Do you all realize...

if that's the case, then we'll know what we have and HOPEFULLY front office will loosen the purse strings a little this summer.

i just REALLY, REALLY hope they show some life in game two, tighten their defensive rotation, and give it all they've got.
SA has been playing good d and the refs love them though. Plus their old guys from the bench have been playing well, no need for Duncan to take the shots when he's got a sore foot and the other guys are hitting.

We probably won't win anyways. Oh well...
their bench just murdered us. parker sure did, i expected mike to have a better scoring game to neutralize parker's scoring ( because mike obviously wasn't going to stop parker) that didn't happen.

we need an answer to the 3 headed kings killings monsters known as nick the quick, blame finely, and he who shall not be named
BLNINJA #81 said:
...that we got beat with only Tony Parker playing well??? There is no way we'll win the series much less one game if this is the case.
True, and it really scares me that Duncan and Manu weren't trying or just had a bad game (highly unlikely) and we go beat this bad. This series reminds me of the NJ, miami series from last year were NJ had no chance. But i hope our luck turns out differently.
I don't think that the Spurs played a better game than they normally do, we just played the way we did at the beginning of the season, not how we played at the end. If we continue to play this way, it will be a short series. If we play the way this team is capable, we can still make this a series.


thats bs.... the kings couldnt hit anything and the spurs bench were nailing 3's.... hell nazr hit one...
If you ask me, I think Adelman made things worse by doing basically, well, nothing. One thing about him is that he rarely makes any change during a game. He should have tried to change the players' mentality in the first quarter, perhaps by putting guys like Big Nasty who would be sure to get more physical with defense. Popovich still kept calling timeouts in the second half, even with the 30 points cushion. Not an instance easy to find with Adelman. If we lose the first series, the front office should definitely reconsider the coaching position. We all know it was Artest who took us to the playoff, not Adelman.
It was, to say the least, a most revealing loss. It showed our weaknesses CLEARLY and they took full advantage of them. It was also a most disappointing game. Even if we didn't win, we could have made a statement by sticking around.


Super Moderator Emeritus
kiparking said:
If you ask me, I think Adelman made things worse by doing basically, well, nothing. One thing about him is that he rarely makes any change during a game. He should have tried to change the players' mentality in the first quarter, perhaps by putting guys like Big Nasty who would be sure to get more physical with defense. Popovich still kept calling timeouts in the second half, even with the 30 points cushion. Not an instance easy to find with Adelman. If we lose the first series, the front office should definitely reconsider the coaching position. We all know it was Artest who took us to the playoff, not Adelman.
Adelman didn't tell those guys to keep bricking up jumpers. Adelman didn't tell them to ignore the game plan.

Your last sentence is ridiculous. Rick Adelman has done arguably the best job anyone could have in keeping a whole bunch of very big egos in check. You overlook that at your peril.

As far as the front office reconsidering the coaching position, you apparently haven't been paying attention. As of this point in time, Rick Adelman is a lame duck coach. His contract is set to expire with the final game of the seaon.
I suspect we will bounce back to at least be competitive. We are a better then we played tonight. Actually I seen some things today that will be worthy of discussion in TDOS (which appears to be just around the corner)

Parker may put up good numbers but the entire Spurs played like a team. You don't hit 68% in the half based on one guy killing us. Their entire team was getting the job done. They were playing Spurs defense.

We can only hope for 1 win in SA so now we have next game... Thats why they call it a series.
kiparking said:
If you ask me, I think Adelman made things worse by doing basically, well, nothing. One thing about him is that he rarely makes any change during a game. He should have tried to change the players' mentality in the first quarter, perhaps by putting guys like Big Nasty who would be sure to get more physical with defense. Popovich still kept calling timeouts in the second half, even with the 30 points cushion. Not an instance easy to find with Adelman. If we lose the first series, the front office should definitely reconsider the coaching position. We all know it was Artest who took us to the playoff, not Adelman.
:eek: Are you serious? No coach on any team in the NBA would be able to lead the Kings past the Spurs in the first round.
VF21 said:
Adelman didn't tell those guys to keep bricking up jumpers. Adelman didn't tell them to ignore the game plan.

