Favorite Smells

Folsom Al said:
gardenias :)
Yep. Great smell.

Girls ;)
Noxema, Vap-O-Rub
Fruit Stripe gum, white Tic-Tacs
Leather stores
Inflatable rafts (vinyl).
Brut cologne (though I wouldn't wear it, ironically)
baseball, basketball cards fresh from the pack
Christmas trees (firs especially)
new money
new car
Magnum markers, spray paint (in moderation)
Palmolive dish soap, Johnson's baby shampoo & Prell
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Wet Pavement when it first starts to rain....

Grass and mud in the fall.....(ready for football)

The smell of all the different foods at Pac Bell.....

(from the old days) The smell of coffee roasting as you entered San Francisco on the Bay Bridge....(They actually recreate this at the entry to Disney's California Adventure Park...most folks don't get it)

The wind on the ocean.....