggled with his shot -- missed some chipees and threw up some soft stuff that was swatted away by the Pistons shotblockers. But gave us a critical boost on the boards with his athleticism, and hit a couple of threes to help stretch the lead at important points in the game. Also used his size and athleticism on defense. One of those games where the offense was not up to the level of the injured Cat's, but the overall contribution and style of his game was a better fit for what we needed this afternoon.
Bibby ( B+ ) -- much like Peja, struggled with his offense all game long. But even moreso than Peja, had a huge impact on the game with his passing and by pressing the pace of the game at every opportunity. Our big man high post stuff is almost completely lacking right now, but Mike really took the reigns and ran the team very well all game long this time out. And down the stretch he stepped up and made big plays for us, not only with his shot and free throws, but also on defense ( :eek: ).
Thomas ( A ) -- what a home debut for Thomas. Had to have played his career best quarter in the second quarter tonight -- 15pts and 5rebs in 12 minutes. And then with the equally scorching Darius in foul trouble for most of the night, Kenny took back over for long stretches of the second half. While he was less prolific after the break, he continued strong play at both ends of the court. Also made a brilliant Webbesque bounce pass from the top of the key -- maybe not something he can consistently do, but a nice touch of our old passing prowess anyway.
Martin ( B- ) -- played major minutes in the second quarter and looked pretty good out there. Didn't do anything spectacular, but hit an open shot and contributed on defense. Was a bit of a surprise in the second half when we abruptly brought in Eddie House in the 4th instead of Kevin, but I think the matchups had changed, and maybe a more expereinced head was needed. In any case, Eddie did a great job, so turned out to be the right move.
Williamson ( B- ) -- modest contributions from Corliss, which was a little surprising as I thought that he in particular would be amped for this game, against his old team and back in front of the Arco fans. Hit a couple of shots, one a continuation, but also made a whirling turnover and was a liability on the glass again.
House ( A- ) -- came into the game for the first time in the 4th quarter -- surprising move that paid off big time. He only took the one shot this time out, but he hit it, and it was a big three that really took the wind out of Detroit's sails. Also was very active on the glass and on defense. Surprised to see him get the crunchtime minutes, and surprised to see him step forward with such aplomb. But a very nice contribution from Eddie.

Adelman ( A ) -- well the truth is that Detroit played like crap tonight. And the rest of the truth is that that does not matter in the least for our confidence, which is the real critical thing here. Its just one game. But you can easily see this giving us the boost we need to start winning again. Kind of worked out perfectly for us -- we come home + the new guys play inspired ball to impress the home fans, and Detroit straggles in at the end of a long road trip and looks like road kill -- no energy at all. You could just see that if they didn't wake up, kept on snoozing on us, we were going to steal it. And sure enough, exactly what happened. So onto the coaching -- excellent in a number of respects. Of course the first thing was just having the team ready to play this hard coming off that disastrous end to the long road trip. But more than that: 1) smart decisions about rotations tonight, with the insertion of Eddie House late really working out brilliantly down the stretch (only real question would be whether struggling Peja really earned 41min tonight); 2) as Hubie Brown pointed out Rick started to mix in zone and man to man defenses to keep the struggling Pistons off balance, and to force thier mostly non-existent shooters to beat us outside; and 3) even his much maligned timeouts were called at important points in the game to break Detroit runs and let us regroup for another push. Just well coached throughout, and the proof is in the pudding. No Detroit did not play well, but this team, with the personnel we had available today, should in no way shape or form have been able to knock off the defending world champs. But we did. Kudos to the team. Kudos to Rick.


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Great game by everyone... i was down on Peja but atleast he made couple of stops and hit his shots late game... we needed this and now time for some practices , we will see how everything fits... it looks promising..


Super Moderator Emeritus
Team grade: A

Everyone needed this win. The team, the fans, the coaching staff, the Maloofs.

They did what they absolutely had to do.

WTG, Kings!!!
Good grades.

Very interesting: not a single A+ individual game this afternoon but lots of A's and B's. Six guys in double figures, 3 double doubles, everyone who played scored and contributed. Promissing.
An excellent win for this time today. This was a team concept in its most literal form. And great support from everyone here today. Glad to see all of those feelings of doom and gloom are subsided (for now, at least).

