D.C. Says Goodbye - kings.com and KHTK 5 pm

After a several questions to start off (and some talking to Tag), Grant and Mike were just telling him how much the fans were saying they going to miss him, and asking him how that felt. He tried to answer that one time, then the second time he had to give the phone to Jackie.
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Didnt get to the phone calls , he was asked " How does it feel that you will always remembered here in Sacramento ? " A pause then he said about that is all a player would want (not sure exactly what he said) then he broke down and handed the phone to Jackie who said he broke down and said good bye to the guys..
Thanks GoSAC for the correction...

At the start of the interview he was very gracious and understanding that it was a business decision and that he understood that.
Funderburke, Divac, Christie. These are quality men. That interview was rough. Basketball doesn't really matter, but people like these do matter.
Oh my gosh you guys....that was rough. I was eating dinner, listening to the radio and had to stop becasue my food was getting soggy :( :(....

I'll post a transcript....
Wow...I turned on the radio in the car after work right when the interview started. I drove down the street to get some food and decided to sit and listen until a commercial break and run inside. I sat there and listened until Jackie hung up - that was some emotional stuff.

I don't own any jerseys, but I think I'm going to have to order a DC Orlando jersey pretty soon here...
jelement said:
Wow...I turned on the radio in the car after work right when the interview started. I drove down the street to get some food and decided to sit and listen until a commercial break and run inside. I sat there and listened until Jackie hung up - that was some emotional stuff.

I don't own any jerseys, but I think I'm going to have to order a DC Orlando jersey pretty soon here...
Where can I still get Kings' DC No. 13 jersey or are they all pulled? I don't own any sports memorabilia but I want this one.
Transcript-Final Doug Christie Show


Transcript-Final Doug Christie Show

January 11, 2005

For the past few seasons, Doug Christie has regularly called into KHTK Sports 1140 to take part in 'The Doug Christie Show'. Attached is the transcript of Grant Napear and Mike Lamb with Doug in his final show, before he heads to Orlando as part of the trade that brought Cuttino Mobley and Michael Bradly to Sacramento

Grant: “We are joined now by the consummate professional, the classiest of a guy you will meet, and we are talking of course about Doug Christie. D.C., listen bud, there is no good way to say it, we’re going to miss you around here bud. Thanks for coming on. Give us your thoughts now that you’ve had 24 hours to digest the news.

Doug: “Man, first of all, we would like to thank all the fans from my family and myself. It’s been a great run. Man Grant, when it hit me, it was out of the blue. But now that you’ve got a chance to sit back and think, the first thing that comes to mind is that it’s a business. You’ve got to understand that and you understand that when you sign up. The Maloof family and the Kings, they have just been fantastic. And we don’t have anything but good things to say about our experience here. It’s been fantastic, we’ve accomplished a lot—didn’t quite reach the goal that we wanted to, but I think the experience lends itself to some pretty good times in peoples minds. So, like I said, it was unfortunate that it caught me at an awkward time but the first thing that goes thought your mind is your family and kids—they’re in school and all that type of stuff. Then you kinda get sad because you go back to all the good times you had in your mind, but at the same time you’ve got to understand because it’s a business. I think Geoff and the Maloofs have made good decisions in the past, unfortunately we won’t get to enjoy it with everybody, but we have to go on and be what we are—professionals, loving people, caring about our family and just keep moving on.”

Mike: You said that Geoff and the Maloofs make good decisions, how good was the decision to sign Greg Ostertag to this team?

Doug: “I think there was a void, you know, and when there is a void you have to try and fill it. You know, Vlade meant a lot to this team, but at the same time you have to add the pieces that you see at a particular time that are going to bring what you need to the team. And in those meetings I’m sure that they discussed all the different things and made the decisions that were best for the team. They’ve always been class people and a class organization to my family and myself from day one, and those are the types of things that we’re going to remember?

Greg Ostertag (suddenly jumping on the air): “But what about, how did you like the guy, was he a good guy or…”

Doug: “I hear him now Grant, that piece of crap (laughing). Actually, he was one of my favorites, he was actually one of my wife’s favorites.”

Greg Ostertag: “Dang right!”

Doug: “He was always funny, always the same, and we enjoyed that."

Greg: “shoot, I knew I wasn’t going to get a chance to talk to you, so, man, I just wanted to say that it was cool hanging out with you when I got to know you. I didn’t used to like you, I got to be honest. I didn’t like you much at all.”

Doug: “But you know what? That poses good because you were trying to get me to gamble my money away and I kept it in my pocket.”

Greg: “You know that, you two still owe me going out on the town one night, so I won’t forget that.”

Grant: “Well they’ll be in town next month so you can take them up on that.”

Greg: “I got another tear when they told me they traded you like I did the other night in New Orleans. Well have a good time, we’ll see you on down the road, alright bud.”

Doug: “Always big fella.”

Greg: “All right Dougie, tell your wife I said hey.”

Grant: “You know Doug, you’ve been through this a number of times and so you’re right that you say it’s a business. You mentioned some of the special moments here, what’s the one thing you take from Sacramento when you look back, and maybe you’ll be on the plane tomorrow, but you’ll say, ‘That’s the thing I liked best about Sacramento.”

Doug (voice shaking): “You know, it would probably be game seven even though it didn’t work out.”

Grant: “You talking about game seven of the Lakers?”

Doug: “Yeah…Man there are so many times, I can’t even tell you. Webb came by and I was telling him the first time I knew that I was in a crazy situation was when I came down the floor, and Jason Williams had the ball and I was running with him—he passes me the ball, and all at once as he passes it, and I’m at the three point line and all this is going through my mind, I’m thinking I’m gonna catch it and I’m gonna make a move, and he yells, ‘Shoot it!’ And I shot it and made it and said, ‘You know what, this is alright with me!’”

Grant: “In that bell West accent. You’d almost have to know Jason for the fans out there listening, I can almost hear it.”

Doug: “It made me smile and I thought, this is fantastic.”

Mike: “Doug, how great is it to think about the fact that you won’t be forgotten by Kings fans. Because you know how it is with this city, when somebody leaves, they don’t really leave. Everybody still talks about the guys that were here and were very productive. You saw what happened when Vlade left and when Vlade came back. How important is that going to be to you that Kings fan’s are going to hold you in their heart?”

Doug: “Man, in a business like this, that could just well be the biggest thing that happens in your career…(breaks down and puts the phone down).”

Grant: “Well, and you’ll be back next month Doug, and I’m telling you, we’ve been on this show yesterday for three hours and today and I haven’t heard one bad thing about you. People have been looking at the websites and stuff and fans are going to miss you. That doesn’t even mean whether or not it was a good trade or not, most people understand that it’s something that will take time. Everybody that we’ve talked to said they’re going to miss Doug Christie, that’s got to make you feel good.”

Doug: “(softly)Yeah…”

Mike: “It’s kind of an emotional thing isn’t it?

Jackie Christie: “You guys, I’m sorry, he’s alittle emotional right now—he just handed me the phone. It’s a real trying time, and I just want to say that the fans and everyone here have been fantastic. It hurts our heart, but we understand. And we’re just going to go, and Orlando will be our new place, but Sacramento is really our home.”

Grant: “Jackie, we’re going to have a great tribute on our television show tonight, I hope you guys can check that out?”

Jackie: “Ok, well we’re going to watch and we pray for you guys to have much success and god bless everyone and all the fans.”