Your last sentence is ridiculous. Rick Adelman has done arguably the best job anyone could have in keeping a whole bunch of very big egos in check. You overlook that at your peril.

As far as the front office reconsidering the coaching position, you apparently haven't been paying attention. As of this point in time, Rick Adelman is a lame duck coach. His contract is set to expire with the final game of the seaon.

I disagree. First of all, which big egos are you talking about? Other than Artest, Kings really don't have egos too big to handle. Second, I am not saying he did a bad job as a coach outside of the court. He just doesn't do much DURING a game. So many times Kings have fallen apart on the court, and rarely he does anything to patch things up. Good players win the games. Good coaches hold them together even in a losing game.

Knicks were horrible during the season, but Larry Brown has done a lot of experiments and adjustments to turn things around. They just didn't work well enough. Adelman? He doesn't experiment, period. Well, at least not during the games. He sticks by his game plan till the end, no matter how bad things are going. Not a great quality in a coach, if you ask me.

As for the contract, the fact that he hasn't gotten an extension is his own fault. Like I said, Kings only got to the playoff because of Artest, not because of Adelman. To be honest, he isn't really helping his case either. And if you are suggesting that he isn't doing his job because this is his last job as a King, that just means he isn't very professional, something one wouldn't want in their coach.


VF21 said:
Adelman didn't tell those guys to keep bricking up jumpers. Adelman didn't tell them to ignore the game plan.

Your last sentence is ridiculous. Rick Adelman has done arguably the best job anyone could have in keeping a whole bunch of very big egos in check. You overlook that at your peril.

As far as the front office reconsidering the coaching position, you apparently haven't been paying attention. As of this point in time, Rick Adelman is a lame duck coach. His contract is set to expire with the final game of the seaon.
You must be an Adelman fan, that's pretty apparent. Unfortunately, Adelman does nothing in games to change the momentum, or make any needed changes. He's right about Artest carrying us to the playoffs too, I don't see Adelman as the type of coach to get the players fired up for a playoff series. Rather, I can clearly see Artest putting the confidence in people to let them know we have a legitimate chance at beating the Defending Champs. Adelman is a bad coach that has been blessed with great talent. He should've had a better gameplan for the Spurs, even if we were down by 34 at the half. I wonder what Adelman was thinking when we got down by 15, then 25, then 35. I'll leave that to Adelman to not do anything. I hope he chooses to leave Sac at the end of this year, it'll probably give us a breath of fresh air.


Super Moderator Emeritus
kiparking said:
I disagree. First of all, which big egos are you talking about? Other than Artest, Kings really don't have egos too big to handle. Second, I am not saying he did a bad job as a coach outside of the court. He just doesn't do much DURING a game. So many times Kings have fallen apart on the court, and rarely he does anything to patch things up. Good players win the games. Good coaches hold them together even in a losing game.
Artest, Kenny Thomas, Bonzi Wells - to name three.

Knicks were horrible during the season, but Larry Brown has done a lot of experiments and adjustments to turn things around. They just didn't work well enough. Adelman? He doesn't experiment, period. Well, at least not during the games. He sticks by his game plan till the end, no matter how bad things are going. Not a great quality in a coach, if you ask me.
You're kidding, right? Larry bleeping Brown as an example of what Adelman should do? Yeah, okay. As far as Adelman sticking to his game plan no matter what, have you seen his game plans? Well? No, I didn't think so. He tried just about every combination tonight to try and find something that would work. I'm damned sure that wasn't his game plan. Nor was having Miller grab a total of one rebound the way Adelman planned for things to go.

And if you are suggesting that he isn't doing his job because this is his last job as a King, that just means he isn't very professional, something one wouldn't want in their coach.
WHAT?!?!!?! Please show me where I ever said anything even remotely indicating that feeling. Please do not put words into my mouth.