By the way, Brick, you overlooked some grades. I'll help you out though:

Snapper Jones: H-

Bill Walton: Q+
Great win!!!

Darius...good game! Every time he was left open, he made most of his shots! Even a big one towards the end.

Bibby...started cold but end up doing well towards the end. BIG BIG 3/dagger from House to put all the pressure back to Pistons. 11 assists... gotta love that. :) I also want to give major props to Bibby. He's been having so many mins this season and he's still doing great. GREAT WORK, BIBBY!

Skinner...I LOVE THIS GUY! 3 blocks...kept going inside and never gave up. 12 points, 12 REBOUNDS!! Another double, double!

Thomas... looks like he was making all his shots for a min there! LOL. 19 pts, 10 rebounds...only other player than Skinner to get DD.

Mo Evans...What an amazing game by Mo!! Did some putbacks and got a career high 9 rebounds!! Keep it up, MO!

House...just 12 mins, but was such a big impact. That 3 from the corner and offensive rebound was huge.

Pedja...not great shooting night but I also thought Prince did good D on him. Miss 2 easy layups. :/ Pedja didn't play good TEAM D... but I thought he did good Indiviual D vs Prince.

ADELMAN & Co....good timeouts, made good adjustments especially going zone D at times.

GREAT WIN OVERALL!!! Vs Defending Champs!!

GOO KINGS!!!!!!! Keep it up!! Practice time coming up this week cause of the home stretch with no back to backs! :)
Too low of a grade for Pedja, as usual...

PS. Out of curiosity, does anyone else think Evans should start instead of Mobley ?
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Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Great game, especially when the Kings would come back using defense every time the pistons got close in 3rd and 4th. Today they could see how their defense fed their offense. Great start to home stand.

Right on grades for everyone too. ;)
I would give Peja a "C+" because he defended well and drew a lot of defenders away from Darius and others. I would have given Peja a solid "B" had he not fairyed-up those non-lay-ups. Darius and the other guys would have been far less effective without Peja and Bibby drawing crowds on offense.

I would give Bibby a solid "A" for his leadership and sustained effort. He did not fold under immense pressure. The Pistons keyed on Bibby and Peja. Peja and Bibby were being grabbed and smacked by defenders throughout the game. Fortunately, the officials called some of those fouls, at least with Bibby. Overall, I thought the games was officiated very well.

Adelman was marvelous, although players can make a coach look like a genius when they make shots and good defensive plays.

Hubie Brown gets an "A" for being astute, knowledgable, and fair to the Kings throughout the broadcast. Michaels was just an empty suit looking for something clever to say. He gets a "C-". Bill Walton and the fat loud-mouth next to him get solid "F"s for insisting that the Pistons would win. Without their dumb remarks, I would have given them "DNP"s.

I was sorely dissappointed that there was post-game commentary on ABC.

sloter said:
Too low of a grade for Pedja, as usual...
It makes sense on Brick's grading scale. Pedja's expected input is 20+ ppg, 6+ rebs and 4+ ast. Points should come on high FGA, too (i.e. efficent). I think in view of that D+ or C/C- (for effort on D and for recongnizing double teams) is fair.

You may have a point, though, if you're challenging grading scale.

sloter said:
PS. Out of curiosity, does anyone else think Evans should start instead of Mobley ?
I am yet to become a fan of Cat's play, but I wouldn't bench him. Mo is making case (again) for more minutes and it will probably come at Cat's expense.
I agree that Peja should get a C for his defense and drawing the attention of their defense. Also 4 assists. Also Songalia with no turnovers, very steady out there as the big man running the offense. Great play by the new guys. Gives me hope.
quick dog said:
I would give Peja a "C+" because he defended well and drew a lot of defenders away from Darius and others. I would have given Peja a solid "B" had he not fairyed-up those non-lay-ups. Darius and the other guys would have been far less effective without Peja and Bibby drawing crowds on offense.

I would give Bibby a solid "A" for his leadership and sustained effort. He did not fold under immense pressure. The Pistons keyed on Bibby and Peja. Peja and Bibby were being grabbed and smacked by defenders throughout the game. Fortunately, the officials called some of those fouls, at least with Bibby. Overall, I thought the games was officiated very well.

Adelman was marvelous, although players can make a coach look like a genius when they make shots and good defensive plays.

