Fisher to the Heat?

Ugh...another reason to dislike the Heat...

"Derek Fisher and the Lakers have reached an impasse in contract negotiations, and the free-agent guard has flown to Miami to meet with Heat President Pat Riley on Saturday to see whether a deal can be reached to Fisher's liking."

new lineup

New Heat lineup:

Wade/Dorell Wright/Dooling
Mike Miller/Raja Bell/Matt Barnes
Bosh/Haslem/Ben Wallace
Shaq/Ilgauskas/Joel Anthony

Is this good enough for a 6-peat?
I dont understand why theres all this hate for the Heat. Theyre going to prevent the 7akers from winning anymore championships with their current core. Miami literally sent the 7akers back to the drawing board.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
One thing I have to question is who really is going to sign a 1 year deal for the minimum with a new CBA and potential lockout looming? Anyone that still sees themselves in the league 2 seasons from now would be nuts not to go after guaranteed money that might not be around after this season.
I dont understand why theres all this hate for the Heat. Theyre going to prevent the 7akers from winning anymore championships with their current core. Miami literally sent the 7akers back to the drawing board.
I don't have hate for the Heat. I now have hate for LBJ, and he's on the Heat. Don't really care what happens to the Lakers, they'll be out of the way when it's our turn.
I dont understand why theres all this hate for the Heat. Theyre going to prevent the 7akers from winning anymore championships with their current core. Miami literally sent the 7akers back to the drawing board.
I hate the Lakers too but I don't think they're trembling in their boots right now at the Miami Heats. Miami is really just 3 players right now, whereas Lakers are a TEAM. Unless Miami can somehow reload their frontline, the Lakers will pummel them. That star studded USA Dream Team (that included Lebron, Wade, Bosh, Kobe, etc) barely beat a Spanish team that featured Gasol, Fernandez, and some fringe/mediocre NBA players.
After they sign Mike Miller, they will have 4 mill to fill out the rest of their roster and will probably need to keep Haslem. Fisher would have to take the same or less than what LA is offering just to hairlip LA.

Assuming no major injuries to any of the major teams...

I doubt they're going to beat the Lakers this year w/o a stronger bigman corps and LA just added the first point in years who can make basic post entry passes. Remember that the league was also expecting MIA to overrun Detroit in 2005 after they got Shaq and it didn't happen until Year 2. MIA also won't be able to attack Boston's softest spot w/o improving in the middle. Boston will continue to pack the middle on both Bron and Wade, though it'll be much more difficult to do so, but still... If Shaq changes 18 yrs of habit and takes the minimum (if they offer it...he burned bridges there), that changes things a bit.

However, in July of 2011, if the MLE still exists, they could probably find someone to step in there. LA's title window probably has only 2 more legit yrs on it anyway. I don't care how good they are...making the Finals THREE yrs in a row is beating the odds. Each additional year is tougher due to injury, age, wear and tear. If and when Miami wins it, it will largely be due to attrition anyway, so neener. No shame in losing to them if it takes a trio of superstars to do it. PS: Mitch is already setting up a bunch of contracts to expire in 2014. DeMarcus Cousins will be off the rookie scale that offseason.
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After they sign Mike Miller, they will have 4 mill to fill out the rest of their roster and will probably need to keep Haslem. Fisher would have to take the same or less than what LA is offering just to hairlip LA.

Assuming no major injuries to any of the major teams...

I doubt they're going to beat the Lakers this year w/o a stronger bigman corps and LA just added the first point in years who can make basic post entry passes. Remember that the league was also expecting MIA to overrun Detroit in 2005 after they got Shaq and it didn't happen until Year 2. MIA also won't be able to attack Boston's softest spot w/o improving in the middle. Boston will continue to pack the middle on both Bron and Wade, though it'll be much more difficult to do so, but still... If Shaq changes 18 yrs of habit and takes the minimum (if they offer it...he burned bridges there), that changes things a bit.