You are the one who said the front office should reconsider the coaching job, as if it was Adelman's to lose. It's not his to lose at this point. It's lost UNTIL AND UNLESS the Maloofs decide to re-sign him. You misspoke; I called you on it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
beemerr23 said:
You must be an Adelman fan, that's pretty apparent. Unfortunately, Adelman does nothing in games to change the momentum, or make any needed changes. He's right about Artest carrying us to the playoffs too, I don't see Adelman as the type of coach to get the players fired up for a playoff series. Rather, I can clearly see Artest putting the confidence in people to let them know we have a legitimate chance at beating the Defending Champs. Adelman is a bad coach that has been blessed with great talent. He should've had a better gameplan for the Spurs, even if we were down by 34 at the half. I wonder what Adelman was thinking when we got down by 15, then 25, then 35. I'll leave that to Adelman to not do anything. I hope he chooses to leave Sac at the end of this year, it'll probably give us a breath of fresh air.
I don't think being a fan of a coach with over 750 victories who has taken the Kings to the playoffs EVERY SINGLE YEAR he's coached them is a bad thing. The Kings have the third longest playoff appearance string going in the NBA. That's not luck.

Your Adelman bashing is getting old and predictable. You really need to find some new material.


VF21 said:
I don't think being a fan of a coach with over 750 victories who has taken the Kings to the playoffs EVERY SINGLE YEAR he's coached them is a bad thing. The Kings have the third longest playoff appearance string going in the NBA. That's not luck.

Your Adelman bashing is getting old and predictable. You really need to find some new material.
I don't bash particular people, I point out our weaknesses with the team. If Adelman is a weakness, then so be it. I think Adelman's lack of coaching here was pretty apparent, and I'm not the only one.
VF21 said:
Artest, Kenny Thomas, Bonzi Wells - to name three.
Kenny Thomas is a whiner, nothing more. Bonzi Wells at least doesn't bring his ego on to the court. They might hold a grudge a little, but not enough to mess up the games. Egos they have, but not enough effort is required to excuse Adelman's inactivity during games.

VF21 said:
You're kidding, right? Larry bleeping Brown as an example of what Adelman should do? Yeah, okay. As far as Adelman sticking to his game plan no matter what, have you seen his game plans? Well? No, I didn't think so. He tried just about every combination tonight to try and find something that would work. I'm damned sure that wasn't his game plan. Nor was having Miller grab a total of one rebound the way Adelman planned for things to go.
What combination? He should have taken out Miller in the first half for someone like Big Nasty, to get things more physical again. He didn't even bring out bench players long enough to do anything. Larry Brown couldn't produce this season, but at least he tried. I can't say for before, but this season Adelman is just staying on the ride for the year. He is not doing the work, at least not enough to justify the pay.

VF21 said:
WHAT?!?!!?! Please show me where I ever said anything even remotely indicating that feeling. Please do not put words into my mouth.

You are the one who said the front office should reconsider the coaching job, as if it was Adelman's to lose. It's not his to lose at this point. It's lost UNTIL AND UNLESS the Maloofs decide to re-sign him. You misspoke; I called you on it.
You are the one putting words on my mouth. I said IF we lose the first series, they should reconsider. And I didn't say you said he isn't professional. What I mean is that if he is not doing his best because of contract dispute, that is just plainly unprofessional of him.
kiparking said:
I disagree. First of all, which big egos are you talking about? Other than Artest, Kings really don't have egos too big to handle. Second, I am not saying he did a bad job as a coach outside of the court. He just doesn't do much DURING a game. So many times Kings have fallen apart on the court, and rarely he does anything to patch things up. Good players win the games. Good coaches hold them together even in a losing game.

Knicks were horrible during the season, but Larry Brown has done a lot of experiments and adjustments to turn things around. They just didn't work well enough. Adelman? He doesn't experiment, period. Well, at least not during the games. He sticks by his game plan till the end, no matter how bad things are going. Not a great quality in a coach, if you ask me.

As for the contract, the fact that he hasn't gotten an extension is his own fault. Like I said, Kings only got to the playoff because of Artest, not because of Adelman. To be honest, he isn't really helping his case either. And if you are suggesting that he isn't doing his job because this is his last job as a King, that just means he isn't very professional, something one wouldn't want in their coach.
this entire statement is ridiculous


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
There was absolutely NOTHING to be done in this one by any coach in the history of basketball. The better team came out to send a message and crushed us, simple as that.