Hubie Brown gets an "A" for being astute, knowledgable, and fair to the Kings throughout the broadcast. Michaels was just an empty suit looking for something clever to say. He gets a "C-". Bill Walton and the fat loud-mouth next to him get solid "F"s for insisting that the Pistons would win. Without their dumb remarks, I would have given them "DNP"s.

I was sorely dissappointed that there was post-game commentary on ABC.
Good grades, quick dog and I agree with each. :)

quick dog said:
I would give Peja a "C+" because he defended well and drew a lot of defenders away from Darius and others. I would have given Peja a solid "B" had he not fairyed-up those non-lay-ups. Darius and the other guys would have been far less effective without Peja and Bibby drawing crowds on offense.

I would give Bibby a solid "A" for his leadership and sustained effort. He did not fold under immense pressure. The Pistons keyed on Bibby and Peja. Peja and Bibby were being grabbed and smacked by defenders throughout the game. Fortunately, the officials called some of those fouls, at least with Bibby. Overall, I thought the games was officiated very well.

Adelman was marvelous, although players can make a coach look like a genius when they make shots and good defensive plays.

Hubie Brown gets an "A" for being astute, knowledgable, and fair to the Kings throughout the broadcast. Michaels was just an empty suit looking for something clever to say. He gets a "C-". Bill Walton and the fat loud-mouth next to him get solid "F"s for insisting that the Pistons would win. Without their dumb remarks, I would have given them "DNP"s.

I was sorely dissappointed that there was post-game commentary on ABC.

Looking forward to your grades the next time we're on TNT.
bozzwell said:
I am yet to become a fan of Cat's play, but I wouldn't bench him. Mo is making case (again) for more minutes and it will probably come at Cat's expense.
I think he provides more of what we need than Cuttino ...
sloter said:
I think he provides more of what we need than Cuttino ...
Rebounds, D and hustle? I would agree. At the same time, I trust in our coaching staff's ability to make good players very good and very good players look great in our system. If Cat follows the same pattern as many one-two year Kings before him, he could be scary.
No, Evans should not start.

How about that Arco crowd? That's the most pumped up I've seen them in a long time. And it was also the most fun I've had watching a Kings game in a LONG time. The energy and hustle these guys played with sure is a nice change.
Brick grades on expectation and I think Peja's grade is fair. I expect much more out of Peja than 14 pts on such a low percentage. Good passing but also 3 turnovers.
Fair grade for Peja I'd say. Didn't do much of anything out there really. Once I felt sorry watching him being a little girl on the boards when two Pistons were jumping for a rebound and he just put his arms on his head in order to protect his softy face.
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great grades Brick

Peja really surprised me today...i mean i really expected a monster game from tell you the truth half the time he was out there i didn't even notice he was out there...and thats very unlike me

I agree that the new guys...most noteably Brian and K9 did play inspired basketball...good for them...keep up the good work guys

Neptune was just ballin...i mean did he miss a shot...holy crap...he most of came to this kingsfans after the Miami game saw what kinda stuff (which was total crap btw) people were saying...that and the fact that im sure he knew he wasn't all that brilliant against the Heat...i really saw this afternoons game as a make up for his game a day ago

Im really liking how House doesn't come in and try to do too much...he's finally realizing his role...he hit a very huge and timely three...that got me up off my seat...woohoo

glad to see that Kevin got a good chunk of minutes in the 2nd quarter...didn't force the issue or really make any stupid turnovers...good for him

apparently sleeping in their own beds last night was KEY...hehehehe

Peja was ticking me off a LOT. The guy is a terrible passer, and I'm pretty sure I could block his layup attempts. If he wants to be the Man he'd better start stepping up. I couldn't believe those two consecutive layups missed due to fear.

Hubie had nice things to say but he is annoying!!! He has one go-to phrase: "I like what they're doing here..." For goodness' sake, buy a thesaurus! I would've preferred Walton just to hear him verbally squirm as we pounded his beloved champs.
quick dog said:
Hubie Brown gets an "A" for being astute, knowledgable, and fair to the Kings throughout the broadcast. Michaels was just an empty suit looking for something clever to say. He gets a "C-".
i agree

i love listening to learn a lot...he's just so knowledgable

Al Michaels...and i said this after he came back to basketball last season...he should stick to Monday
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