Could somebody tell me what is wrong with Arco?

It all about the money as it ALWAYS is,but this time thats a good thing.
A new arena means Kings sign a long term lease,and that right there would be the only incentive I would need.This is a win win situation for Sac town,if you could get an investor to throw in and make a rental car tax and a hotel per room tax, Sac residence would have to pay very little.You just want to make sure you put lots of stuff around the new Arena to do.Here is the link of our arena,and everything we are putting in around it.
If and when a vote comes up for a new arena in your town,vote yes,quite honestly their is no other rational choice.
I think their is almost 1 billion dollars in new construction going on in KC downtown. Kansas City will have our arena built by 2007,hoping for NBA(commish sais that puts us on the map),the Hornets(they suck) and the Magic (The commish said franchise would not be able to stay without new arena)have been thrown about as possibilities,I would take either 1.For those of you actually interested on whats happenning in KC here is alot of info on our new downtown,you might want to visit someday.Maybe the Kings will play a game there someday and pound the hell out of KC's team.I would pay to see that.
I was wrong 3.5 billion dollars in downtown construction,oops.
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Kingsgurl said:
Corona's $10.25 already.
Did they go up in the last week?? I was there Tuesday and it was only 9.50??

Anyone, we shouldn't forget that you are paying for a 24 oz. beer!!

So, in essence, a 12 oz. beer is only 4.75 :D


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
The roof leaks, there are problems switching rapidly from one event to another (especially when Ice Skating events come to ARCO), and the added revenue would help the team actually turn a profit (the Kings basically break even most years). The new TV contract helps, but additional boxes and more seats would help more. The foundations were not designed to accomodate a renovation/enlargement of the existing building. The amenities stink compare to other venues.

Do we need to go on? :)
It's definitely a monetary issue. The current arena situation doesn't allow for the Maloofs to be on an even plane with other top tier ownerships/ teams in the league. If you look at the other great franchises in the NBA they all have pretty top shelf arenas. The fact is the Kings have one of the higher payrolls in the NBA, one of the best teams in the league, without the benefit of one of the best arenas. The one thing the Maloofs have done since coming to town is to try to make the Kings top tier in every respect, and to me at least have shown that they are more interested in winning in the NBA and the Sacramento community, than profit. That being said, profit is always a consideration.

As a side note, I'm a BIG fan of a downtown arena combined with some urban developing of Sac's downtown. I spent some time in Colorado, and downtown Denver has an Amazing downtown, and I think a good chunk of that revolves around the fact they have a downtown ballpark, and arena. I think it could be a positive for Sacramento as well as for the Maloofs. I hope if we do get a new arena we seriously consider it for downtown and not out in the Suburbs like we've had.

One more thing, if we do build a new arena, I think we should do like the Celtics did with their parque floor and move the same visiting locker rooms over from Arco to our new digs.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
With all the problems the Sacramento "leaders" are having pulling their collective heads out of their a**es, if it does go somewhere other than on the existing site / vicinity, I would almost like to see it in West Sacramento near Raley field, just over the river from downtown.

I think the infrastructure in place will pretty much lead to it being located near the existing one, but I hope they get around to extending light rail out there soon....
The reason that a new arena is wanted is because there are not enough luxury boxes. That is where the money is at. The Maloofs want an arena that houses more boxes that companies will buy, thus bringing more revenue.


Super Moderator Emeritus
There are a LOT of reasons a new arena is needed. It isn't as simple as saying the Maloofs just want more luxury boxes.