And the results of this series have absolutely nothign to do with Adelman as a coach. Only the seriously deluded were running around thinking we were the favorites here. Of course that has always been Rick's problem in Sacto -- rabid fandom leads to serious delusion about how good the kings are EVERY year. And so its always a disappointment when we somehow lose.

Rick may stay or he may go. But only a fool would base it on this series -- do Avery and D'Antoni get fired too if the Spurs roll through them on the way to run into the Pistons? Heck they've got better teams, so I guess they would be failures.

P.S. as an aside the Knicks have had a hoirrible season BECAUSE Larry Brown is an egotistical jackass who spent the season whining and complaining and more or less intentionally trying to disrupt the Knicks at every turn. One of the worst coahcing jobs I have ever seen at an NBA level.
Bricklayer said:
There was absolutely NOTHING to be done in this one by any coach in the history of basketball. The better team came out to send a message and crushed us, simple as that.

And the results of this series have absolutely nothign to do with Adelman as a coach. Only the seriously deluded were running around thinking we were the favorites here. Of course that has always been Rick's problem in Sacto -- rabid fandom leads to serious delusion about how good the kings are EVERY year. And so its always a disappointment when we somehow lose.

Rick may stay or he may go. But only a fool would base it on this series -- do Avery and D'Antoni get fired too if the Spurs roll through them on the way to run into the Pistons? Heck they've got better teams, so I guess they would be failures.

P.S. as an aside the Knicks have had a hoirrible season BECAUSE Larry Brown is an egotistical jackass who spent the season whining and complaining and more or less intentionally trying to disrupt the Knicks at every turn. One of the worst coahcing jobs I have ever seen at an NBA level.
I am not trying to assess Adelman solely based on this series. Throughout this season, Adelman's effort, if any, has been nukewarm at best. He couldn't keep the team together as it fell apart so early in the season, nor gave any motivation for the players to inspire from. Some might disagree, but I believe it was Artest who brought this team to the playoff. Trust me, I'm no Artest fan, but I gotta admit the truth.

He hasn't made any demand to the front office to improve the team, nor has he made any adjustment to his game plans which were so obviously not working. If your players can't sink a shot, it's their lack of skills. If they lack intensity, then it's the coach's failure. Let's be honest. Before Artest, Bonzi was the only heart in the game.

Basically what I am saying is, Adelman hasn't done his job much during the season, and he doesn't appear to start any time soon either. It might not even be his fault. Maybe he is not happy with the front office. In either case, if things don't turn around in the next game, maybe it is the time.


Bricklayer said:
P.S. as an aside the Knicks have had a hoirrible season BECAUSE Larry Brown is an egotistical jackass who spent the season whining and complaining and more or less intentionally trying to disrupt the Knicks at every turn. One of the worst coahcing jobs I have ever seen at an NBA level.
While I agree Larry Brown has made some questionable decisions/comments this year, I think it was more of Isiah Thomas disrupting the Knicks at every turn. Look at his moves, absolutely awful.
VF21 said:
I don't think being a fan of a coach with over 750 victories who has taken the Kings to the playoffs EVERY SINGLE YEAR he's coached them is a bad thing. The Kings have the third longest playoff appearance string going in the NBA. That's not luck.

Your Adelman bashing is getting old and predictable. You really need to find some new material.
Name one coach in NBA who can't accomplish that with Webber, Divac, Bibby, Peja, etc, etc.


kiparking said:
Name one coach in NBA who can't accomplish that with Webber, Divac, Bibby, Peja, etc, etc.
Like I said, he's been blessed with great talent. VF21 isn't ready to admit that they're fond of Adelman because of the success our players have given us.
beemerr23 said:
Like I said, he's been blessed with great talent. VF21 isn't ready to admit that they're fond of Adelman because of the success our players have given us.
so what you're saying is, when the kings won back then it was the players, but when they lose now it's adelman???