Game discussion - Kings-Hornets - Oct. 22

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Hall of Famer
I think Woods has dropped off the face of the earth...What a great preseason showing by the big guy who could have helped us in the interior...:rolleyes:

Despite that, I think Taylor needs to be the big-guy who is dropped from this team...The guy is absolutly everything we do not need...Watching him inside as the ball jumps off the rim, he just kind of stands behind and waits for the ball to come to him...And we have to love his elbow jumper. Its not like thats been a staple of a Kings big man in past years.

Hart is PG number 8 on the depth chart...Whcih is sad, considering we are carrying, oh, 3 true PG's on this team.

1: Mike Bibby
2: Ronnie Price
3: John Salmons
4: Ron Artest
5: Francisco Garcia
6: Quincy Douby
7: Kevin Martin
8: Jason Hart

Ouch...What a bad season will do for a borderline NBA player...Needless to say, I really do not think there is a place for him on this team..
Was really nice to be able to watch a Kings game w/o having to drive 2 hours just to get to the game. They really played well tonight. Ronnie has made HUGE strides since last year. I was really glad w/ the effort.
The only good thing about blowouts last year was getting a chance to see Price play. I'm looking forward to seeing him play in more meaningful situations this year.
Bibby with 7 assists in 18 mins.

The Price is looking right.

Artest's offense seems to be coming along.

Great rebounding numbers from Miller and Artest.

Kevin doing his thang.

56% Shooting for the game

31 assists for the game.

Outrebounded the Hornets by 11.

Peja-- seems to be still in a shooting slump since his Kings days. (0-5) from outside.

All in all, me likey. I hope Bibby's alright though. Go Musselman, Go Kings.
Kevin Martin could have put up a better game, but 14 pts isnt bad at all. Douby followed with 4 pts... The Kings are looking really good this year, and really havent had problems with anything except turnovers. I am hoping they will go far into the playoffs and maybe upset some teams.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
With 4 preseason games under his belt, I think Musselman will go with more of a regular rotation Tuesday than trying to see who can do what. The 6-9 slots off the bench now become key as well as seeing who 10-13 will be and when they will get minutes.

I think we will see SAR start at the 5 from time to time based on what we saw Friday and Sunday.

Artest down low more I like.

Douby starting to show why Petrie liked him but needs bunch of minutes to get more NBA ready.

Price is hot and solid as the backup for Bibby.

Cisco is finally looking like the Cisco we know is there, a bit more in control.

Salmons will be really good at the 2-3 and with Cisco can drive a lot of teams nuts with their hustle.


Hall of Famer
I think Bibby will sit the next 2 games. So Price is going to benefit greatly with 2 starts. He is growing into a solid bobby jackson type backup pg for us right before our eyes.

so yeah its looking like this


9 man rotation with potential of 10 depending on what big man decides to step up and take take the spot. Also the backup pg of Salmons and Price could be reversed if Price keeps it up.


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Staff member
Artest down low more I like.

Douby starting to show why Petrie liked him but needs bunch of minutes to get more NBA ready.

Price is hot and solid as the backup for Bibby.

Cisco is finally looking like the Cisco we know is there, a bit more in control.

Salmons will be really good at the 2-3 and with Cisco can drive a lot of teams nuts with their hustle.
I think I agree with all of this. Artest can beat guys up down there as long as his back holds together. Tell the trainer to bring duct tape and baling wire to the games.....

Cisco seems to be coming around again. Man, do I like the guys who hustle out there with steals and blocks and dives for loose balls - show me some effort! :D Mike had a nice steal from behind on the rook, too. Just took it out of his hands while he's standing there....
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