It's a fantastic arena, it's just old...and it was cheaply built to begin with.
A new stadium would provide more seats which equals more money. also the kings dont have as many executive boxes as the other nba teams so that would also increase income.
whatever happens, I just pray that Sac residents don't let money come between them and keeping OUR team in Sac. I used to live there but am overseas now ( not by my own choice) but it still feels like home to me. My family still lives there and I visit OFTEN. The Kings are such a HUGE part of the community I cannot imagine a Sac without the Kings. What is the problem? Why can't people see paying a few extra bucks in taxes is WORTH IT in the long run. If it comes to it and they put it on the ballot VOTE YES for god's sake!!! If you don't I guarantee it will be regretted later. Also I don't agree with putting the arena downtown, unless we also build a new freeway (not likely) the freeways downtown are chock full already I cannot even imagine what they would be like on a game night with a downtown arena.
swisshh said:
I never heard anyone ***** about Arco until just recently.
That's not exactly accurate. It's no secret that Arco is one of the oldest buildings on the league. The Maloofs and the NBA have both talked about the need for a new arena.

It's no surprise. It's just a logistical matter of trying to get it done. I'm hopeful it will come together.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Peja2005 said:
it came up in the news again just recently
We know. We see it on the TV, hear it on the radio, read it in the paper, etc. Since you're new, you might want to check our back threads and see just how often the arena is brought up here, too.


BTW, welcome to the board.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I think it becoming news again because the building, as a home for an NBA team in the 21st century, is finally getting to the end of it's useful life. It will take several years to get a new arena built (planning, engineering, financing, actual construction).

If you are smart, you do not wait until your house collapses before you build a replacement.

Nobody is saying ARCO will actually fall down in 5 years, but the maintainance issues will not get better, the old arena continues to hamstring the owners (not just the Maloofs, there are others as well) financially, and we will never draw some events (the All-Star game being one) without a completely new, state-of-the-art building.

It needs to be done, and done soon.
I understand Arco is old, I am just sick and tired of people talking about it like it's some derelict space station about to be washed out into space. That's just propaganda. Yes, it's old and it won't last forever. No, the roof will not cave in during tonight's game.


Super Moderator Emeritus
swisshh said:
I understand Arco is old, I am just sick and tired of people talking about it like it's some derelict space station about to be washed out into space. That's just propaganda. Yes, it's old and it won't last forever. No, the roof will not cave in during tonight's game.
No, the roof most likely will not cave in during tonight's game.

BUT building an arena isn't an overnight, water it and it will grow proposition either. It's going to take 3-5 years to get one built once the decision is made to do it.

You can't wait until it IS falling down to decide to start talking about an eventual replacement.
em-fan - as you well know, most if not all of the tax proposals involve the city of Sac, not the county. County, 1.3, mebbe 1.5 million residents, city 400K. Argument being, why should the city landowners alone pay tax for a team that is regionally attractive? Debates go on and on, I only present this is one of many issues at hand. Suffice it to say, we all want and expect an "elite" team, for some that may be at the expense of "family affordable" attendance and we shouldn't expect our "elites" to play in what has become, by NBA standards, a barn!
swisshh said:
I understand Arco is old, I am just sick and tired of people talking about it like it's some derelict space station about to be washed out into space. That's just propaganda. Yes, it's old and it won't last forever. No, the roof will not cave in during tonight's game.
you're very right. But, if you are the Maloofs, and have put together one of the better teams in the NBA, do you want to continue to play in an arena that is at the bottom end of the totem pole? Now, imagine there is a brand new arena sitting in say, Kansas City, just begging for an NBA team. Still want to stay in the old arena? I think the point is that the team needs, wants, and is going to get (eventually) a new arena. If Sacramento doesn't step up to the plate, then the Kings will eventually relocate. End of story. We either find a way to make it happen, or we are going to lose this team. Personally I hope they find a way to make it happen.
Sparky said:
The aisles are frighteningly narrow at the mid to upper levels. If a person suffers from even a slight fear of heights, they can get terrified. I've seen it happen. God forbid, if a person were to take a nasty tumble they could fall down a couple of rows before finding a guard rail to stop them. That is, if the bodies they fell on did not stop them in the first place. I have not been to many stadiums, but something about Arco just feels unsafe.
Yikes, is it that bad? I was thinking of taking my daughter (who is 8) to a game. We have upper level tickets :(