This was not a game that the fans can look at and see any sort of growth or improvement. I am sure Landry will play better in subsequent games, but against the Clippers he really caught the Kings Under Achiever Bug. The More I see of Hawes, the Less I like his chances to succeed in the NBA. His defense seems to be getting worse not better. And his defensive woes seem to effect his offensive play. I don't know at this point if Spencer is even going to make a decent bench player. His defense is so poor that he becomes a liability the second he gets on the floor. Starting JT at center is a little better, but he is undersized and gets overpowered by the bigger centers. Kaman is an allstar without doubt. I kinda hoped that Hawes would get his act together, pick up some weights and become a Kaman like player, but 3 years later he is the same size as he was as a rookie:
Spencer as rookie:
Spencer today:
Notice the
IDENTICAL muscle definition? So is he working out to get bigger, or just working out to keep from getting weaker!
OR is he EVEN WORKING OUT AT ALL? He certainly isn't getting any bigger from what I can see. If he isn't getting bigger, he isn't doing his job! I see a player trying to coast using a 7ft body as his excuse! The Brad Miller school of staying in the NBA! Skipping out on the summer league was not a personal family matter, it was to hide the fact that he had not worked out at ALL the whole summer! He's lazy and the numbers (and pictures) show this as clear as day!! Not the kind of player you want on your team! And since his rebounding numbers suggest a player who is very weak (1 rebound last night? really? 7'1" and
ONE friggin rebound???) and Kaman just destroyed him in the paint, what is he good for??
It may be time to look at cutting our losses with Hawes. This is his 3rd year, the year most players either cut it or get cut. WHAT has Hawes done to improve his game and warrant a position on an NBA team? I just dont see it. I think it is time to draft a rookie center with our 1st round lottery pick and say goodbye to Mr. Hawes. As I see it, he has one more year at 2.9 mil and the following year 2011/12 is a qualifying offer year. I say park him on the bench and let him go in 2011-12. NO TEAM IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would trade for Hawes for ANYTHING! That GM would get run out of town so fast the deal would get rescinded! He is not worth anything to anyone else and he isn't worth anything to the Kings. He seems unmotivated and has done NOTHING to improve his game or his physical tools. So why keep him?