However, in July of 2011, if the MLE still exists, they could probably find someone to step in there. LA's title window probably has only 2 more legit yrs on it anyway. I don't care how good they are...making the Finals THREE yrs in a row is beating the odds. Each additional year is tougher due to injury, age, wear and tear. If and when Miami wins it, it will largely be due to attrition anyway, so neener. No shame in losing to them if it takes a trio of superstars to do it. PS: Mitch is already setting up a bunch of contracts to expire in 2014. DeMarcus Cousins will be off the rookie scale that offseason.
And he'll be a restricted free agent. And we'll match. Why are you throwing that in our face?
I dont understand why theres all this hate for the Heat. Theyre going to prevent the 7akers from winning anymore championships with their current core. Miami literally sent the 7akers back to the drawing board.
The Lakers still match up really well with the Heat, and as much as it kills me to say it, they are still the better team. Kobe and Artest D up LeBron and Wade. Who guards Gasol and Bynum? Certainly not Bosh..
say what you want about having artest. lebron will make him look like an old man out there. kobe is great but so is wade. if james or wade get into the lane, they will be drawing fouls on the fakers big men. who will be sitting down after a few fouls? artest? odumb? gasol? bynum? will bynum even be 100% after surgery? too many questions unanswered, let the season begin already!!!!
say what you want about having artest. lebron will make him look like an old man out there. kobe is great but so is wade. if james or wade get into the lane, they will be drawing fouls on the fakers big men. who will be sitting down after a few fouls? artest? odumb? gasol? bynum? will bynum even be 100% after surgery? too many questions unanswered, let the season begin already!!!!
yes LeBron will get his points, but Artest will make it harder for him. Too many questions unanswered is absolutely right. The Heat will have 2 returning players from last seasons team, talk about questions unanswered.

I don't like to argue this since I hate the Lakers more than ever, and Wade is my 2nd favorite player in the league behind Tyreke. But the champs are the champs until they're beaten, that's just how it is


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Miami has very little cap left and they're going to waste it on Fisher?
Heh -- methinks you may have to admit at some point that your view of Fisher is pretty much in the minority, even amongst the very best teams in the NBA. The "championship roleplayer" is a rare and valuable breed if you have your stars all lined up.
I dont understand why theres all this hate for the Heat. Theyre going to prevent the 7akers from winning anymore championships with their current core. Miami literally sent the 7akers back to the drawing board.
People are just feeding off the hatred created by the media. The media keeps saying how Lebron messed up and did the Cavs wrong. At the end of the day it comes down to money or winning, sometimes both. The Cavs weren't going to win anytime soon. Its not to say the Heat will win anytime soon either, but Lebron apparently thinks so.

kobe wanted to leave the lakers where they weren't winning. Thats how it goes. These big stars can get their money from anywhere.

At the end of the day, any team winning is better than the lakers winning.
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Heh -- methinks you may have to admit at some point that your view of Fisher is pretty much in the minority, even amongst the very best teams in the NBA. The "championship roleplayer" is a rare and valuable breed if you have your stars all lined up.
Fisher is good for championship contending teams. He's been there many times and he is the real most clutched present day laker, not kobe. But I doubt they'll get anything done as far as contract wise. Fisher is not going to accept a min contract. He has enough rings. He wants $ and this is just to bargain with the lakers to increase their bid.
Artest can't guard lebron. Kobe can't even sniff a chance at guarding wade. People keep saying how is Miami going to match up with the lakers. Well how are the lakers supposed to match up with Miami?

Oh and nice little cheap shot, gargy. Can't wait til cousins rips the lakers a new one.
Miami has very little cap left and they're going to waste it on Fisher?
rumor has it each player took about 2 million less than the max. so lets say they each sign for 14.6 mil for the first year and the cap is alittle over 58 mil. 58mil - 43.8mil - 850k (chalmers contract) = a little over 13 million. i think they can fill out a roster with that. whether they use it on fisher or not is a different story
Heh -- methinks you may have to admit at some point that your view of Fisher is pretty much in the minority, even amongst the very best teams in the NBA. The "championship roleplayer" is a rare and valuable breed if you have your stars all lined up.
I never said it wasn't in the minority. If people repeat something enough about someone, it eventually becomes the "truth," and that's Derek Fisher. I've heard everything people have had to say about Fisher and often I think there's people that just simply don't really objectively evaluate Fisher both on and off the court. He's fool's gold, everything is reputation with Fisher. I don't doubt many people respect him as a person, but I don't see why that makes him some great leader. He has a hugely overinflated ego, he lacks humility, he gets special treatment from the refs, he's not as loyal as people give him credit for, he can't finish at the basket, he's a matador defensively, and he takes stupid shots. If he didn't get the privelage of riding the coattails of Kobe, Shaq, and Phil, I don't think he'd even be in the league right now. The clutch moniker he has gotten has a lot to do with .4 (which is just one play) and the reputation he's gained because of that. Once you have a reputation for being clutch, all your failures and disappearing acts are disregarded, and your successes are singled out in order to validate a pre-conceived belief. And that's easier for a role players like Fisher to pull off since he isn't under as big of a microscope as someone like Kobe is.
Vlade, I usually have my disagreements with you but boy did you hit the nail on the head with that. Your evaluation of fisher is arguably the best description for a player I have seen in the longest!
Once you have a reputation for being clutch, all your failures and disappearing acts are disregarded, and your successes are singled out in order to validate a pre-conceived belief. And that's easier for a role players like Fisher to pull off since he isn't under as big of a microscope as someone like Kobe is.
*slow clap*