Essentially, Captain Factorial has it right. This McKenna guy is a rabid Michelle Rhee hater and anti-charter school guy. This attack on KJ is just one more way to attack Rhee.
He definitely has a personal vendetta going. To me, he just abused the victim again.
I saw the documentary. Anybody likely to see it, would certainly see KJ shown as hometown boy makes good, saves his city's team against impossible odds. Others get credit, too, including high praise for the great fans.
And the truth? Saving the team likely doesn't happen without KJ in the right position at the right time. The fact that this was the son of a teenage unwed mother, who grew up in a very rough neighborhood, achieved NBA stardom, comes home, becomes mayor, and climbs Mt Everest to save his hometown team IS the stuff of a great story. As a documentary maker, I'd have chosen to go with that narrative of the story, too.
But, KJ also has dark side, no doubt. It's why, as a co-founder of #FANS, then Crown Downtown (along with Mike, Warhawk and Captain Factorial), I, personally could never be a complete, rah-rah supporter of KJ.
We all knew about the accusations in Arizona, before he was elected mayor. Then there was an alleged incident with a student at the charter high school he helped start. More recently, there were accusations of sexual harassment of a city hall employee. There were no charges filed over the charter school incident and an internal investigation of the sexual harassment accusations found them unsubstantiated.
Still, it all makes me a bit queasy. On top of that his charter high school was found to have misused federal grant funds, was fined and had to repay funds.
There has been a bit of a foul smell over his takeover of the Black Mayors Conference and allegations that he used city employees for that. Nothing proven, yet.
There's just too much for me. It all just bothers me, more than a little. Having said that, I think he's done a lot of terrific things for this city and raised its profile nationally and internationally. He is the biggest reason the Kings are staying and the city will have an exciting new arena downtown, along with lots of other revitalizing development.
Bottom line, I can't unequivocally support this guy. I'm not even sure I like him. But am I happy he's been mayor through this? You'd better damn believe it. And not even just for the new arena and the Kings.
But Deadspin/McKenna putting this national attention on 20 year old accusations to stop ESPN from putting this documentary on the air is a purely personal, ugly vendetta. McKenna used this victim to further his attacks on Rhee, by attacking KJ. To me, he has questionable morals, too.
I'm sad and hope the documentary will be shown some day. I am proud of what the fans and this city accomplished by never giving up. I'm proud of my part in it, proud of my friends, proud of my city. Rightly or wrongly, when ESPN caved, I felt like the fans and my city got crapped on again. I can't help it. That's just how I feel. I watched it and felt like it was my story, our story, my city's story. A real life Cinderella story, no matter who was the main character.